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Angelic Blood Angels Commander

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I think the model looks awesome and really like his sword/spear. I agree about the plasma pistol, it just doesn't wow like the rest of the model. I don't think you need to change the type of weapon just something that looks a bit more grand. Something like Chaplain Grimaldus' PP or this one here (possibly with a scope attached).


really beautiful GSing though!

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it would look really cool if you had any heavy bolters lieing around and made him one handing one. that would be awesome, or some other heavier weapon. Nice job though!


Now I think that may be a little to big! ha



So far he looks good, I think just adding some details to the plasma pistol will be sufficient.

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I think combi-weapons often look too bulky and cumbersome in one hand. I think a beefed up plasma pistol would look cool. Had a look on CMoN and found a couple of examples.






A shield would also look nice, but perhaps a combat shield strapped to the wrist and keep the hand out pointing??

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I think it's beautiful! IF you wanted to change the head (the wings on his head are less detailed than the wings on his back and so stand out) then I would suggest you look at the new space wolf troop sprue. There is one bare head that has long flowing hair that looks very brushed and taken care of and I always thought of the blood angels as being very "pretty" (now I'm going to get shot by a blood angel).


for the gun I think you shouldn't worry since all plasma pistols will look small in his hand so either upgrad to a combi weapon (I wouldnt) or leave it.


your GS work is amazing and I really dig your model. congrats!

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Wow thanks for all the comments guys =D im blow over thanks so much. And yeah i do like the PP the other PP's look a lil too big. If i modified em let me take some close up of the pp i think it works i could add some pipes make it look a lil more beefy, Also was thinking at the back where his wings meet, i wanted to add the cloak flowing down, kinda like the BA from Space hulk whatcha think guys?.



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Very very excellent!


What bits did you use for the spear, if you don't mind me asking?


Great job.



Well thankyou all im glad you like him, and Symeon to answer your question. The staff is from the chaos terminator lord sprue, the blade from the Plastic blood letters prue, trimmed down to look less jagged, and the wings either side of the g's blood tear are simple from the top of the banner sprue available from the command squad sprue, but any wings would do really, hope this helps =].


Anyas going to start work on the style of cloak update soon!.

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