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UM Terminator Chaplain Conversion


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This is the last HQ choice I have left to model in terminator armour and once I saw the space hulk miniatures I just couldn't resist any longer. I also wanted to carry over a theme from this power amoured chaplain, so again I'm going with the genestealer skull helmet to make him look like a veteran tyranid fighter.




At the moment it's still fairly early days. Most of the basic greenstuffing is done with just a bit of tidying up now before I can start painting.








And finally, just to show off how big the model looks once it's on a base, a scale pic with a chaos lord I've been painting



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Holy emperor on a stick that's awsome.


Might have to steal that idea for my own 4th co Ultras if it's okay with you.


Can't wait to see how it will look painted, though judging from the power armoured version we won't be disappointed. ^_^

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I think thats rather rather cool, great sculpting work ^_^


I do have one comment though, before you start painting. The Crozius, it looks, well, quite small compared to the rest of him? the storm bolter 'big' the helmet 'big', the armour 'big big' but the crozius 'normal'.... just an observation though.


edit: also to anyone looking for spacehulk, they still have plenty of copies at warhammer world, they had a whole stack in front of the till a short while ago.

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First off thanks for the replies, and feel free to steal the genestealer skull idea, it's a bit of work to turn into a helmet but I like it.


I do have one comment though, before you start painting. The Crozius, it looks, well, quite small compared to the rest of him? the storm bolter 'big' the helmet 'big', the armour 'big big' but the crozius 'normal'.... just an observation though.


The crozius is actually pretty hefty, I'd guess almost as tall as the model itself but I've kept it at the same angle the sword was held at so that kind of screws up the perspective a bit. I was actually worried it was a bit too big but now I don't think I'll worry about it.


Painting will probably start next week now as I've had to go back to work and won't have light to go outside and undercoat till the weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have finally managed to start painting but have to leave it for a few days now as I'm off on my hols tomorrow.


Mostly still just basic colours but here's a few pics








Not sure about the wings on the right shoulder pad, may do them in gold instead. Also thinking I may do the shield on the chest eagle some sort of metal, or possibly white, as I'm not sure the blue works too well.


Anyone with opinions or ideas feel free to chip in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back from holiday now and have managed to get a bit more done before getting distracted by a mordheim gang.


Mostly just an update on the painting but I also decided that I didn't like the right shoulder pad so that's been redone with a nice simple chapter badge. I thought keeping it simple would be a nice contrast with all the detail on the rest of the model.


So anyway, pics








I'm thinking that the cloak will also be red but i was getting tired and didn't want to make a start on such a large area and not finish it.

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I was going to ask where you got the Genestealer Helmet from... then i realised you had sculpted the helmet itself! Ok... well i dont have the skills to sculpt part of a helmet (my greenstuff ability goes as far as filling gaps so far).

I was wondering if it would be possible to file down a helmet enough to attach the genestealer skull? Might be worth a go, unless any of you can think of a better way to do it?

I take it the skull is just from the genestealers plastics box???


Fantastic work, Both the power armour and the termie are both very impressive! Cant wait to see it finished.


I managed to get hold of a copy of Space Hulk for just over the retail price, and want to convert all the Termies to UltraMarines. I reckon its gonna take a while though!!!



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First off thanks for all the replies and comments.


And SgtTelion I did try filing down the skull and a spare terminator helmet but I just couldn't get it to sit right together. Having said that for the power armoured version I used a filed down helmet and that worked fine. If you're not feeling that confident at greenstuffing it that could be an option.


I'd say give the greenstuff a go, it looks more daunting than it is. The genestealer skull is actually pretty similar in shape to a terminator helmet, you just need to round off the bottom with a ball of greenstuff so it fits in the helmet space and then build up the rest a bit at a time letting each stage set before moving on. Patience is the key and remember practice makes perfect so if you don't like what you've done just peel off the green stuff and start again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the length of time since the last update, I ran out of red paint and had to wait to go near a GW and pick up some more. Also got distracted by playing lots of mordheim.


Just a quick update with the cloak mostly finished, the lighting makes the contrast seem quite steep but in reality the transition is a little smoother. Might still go back and add a couple more shades though. Have also decided to go with the same sort of gold colour for the entire crozius after trying to come up with an alternative








Will hopefully have it finished off next week so this is most likely the last WIP, keep an eye on the Hall Of Honour though for when I finish.

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