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Reckoners Space Marines, bit by bit.

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Three years out and here I am again, and unsurprisingly I returned to the hobby with Marines in mind.


The Reckoners have been tootling round in my head for half a decade, and now finally they have some tabletop guys to go with the fluff. (Speaking of which, read more about that here.)


My aim here is to relearn what I've forgotten in three years away from the hobby and try to build an army at a decent table top standard. Define decent Tom? Well, by decent I mean er. Well. I don't know what I mean. As good as I can be bothered.


Now, I'm not going to win any awards for my painting skill, and the point of this thread is not for me to show off. Rather I want to try and get some C&C regarding colour scheme choices, chapter iconography and squad markings, and also to try and put some pressure on me to keep collecting.


This will keep growing week on week as I keep spending my pay on it, so if you're at all interested updates should be fairly regular from here on in.


Anyway... Here are the Reckoners 3rd Company as they stand so far:



A Dreadnought by the name of Caleb and a Sternguard Veteran squad. The Sternguard Veteran models can claim a lot of responsibility for my returning to the hobby. Very nice indeed.



Sniper Scouts. I hate the heads on the new plastic kit so I used heads from Pig Iron Productions. Much nicer. The Heavy Bolter Scout was found on eBay, got it from a great chap who through in an extra metal scout too. Nice! Crikey look at that mould line...



Some Tactical Marines. Not finished yet. Note the lovely old Veteran Sergeant model whose head I badly need to re-paint.



A few more Tactical Marines (including a Sergeant pointing the other way), and their Drop Pod. What a kit to come back to that was, though this image is showing how poor I am at remembering to thin down my paints...



Terminators. Yeurgh, sorry about this horrible pic. Will try harder next time. (Can you believe that was the best of about 15?)


That Black Reach box is a blooming marvel. All that and I sold the Orks for £20. Nicely nicely!


I'm pleased with how the gold is coming out personally. Thoughts?


This is next on the list:



I was gutted when I couldn't find this model on the GW site, easily my favourite Chaplain model of all time. Luckily I found it on eBay for £3.50!




So! First question to you lot: Battle Tanks.


I'm painting transports and other.. no combatant (effectively) vehicles and items of equipment black, but the idea had crossed my mind that battle tanks and such should be gold, so as to honour their machine spirits. (In the eyes of the marines after all they can be considered heros in themselves). Any tips on painting gold on such a larger scale before I give it a shot myself?


More soon. Peace!

Thanks! The Pig Iron parts used were these Kolony Heavy Infantry head sprues. I like that they have the rebreather effort you get on a Space Marine helmet while still looking like they are a lot lighter and could even be open.


++EDIT++ Oops! Wrong part! They're these Kolony Heavy Infantry Visored heads. ++EDIT++

I wish I knew about that site, I just tried to obscure my Scout Heads with the sniper rifles :)


Looking great so far mate, really like the look of the army. Then again, I've always been a sucker for gold marines (odd considering I'm a Smurfs player).

and which pig iron parts did you use?


Heavy Infantry Visored helmets if I'm not mistaken. :)


With regards to the tanks, I'm not sure about all gold paint scheme - would have to see it in the flesh.


I really like the progress so far, great choice of colour palette. Please get more painted!

Heavy Infantry Visored helmets if I'm not mistaken. :)


Just noticed that as you posted!


Thanks for the kind words guys. I think gold is perfect for marines personally: I was always surprised that none of the First Founding Chapters had a gold colour scheme to mirror their Emperor's armour. Maybe they were too humble? Reckoners marines are arrogant enough to wear whatever the hell they like. And they like gold!


I always loved painting characters in Artificer Armour gold too, like the Blood Angels characters and Helbrect from the Black Templars.


As for gold tanks - my thoughts mirror yours ThomKovacs. I can't quite decide whether it'd look absurd or brilliant. Or both...

Really liking it a lot :P


Mind sharing your gold method/recipe?


Mine comes out a bit, for lack of better word, 'spottier' (ex : Back of Dreadnaught )


Not sure if it is due to using Brazen Brass as my base and then using Old Gold then Gold to highlight :P

I think it's because the Custodes were gold, like a reserved colour for them back in the pre-heresy period, but that is just a wild stab in the dark, I'm probably wrong.


This sounds likely indeed.


The gold recipe is as follows:


  1. Stipple Shining Gold, or drybrush if that is too fiddly
  2. Liberal wash of Devlan Mud (or as I like to call it, Miracle Wash)
  3. Thinned-down coat of Shining Gold, leaving the recessed areas
  4. [optional] Thinned-down wash of Devlan Mud
  5. [optional] Edge highlight with Shining or Burnished Gold


I only do the two last steps when I'm feeling really fancy. If you skip the Burnished Gold you only need two paints. Neat!


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