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Salamanders Complete Tactical Squad I

I am Legion

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Thanks guys. Next I'm working on a second tac squad (2 trrops and 1 HQ, as is fitting for a fresh new army). I just got the guy looking the way I want to day and will begin priming him tomorrow hopefully, if not then monday. I got outdated pics of the sergeant in my albums if you want to check it out. By outdated I mean his combi-flamer is still silver, whereas here I tried to tie him into the sqaud more. Once the battery charges on the camera I wil take another shot.
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Really clean painting here. Very crisp green without being too bright. Freehand standard is pretty cool too. Your minimalist approach to metallics seems to have placed greater emphasis on the armor color than the shiny bitz. All said, very nice squad.
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I actually got this parchment from a bits order from another person over at Minibattles (see link below), and it came with that badge on it. I actually cannot draw for the life of me.

Vel'cona - yes, the armour is something I strived hardest to do nicely. After I finish my second Tactical squad, I'm going to delve even deeper into making the armour look better. And if anyone cares. Sometime before the next week ends, I will have my next Marine for squad 2 complete.

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I've only used them 2 times, but that was before they were fully painted and ready to go. The one game I tried using them in as a full squad was two games ago at a 2000 point objective based game, and they never made it out of the rhino before I wiped out my buddies forces. But I've gotten many compliments for the unit, and everyone is very careful around them. So I am a little proud.

Just so I set the record straight. I have been painting for 15 years with 0 talent for art. This is THE best I can do and it's still no where close to some of the other stuff I've seen out there which almost looks realistic in terms of painting quality. Anyone can paint like this at almost any point in their hobby stage. I spend about 2 weeks painting each guy, being very very careful. But I always appreciate comments, as it makes me want to do better with each model from this point on.


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Not bad, you gotta work on painting your brown leather bits. Try starting with lighter brown and then using a wash. I don't recommend Devlan Mud for this, the old Rust Brown Ink is still my favourite. Use the Gryphon Sepia maybe, even a little red might help, some edge highlighting on them too would be good.



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