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WIP Dark Angels


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A couple of months ago, I decided to sit down every Friday and paint, at least a little bit. Well, so far it's been working great, and I'm really making progress with my Dark Angels. Even if I don't feel like it, I'll drag out all the paints and gear and sit down to paint, every Friday after work. And the interesting part is that I always get more work done than I anticipate, because when I'm actually sitting there painting, I'm loving it.


So, I thought I'd share some work in progress pics with you all, since I'm fairly proud of what I've managed so far. I'm also hoping I might inspire someone to grab hold of their army and finish it, because that has been my problem since day one in this hobby. I start a lot of projects, but finish very few. This "painting every Friday"-plan is actually working for me, and I'd recommend it to anyone who's short on time and are having trouble finishing their army.


I started this particular project over a year ago (!), but most of the painting has been during these last 8 weeks. 45 minutes to two hours may not mean a lot of painting, but if you do it every week, it adds up!


Here's the whole 1000pt army:




In the above picture, the 1st Tactical Squad is finished. Since the picture was taken, two months ago, the 2nd Tactical Squad, the Company Master with Command Squad and the 1st Rhino have all been finished.


I've still got three tanks to finish:


2nd Rhino:



Command Razorback:






If all goes according to plan, they'll end up looking something like the 1st Rhino:




I'm not 100% happy with the paint job, but I'm 100% pleased that it's done! The mantra for this project has become "Good enough!". If it looks good on the table, it's good enough. I'm not trying to win a painting competition. If I make a mistake, but I can't see it at arms length, I hardly ever bother fixing it.


Here are my HQ and two Troops, finished at last:









I paint all markings freehand, and there are not two that are exactly alike. They're all a bit uneven or crooked, but I don't care. I think they look great together. It's really only when you pick them up and look closer that you realize how different they are.


I realize my goal of having a painted Battle Company is still a long way off. But when I paint an hour or two every week, things happen. Every little bit brings me closer to that goal.

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hail Battle Brother

nice models. theyre painted to a good table top standard and you should be very happy with them. i just wanted to know whether you used any of the new GW washes as i think they would help make your models stand out more on the gaming table. anyways i only mention it as from your pics it didnt seem that you used them. i hope you dont mind my comment. anyways keep up the great work!



Thanks for the comments!


@Little Russy: Must be a perspective thing... I assure you it's regulation size. :D


@kanan: Please elaborate on where and how you think I should use the washes. No offense taken, I'm just curious! I love the new washes, and I use them all the time on all the metallics and the robes.


@Burias-Drak'shal: The trick is to do at least a little bit every session. Even if it's just 20 minutes, you're that much closer to a completely painted model, and it will add up in the end. One of my biggest issues was that I used to think "If I can't sit and paint for at least 3 hours, I won't get anywhere." And I seldom have (or take) the time for that. In the end, even just 20 minutes a week is almost twice as much as 3 hours 10 times a year.


I also use what I call goal sheets to keep focused now. You can read more about goal sheets on my blog: The Angel's Talon / Goal Sheets


Here's the goal sheet for my 1000pt army:




And here's the sheet for the bigger project, the Battle Company:



Nice dark looking angels you have there! The red is good and bright, it makes the models pop and is really rather effective!


I like your goal sheets, might have to give them a go myself. I've been looking for a way of keeping tabs on what i have/haven't got yet and i think this could work, thanks!




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