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Inquisitor Izrael Hawk

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Well, I've been asked to make a 40k Inquisitor for a friend of mine. We sat down together and worked out what ordo the Inquisitor was from, what equipment he was going to have and what he would look like (including colour scheme etc.). After a couple of false starts - models which at first seemed good, but soon became apparent they were going in the wrong direction - I settled on using Solomon Lok (the Ordo Xeno Inquisitor from forgeworld).


What a nightmare to put together... but thats another story...


Anyway, I decided that, going by the descriptions etc. my friend had given me, I needed to change the sword and build a bolter/flamer from scratch (including altering the "gun" arm to carry the new gun).


The result is below - C&C welcome, and I'll be... updating the thread as more work is done (so it should be a quick one unless I include his retinue...).



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The flamer part is actually an (extremely cut down) terminator heavy flamer. The "pipe" is from the same flamer, cut from near the hand.


Simple was what I was going for ;) - it's such a nice model in itself, but I wanted it to just have a little difference to the original.

Yeah - the Heavy Flamer seems to be a severely under used piece (I actually use one in my Terminator Squad, but hey).


Currently, the cloak is going to be a very dark aubergine/purple and the armour plates will be silver - going to discuss the other "flappy" bits of clothing tonight, then just let my creative side go :D.


There'll be an update shortly once I get going...

I have to be honest, man. I cannot stand people who beat around the bush to get posts up.


There isn't too much to comment on. Its a heavy flamer and a sword to probably replace the old one because its warped. Paint it, then there will be something to comment on.

I have to be honest, man. I cannot stand people who beat around the bush to get posts up.


There isn't too much to comment on. Its a heavy flamer and a sword to probably replace the old one because its warped. Paint it, then there will be something to comment on.



Although i do understand your point of view on the matter, i wouldn't necessarily say the OPs posting has been for the sake of increasing his post count.


Now i am not accusing the OP of doing it, but within the realms of the forum itself, it happens quite frequently, but i would say it's not because it's a 'post race' but because the posters wish to get progressive feedback as they go along. By doing so, they can re-work their projects as needed without having to invest too much time and energy in doing something that ultimately will not work out for them. Also as most people have things to do aside from browse and post on the forum, it is understandable if posts become fragmented and short just because of the person's time commitments.



For the time being it is best to comment on what is readily available, suggest alternatives or other ideas that may inspire the lead poster and wish them luck in the progress.

I have to be honest, man. I cannot stand people who beat around the bush to get posts up.


There isn't too much to comment on. Its a heavy flamer and a sword to probably replace the old one because its warped. Paint it, then there will be something to comment on.



Although i do understand your point of view on the matter, i wouldn't necessarily say the OPs posting has been for the sake of increasing his post count.


Now i am not accusing the OP of doing it, but within the realms of the forum itself, it happens quite frequently, but i would say it's not because it's a 'post race' but because the posters wish to get progressive feedback as they go along. By doing so, they can re-work their projects as needed without having to invest too much time and energy in doing something that ultimately will not work out for them. Also as most people have things to do aside from browse and post on the forum, it is understandable if posts become fragmented and short just because of the person's time commitments.



For the time being it is best to comment on what is readily available, suggest alternatives or other ideas that may inspire the lead poster and wish them luck in the progress.

I know that people have time time restraints and such, but seeing the :jaw drop: emoticon or just a post that says "cool" should be considered spam. It isn't happening in this thread, but I'm just throwing that out there.


I guess the only feedback I can offer is to either convert the model more so he looks like an Inquisitor you made. Forgeworld scupts are awesome, but if you want to make a true character that stands out, you have to convert him more to make him your own. The painting will help, but adding just even tiny details to models will make them stand out as your own.

I have to be honest, man. I cannot stand people who beat around the bush to get posts up.


There isn't too much to comment on. Its a heavy flamer and a sword to probably replace the old one because its warped. Paint it, then there will be something to comment on.



Although i do understand your point of view on the matter, i wouldn't necessarily say the OPs posting has been for the sake of increasing his post count.


Now i am not accusing the OP of doing it, but within the realms of the forum itself, it happens quite frequently, but i would say it's not because it's a 'post race' but because the posters wish to get progressive feedback as they go along. By doing so, they can re-work their projects as needed without having to invest too much time and energy in doing something that ultimately will not work out for them. Also as most people have things to do aside from browse and post on the forum, it is understandable if posts become fragmented and short just because of the person's time commitments.



For the time being it is best to comment on what is readily available, suggest alternatives or other ideas that may inspire the lead poster and wish them luck in the progress.

I know that people have time time restraints and such, but seeing the :jaw drop: emoticon or just a post that says "cool" should be considered spam. It isn't happening in this thread, but I'm just throwing that out there.


I agree, but at the same time you would need to reform a rather significant number of the board's active users. I guess it can't be helped given the medium we work on, but it wouldn't exactly be easy to start regulating what type of posts would count as spam and what count as insightful. Yes the one worded posts happen, and yes they happen frequently, but someone could step in and say that the one sentence posts are 'spam' and thus would cause one giant debate that no one could really win as everyone would have differing views on what is and isn't post-worthy material.

Bolta seems a bit oversized for this kind of mini. I mean GW weapons are quite always oversized (hmmm topknots, staffs, decorated helms are too...) but FW tried more or less to keep better proportions so IMAO, you should try to find a smaller bolter (and maybe not pushing to combi-ing it)...

Funny bickering about posts guys... Are you out of the subject ? Maybe...



Yeah I have to agree Dark Sensei, that I had concerns over that too - but the guy I'm making it for was happy, so I am ;).


Work so far - I really just have the overcloak to do now:






Now, apologies to other posters/readers...


@Alpha PTP - It was not my intention to "beat around the bush to get posts up". I like to take my time over painting my models, and being as people had asked questions I felt it was polite to answer - I also have 5 kids and a pregnant wife who take precedence over my models.


The sword wasn't warped, I just felt another one would work nicely. It's also not a "heavy flamer" (being as an Inquisitor can't actually have a heavy flamer).


Obviously I was going to paint it, but time scarce as I have 5 kids and a pregnant wife who take precedence over my models.


To be totally candid, I don't appreciate people making such provocative remarks - and neither myself nor the other posters made "one comment or single emoticon posts". If you have something constructive (or even negative) about the work in progress, feel free to add it. As it was, your comments would have been far better either kept to yourself, or PM'd directly to myself.

this is the second quite unneccisary remark ive seen from you alpha in the past five mins, you are starting to come off as very rude.


looks very nice, the slight touches you have made look fine, the painting is looking fantasic so far, what colour will the coat be?

Thankyou very much Sword Brethren!


In answer to your question on the cloak, here's the (near) complete pictures...






Just have the base to do and maybe a few more finishing touches

when I saw the first pics I was a little meh on the conversion, the sword looked wrong and the combi bolter very messy, I wasn't expecting much.


BUT now that painting has reached a high point I am pleasantly proved wrong, theres still something about the sword I consider off, but I'm not sure what, it may just be because I do very much like the original, so its hard to see a different sword in its place.


looking forward to its full completion, you don't see this model done very often, which is a shame.

Thanks guys!


Sword Brethren: I'm really pleased with the face - probably the best I've done (shame the model is for someone else ^_^). Personally I had doubts about the cloak being purple, but thats what he wanted, so there we go - it's nice to be surprised when things turn out well...


King Tiger: That damned combi-bolter ^_^! I'm still not over the moon with it... I was never quite sure how I was going to create this one - previously modelled ones I've made looked fine, but... I don't know. Ah well, It'll give me something to concentrate on in future conversions ;). As for the sword, I do really like the original, but I felt something that seemed "heavier" would be a nice addition to the model. The original sword has actually been used for another Inquisitor I'm making (that project will hopefully come later...)


Now... I have a favour to ask...


Around the hem of overlapping peice of cloak (his upper back where the trio of "ports" are), I'm tempted to put some freehand design - nothing overstated, just something to break up the purple a little. What do you think would work well? Or should I even do this at all?

personally i think its a great model, but the purple is the kind of color that needs to be complemented by the rest of the color choices. BUT, it looks great. to break up the purple,i would say to have some sort of regal design that covers the edges, like a silver trim or his personal heraldry or a history of battles he has been in/ a mural or an epic banishing of a daemon.
@Alpha PTP - It was not my intention to "beat around the bush to get posts up". I like to take my time over painting my models, and being as people had asked questions I felt it was polite to answer - I also have 5 kids and a pregnant wife who take precedence over my models.


The sword wasn't warped, I just felt another one would work nicely. It's also not a "heavy flamer" (being as an Inquisitor can't actually have a heavy flamer).


Obviously I was going to paint it, but time scarce as I have 5 kids and a pregnant wife who take precedence over my models.


To be totally candid, I don't appreciate people making such provocative remarks - and neither myself nor the other posters made "one comment or single emoticon posts". If you have something constructive (or even negative) about the work in progress, feel free to add it. As it was, your comments would have been far better either kept to yourself, or PM'd directly to myself.

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about StratoKhan. Also, you have a good start to a chapter with your family. :D I'm one of five, so I know what big families are like.


Most of the people I have heard from who purchased that model replaced the sword because flimsy parts like that from Forgeworld tend to warp and curve. Stupid resin. Love the scupt, though.


I know that people have time time restraints and such, but seeing the :jaw drop: emoticon or just a post that says "cool" should be considered spam. It isn't happening in this thread, but I'm just throwing that out there.

I was merely pointing that out from other threads to The Angelus Sanctus. It happens a lot on the forums, especially in threads where it is a Golden Daemon winning model.


I was more suggesting "Get to painting!" than "Your model sucks ork testicals, please drop dead." You obviously took it the wrong way, and I apologize for that. Now that you have painted, let me do some real criticism. :lol:


The purple has a nice depth to it and makes the model stand out. Not only that, the purple robe is a nice change from the red and bone robes that people usually paint on Inquisitor models. Fun fact: Purple is also one of my favorite colors.


Your metallics look flat. I would do a highlight of 50/50 silver and that bronze color on the edges of the bronze to make it sand out more. I would also recommend using the Gryphonne Sepia, Devlun Mud, and Baddab Black washes GW has in the cracks of the metals. Adding these highlights and shadows will deepen the metallics. Make the contrast as apparent as you did on the purple. I've come to the conclusion in my almost decade of painting that contrast is key to almost any miniature.


The scrolls on his belt could use a little depth. Hit the cracks with a watered down Gryphonne Sepia or Devlun Mud wash depending on the parchment color your want. If you don't get the washes, just use a 50/50 mixture of a darker brown and the bone in the cracks.


Hopes this helps. Finish the model when you can, mate.


Around the hem of overlapping peice of cloak (his upper back where the trio of "ports" are), I'm tempted to put some freehand design - nothing overstated, just something to break up the purple a little. What do you think would work well? Or should I even do this at all?


To keep the theme going, maybe some stylized pomegranates around the edge of the cloak?



First off, I really like the purple, recently discovered it's a great colour to paint but I do think it clashes a bit with the red although saying that I do still like the way it's coming along overall.


How about breaking up the purple by following the curve that already exists on the model just below the ports. Maybe just as simple as a ring of some other colour, I think something light like a bone colour could work quite well. If that's too simple you could always fancy it up a bit, maybe adding in some patterning above the line, like a broccade and keeping the bottom of the coat plain?

Yeah scruff, I was thinking something along those lines myself - I like the idea of a simple bone coloured line. I think it would be understated enough to not take away from the rest of the model, but would be enough to break up the wall of purple on the back.


I have managed to put him on a larger base though (I like to have Inquisitor Lords, Space Marine Captains etc) on Terminator sized bases - gives them a bit more presence and also allows for some extra modelling on the base - My Inquisitor Lord (Hereticus) has a decapitated traitor on his base. But that also leaves me with the need to find something suitable for this Inquisitor (Xenos - maybe some genestealer bits?)


Now if only I could get some spare time to actually finish him off...

And sword brethren wins - gotta be an ethereal!


Ebay here I come :cry:



In the meantime, here's the "completed" version (obviously just waiting to get hold of an Ethereal for the base). I've added in the thin pale lines on the cloak and put him on a larger, "based" base. I'm trying to avoid adding much else, though I'm sure eventually I'll add little details here and there, just nothing major.


Hope you all enjoy it and I'll post more when/if I get the rest of the bits for the base - I'll probably picture him with his retinue at that point too.






(edited to add the completed pictures)


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