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Jumping on the SW bandwagon


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G'day everyone, As the title says i am thinking of starting up a Space Wolf army and figure the best way to start is grab a basic squad, build and paint it and see if i like it from there. Basically all i have done so far it snip, clean and build em all. I would just like to add, man cleaning mold lines is boring :lol: . Anyway i figure people like looking at pics more then words so here is where i am at atm.


so basically what i have done is built 4 just with the basic bolter, one with melta gun, one with a banner because its too nice to pass up painting, another who could have mark of the wolfen with like the wolf helm, gun and sword. Then i have a 3 magnetised because there are so many nice options. one can have a Melta gun, the leader can have a powerfist or be a wolf guard with thunder hammer, and the last has the option to have powerfist if i have mr thunder hammer.

Hmm that is just a long bit of gibberish i think, but hopefully someone understood. I am planning to undercoat them tomorrow hopefully so i can get the paints out and have a bash at em.

Anyway any comments, not that there is much yet, might have to use that unbuilt Sm commander and make if a leader. Main reason of this anyway is to try and keep me motivated, altho i haven't had a good track record.

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Nice Gibberish =-D

And nice models. Does the second guy from the left have a wolf head? I'm thinking of buying a box for upgrades...what do you think of the sprues? A good investment?

And magnetizing is a great idea, nice options indeed. But I think you might want to save some nice options for normal tactical marines if you get some, so you can wolf-ify them. =-D

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Hey mate, yeah there is a wolf helmet not head per say. As for saving bits i will probably just buy this army from the UK as it makes it look cheap for me. The difference in price is basically say i am buying the wolf Guard terminators they will cost me $69 Aus, if i get them from the uk for the same 70 bucks i can get a box of grey hunters as well. So yeah makes the hobby seem cheap :P . Damn Australian prices never adjusting to the world dollar. I also have quite a few spares laying around from my chaos and blood angels army i have built which helps, as well as some chaos fantasy and empire what i will prob use in later models if i do go ahead with it all.
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Well i got em undercoated and started work on the first guy, this is for anyone who half cares really lol. here is a WIP pic of the first guy to kinda see the steps i put my self threw (talk about waste time on a basic guy)


Anyway any critic or anything is welcome. I am also trying to figure out how to make a cool looking HQ out of the space marine capitan when the basic dudes look so cool lol, not as easy as i thought.

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looking good. I've also gone for the grey armour myself, it can look a too grey so I ve added some colour by giving all the blood claw red helmets. and the wolf guard have blue helmets. my rune priests are blue, and the wolf preists are black. also each pack has ints own coloured shoulder pads.



I've had the army for a while now and some of the models won't be game legal but at present Ive


4 packs of grey hunters 10 in each (well 9 really as each is led by a wolf guard)

9 blood claw led by wolf guard

6 sky claw

6 swift claw and one attack bike

2 iron priests - painted one iron priest metallic the other is all red.

1 scratch built ven dread.

bjorn the fell hand

1 dread with multimelta and powerfist

Njal in power armour



1 wolf prist with jump pack

1 wolf priest on a bike

1 wolf priest in terminator armour

1 rune priest with x2 wolf claws

1 rune priest with jump pack

the old leman russ model with his wolves. Ive converted him to be taller as its an old old old model

1 drop pod

2 rhinos

2 predators

1 whirl wind

1 land raider redeemer/crusader

2 land speeders

5 long fang models and one squad leader.

and 5 wulfen models to use as Mark of wulfen chaps.


plus a whole host of extra wolf lord and wolf lord models.


I am selling of the metal wolf guard terminators as Ive never liked them and plan on getting the new plastic ones...or converting the space hulk models depends on how lazy I feel when it comes to the pinch.


out of all that I'd say it was 70% painted. I'd get it all done if I didn't keep repainting stuff or making conversions.........

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Nice, i am planning to paint space wolves grey as like highlights over the grey he has at the moment. Its just one coat of astronomican grey for the main armour so yeah still need to do more, it will take for ever tho if i plan to paint my whole army in this way.
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Well just finished my first guy, here is a pic of him


Over all i am quite happy with how he turned out, altho i did spend too much time on him i think :lol: . Anyway comments and critic are more then welcome.

Might get back to trying to figure this HQ model again.

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looks good mate. I've been devising a faster way of getting my rank and file chaps done as I used to take ages to paint a squad. I spary them black then dry brush with codex grey. Wash with black wash then dry brush again to high light. Looks OK when you have a bulk of troops all done the same.
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