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SM Assault Squad [IMAGES ADDED]


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So after a 6 year hiatus I got the itch to paint/ game some 40k. I never own Assault Marines before and I always wanted to paint/ play them so I figured this would be a great place to start. This a new chapter I am working on, I wanted to keep it clean and the armour sort of low key with 'safety color' accents. I also left the shoulder pads off of the assault marines because I think they look a bit clunky with them and the jump packs. I figure this would help them be more agile while flying around and such. I still have some detail work to do on them, but I certainly think they are table worthy.


Anyway, just wanted to see what you guys thought. Thanks


Assault Squad

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Yeah... Flicker seems to be acting up, it wont load for me either (even nor using that link)

These are some pictures that I uploaded to my gallery here, the colors are a touch off (though the squad shot is pretty accurate)

Sorry about the bad link.




Those colors are really cool and new, so kudos for that.


To really make them pop, I wouldn't add any black, I would just paint the grey armor a bright and eye-cancer-inducing white.


Tremple before the wrath of the Bright Knights!

I think they look real nice. I do think they do need some black plates though. Also the red seems a bit pinkish, but maybe that's just the photo.

But They should have shoulder pads because assault marines have that kind of bulky up top signature look, but thats just a personal opinion

, if you do decide not to put pads on do paint on chapter and squad symbols though.

The red is more of a pinkish orange color. The saturation of the images seems to have lost a bit of the detail. Perhaps I can get a bit of a better shot when I up load the Ironclad I am working on. Thanks for the input... I am still playing around with a few ideas.

Space Marines look a little odd without their shoulderpads.


Not sure about the grey really. It's a very smooth coat you've got going there, but it looks quite similar to unpainted grey plastic. Maybe a bit more inking/shading, and some highlights. Of course, it could just be the saturation of the photo.


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