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dreadnaught daemon prince

sword brethren

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ok, this is my second WIP at once, just gives me some variety.


i tried making a deamon prince a few weeks ago and well... it wasnt great so i have a new idea.


a deamon prince that was a dreadnaught, the deamon having smashed its way out of the sarcophagus, ive done some rough sketches in study at college but i cant post pics til i get home.


let me know what you think of the idea :)

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Looking good so far man, the sketch isn't that bad by the way. Really hope you can pull this idea off. Any who I don't have any proper ideas to give you really but what i am going to offer is that you take a look at the Daemon Soul Grinder model and take inspiration from that, ie broken dreadnought plating fused to fleshy parts, mechanical limbs?engine part/weapons bursting from the fleshy parts etc. You know all that jazzy stuff. :P


Hope its turns out well though man!


(By the way, what does AOBR mean?)

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Go for it man.

With the head i would love to see it screaming as if its in torment and wants to break free of the shackles of the machine to realise its true form.

Go for it and best of luck.

i would love to but due to money issues im pretty much working off spare parts at the moment :woot: i will have daemonic limbs tearing through the armour though!

i do have a modelling update!

im mid way through the sarcothagus, the wings are there for comparison as he will be wearing them :whistling:



any ideas for stuff to put on it? i would love some input to how people would imagine this!


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Nice to see that you went with the soul grinder bits! I agree with the idea of an elbow on the left. Other than that, ANY THING SPIKY! Skulls would look good any where, maybe add BIG Bloodthirster style horns bursting form/attached to the helmet.

The belly bit makes him look a bit fat i think. Maybe you could have tormented soul faces painted/modeled onto the armour?

Look at the dude in the background of the WARHAMMER FANTASY (heresy, i know) daemons book.

(I'm taking the C&C too far amnt i?)


:devil: Thought for the Day: When Life Gives You Lemons, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!! :devil:

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A SHIELD!!!! how dare you i don't think khorne would approve :devil:


only joking, yeah it came to mind, wasnt sure though, im sure ill find somthing to put there as im having doubt over the claw arm now



funny you should say that bloodhowl i was just thinkning about the faces and i was about to look at the tutorial for it!


yes hes a bit tubby at the moment im working on that now by putting wires on, it seems to spread out the size making it look normal.



thanks guys!

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The torso looks great but I'm not so fond about the arms.


The posing of the right arm (the one with GreenStuff) looks a bit off, what movement are you trying to show with that?


The left arm needs another joint, right now it just doesn't look like a real arm, more like some part of a crane or other construction vehicle.


This thing has a lot of potential, keep going! ^^

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Looking good,


I like his left arm, but not his right. Their just to disproporionate. Maybe take the Soul Grinder arm like the left one, but add some chainblades instead of standard claws?


He looks like one badass crab right now hehe


Crab Daemons!!!!

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The posing of the right arm (the one with GreenStuff) looks a bit off, what movement are you trying to show with that?

im gonna make him look like he is taking a swing with it, when i pose the legs im gonna make him look like he is about to lunge

thanks for all the ideas guys, ill probably leave the right arm now as its dry and thats my last bit of greenstuff, also i have raised it to a bit of a different angle now but im still open to ideas for the left arm though :P

ill add some more pics as ive made a little progress

wires ahoy!


just as part of this update id like to say im having massive trouble with the legs, if anybody has done anything similar or thinks of a decent way be sure to let me know ;)


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WOW, I admire not only your ambition but your skill in the execution so far. While I may not be able to help much with legs I have made a kung fu dread kicking an ork...no the same and I'd need to look at it again, what kind of pose do you want the legs in... (and if you're asking me you KNOW your in trouble :) )
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I think I may have some suggestions for arms and legs. I am building a few Demon Machines from bitz only. Maybe the way I built the legs and arms could help you.


Just look at the links to my blog below. Steal any idea you might like. ^^


Linky 1


Linky 2


Linky 3



I'm also thinking about doing some sort of tutorial for bitz-building in the future, but not too soon. ^^

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I'm afraid that I cannot express my true feelings for this, as swearing, even in the from of extremely high praise and admiration, is frowned upon ;)

A fantastic and inspiring piece, along the lines of Cathars *tips hat to*

I shall be watching (and plagarising) with great interest.

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I think I may have some suggestions for arms and legs. I am building a few Demon Machines from bitz only. Maybe the way I built the legs and arms could help you.


Just look at the links to my blog below. Steal any idea you might like. ^^


Linky 1


Linky 2


Linky 3



I'm also thinking about doing some sort of tutorial for bitz-building in the future, but not too soon. ^^



when i forst saw you comment i thought wow, you were the best person i could have commenting on this machine as i had seen these magnifcent beasts before :)


i just took a second look and i have them on screen in case i see something else i like, at the moment im borrowing the idea of using back packs for the feet.



thanks for all the comments guys this is a stress releiver and your comments are really getting me through a tough stage in college :P

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If your going to do a shield then try and get a hold of a plastic teaspoon. The heads on those are just the right size with dreadnoughts.



he's a bit bigger than a dread, im doing the legs now (used cather as inspiration and a bit of lego :huh:)


i dont think a teaspoon would cut it, im on bitz and kits now having a look, im still not sure whether ill have a shield though, please contribute because i have creative block for that arm.


let me know if you wanna see the legs so far, i wasnt gonna show them till they are done but if some people want ill take some pics now.




Edit, just noticed, wooo 500 posts ;)

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Look at any and all khorne daemons and champions-YOU NEED A SWORD OR AN AXE MAN!


Or perhaps one of these (as modeled by my beautiful assistant):



Boltman's Dreadnought


(She aint mine, i found her on google, but she's frickin awesome!!!)


PS Does any one know if i could get away with putting a WIP for a Great Unclean One up in the work in progress forum? (He's starting life as a tennis ball! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)



Please do not hotlink to images you do not own, especially when they are the work of fellow B&C members :)

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ok we have update time!

legs are done as far as construction goes but i need more muscle bulk and i have run dry on green stuff.. sooooo this is it til next week when i get paid and can order some.

ill stick the body on and then the wings then we are just touching it up with muscly bits :)

so the legs



let me know what you think

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As work is already progressing on the legs it's a little late for what I have to say, but I loved the legs in the original sketch, being entirely organic, as thought they had 'grown back'.

Should you attempt another one, closer to the original sketch (or just make a regular Dread in this style), would you consider it cheating to trawl toyshops for musclebound action figures? Charity shops will have old WWF guys or Masters of The Universe junk for pennies.

You could use the arm parts too, and before applying GS to the joints you could really experiment with awesome poses before having to finally commit?

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