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Project: Inquisition * Updated Oct 26th *


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Ever since I read "The Grey Knights Omibus" I was hooked. Sure, some of the reading could have been better.... But the thought of a warrior so pure and awesome really struck a chord with me. I promptly decided to make my first army a force of the Inquisition.


I will document my progress here. Please keep in my this is my first army. I have had no instruction in art or painting so I am going with what I think looks best. I have looked at A LOT of painting articles though.


My army will of the following, although I wont actually field all of the models.


x 5 man Grey Knight terminators


x1 assassin


x 3 Grey Knight Squads


x 3 Storm Trooper Squads


x 2 Inquisitors with retinue


x 6 Rhinos


x 3 Land Raiders.


I have received most of the force already. I just need to pick up 4 Rhinos and a few odd n' ends.




Storm Trooper Squad. I decided to use Kasrkins; I liked the models better!



First "mock up" paint job. Will be adding more details as soon as my skill permits!



I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea and backround of the calidus assassin. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE the models that GW provides for them though! A ponytail? REALLY?? and what kind of pose are you making? WHO ARE YOU GOING TO KILL WITH YOUR BLADE IN THAT POSITION?!?!?!


Alright.....sorry about that.


I took all my frustration out on my calidus assassin. A few tweaks and cuts later I came up with this.



Again, I will add more detail as soon as my skill permits.



I also began to try my hand at conversions.


First up, we have a librarian that has been made into my Grey Knight GM!



And part of his retinue!





--------------------UPDATE OCTOBER 26th----------------------------------




Lots of progress made. These are still being worked on. Just touching up little details and what not.



I really cant paint faces yet : / He will get eyes and a mouth as soon as I get good enough to paint it! haha










Wow, for your first stuff, its good. Its much better than a lot of mine, and I've been doing this for a few years. And you have a pretty sizeable list too, and you claim to already have most of it! Sheesh!


Looking good.


Thanks a lot! : )


I have been doing a lot of research online regarding painting/conversions and army lists ( this forum helped me out immensely! ). I have also been working my BUTT off, so I have some extra cash to spend.

Great job on the retinue and gm. your list seems a bit iffy. gks are the best troops while expensive, always are a major threat. personally i would test out all of the assassins and e which one works best and ADD SOME DREADNOUGHTS!!!!! man i love those things.

also, i would like to direct you to the Grey Knights Forum

Great job on the retinue and gm.




your list seems a bit iffy. gks are the best troops while expensive, always are a major threat.


Thats very situational. There is not much a squad of GK's can do against armor, which is what a vast majority of people field these days. I want my list to be fun, but also competitive.



personally i would test out all of the assassins and e which one works best and ADD SOME DREADNOUGHTS!!!!! man i love those things.


Im pretty set on the callaidus, but I appreciate the input. Deadnoughts, while pretty cool looking, wont solve the fundamental problems of using grey knights. First, we need a transport. A dreadnought cant carry troops ( but how awesome would it be!! ). Secondly, anti-armor is the name of the game for 5th edition. A muti-metla is going to put a serious dent in enemy armor. Plus, with the hurricane bolters and assault cannons I have a pretty decent anti-hoard game as well.


You can view my actual army list here.


My army will of the following, although I wont actually field all of the models.


x 5 man Grey Knight terminators


x1 assassin


x 3 Grey Knight Squads


x 3 Storm Trooper Squads


x 2 Inquisitors with retinue


x 6 Rhinos


x 3 Land Raiders.


I have received most of the force already. I just need to pick up 4 Rhinos and a few odd n' ends.


I hate to do this but, I saw something in your posting and I have to ask:


why 6 rhinos, the max you can field right now (I have not looked at your army list yet) is 5- 2 for the inquistor n retinues and 3 for storm troopers GKPA can't take rhinos. Over all I like you idea lots of GK and INQ. I love INQ armies....but I can't do a DH army but I have between 6000 pts (strictly sisters) to 12500 pts (with Witch hunters added). I usually just play Sisters when I play 40k but I hit the burn out and playing other games but soon my sisters will be Purging again

I hate to do this but, I saw something in your posting and I have to ask:


why 6 rhinos, the max you can field right now (I have not looked at your army list yet) is 5- 2 for the inquistor n retinues and 3 for storm troopers GKPA can't take rhinos. Over all I like you idea lots of GK and INQ. I love INQ armies....but I can't do a DH army but I have between 6000 pts (strictly sisters) to 12500 pts (with Witch hunters added). I usually just play Sisters when I play 40k but I hit the burn out and playing other games but soon my sisters will be Purging again


Quite an astute observation!


I previously made a list using 4 ISTs and 2 Inquisitors, hence the 6 Rhinos. I recently decided to drop an IST squad for a GK squad though. I forgot to make my list reflect that change.

Great job on the retinue and gm.






Thats very situational. There is not much a squad of GK's can do against armor, which is what a vast majority of people field these days. I want my list to be fun, but also competitive.





Im pretty set on the callaidus, but I appreciate the input. Deadnoughts, while pretty cool looking, wont solve the fundamental problems of using grey knights. First, we need a transport. A dreadnought cant carry troops ( but how awesome would it be!! ). Secondly, anti-armor is the name of the game for 5th edition. A muti-metla is going to put a serious dent in enemy armor. Plus, with the hurricane bolters and assault cannons I have a pretty decent anti-hoard game as well.


You can view my actual army list here.



a PAGK purgatation sqd can have about 4 psycannons at strength 8. so that is some anti armour and dreadnoughts are very versatile, anti armour, anti troop or a combo can be used. dreads can have twin linked lascannons and missile launchers or a multi melta, and all of the forge world weapons. land raiders for the inquisitors and gm but only 5 rhinos as war009 said. PAGKs can deep strike for transport. gkts in a lrc but put them with one of your characters. also, think about a gm instead of a bc

a PAGK purgatation sqd can have about 4 psycannons at strength 8


Psycannons are strength 6. Furthermore, purgation squads cost 5 points more per psycannon then a regular GK squad. On top of all of this, Purgation squads can not capture objectives.


dreads can have twin linked lascannons ..... or a multi melta, and all of the forge world weapons


As do land raiders. Plus, the raiders will transport my terminators better then a dreadnought would ; )


As far as the forge world weapons, I do not believe they are allowed in tournament settings.


PAGKs can deep strike for transport.


They also lose the ability to capture objectives.

dreads can have twin linked lascannons ..... or a multi melta, and all of the forge world weapons


As do land raiders. Plus, the raiders will transport my terminators better then a dreadnought would ; )


As far as the forge world weapons, I do not believe they are allowed in tournament settings.

The codex precedes the rules and most tournaments would allow it as it says in the DH codex: tw autocannons, psycannon, heavy bolter and multimelta and dreads are more spread out and amazing in cc. LRs are fire magnets of the highest degree

The codex precedes the rules and most tournaments would allow it as it says in the DH codex: tw autocannons, psycannon, heavy bolter and multimelta and dreads are more spread


Unfortunately, there is no reference to a "psycannon" in the Dreadnought entry. The only thing "psy" the dreadnought can take is "psycannon bolts" which would require the dreadnought to have a bolter of some sort.


LRs are fire magnets of the highest degree


I absolutely agree, which is why my list has two of them. If my opponent only focuses on downing my Land Raiders my troops and inquisitors will go untouched. Land Raiders can take quite a beating before they go down, and once they do my opponent will have a bunch of pissed off terminators to deal with. : )

interesting list. How does it work for you?


Honestly.....I have no idea! My friends and I have all been doing crazy amounts of reading on 40k. Going over the rules, reading battle reps, checking out tactics. The funny thing about this is, we have not played a game yet! Non of use have a bunch of money to spend on models so we really did our research when it came time to buy. Once my board is finished and I have a few models painted we will start playing games! Until then it is stupid amounts of reading and theory.

The Grey Knights forum, i have been seeing a lot of great GK work here and as a good member of both this forum and the grey knights forum it is my duty to "recruit" new members (join or Coteaz will have you charged with excommunicae traitoris). but great work. a critique, the GK justicar's helmet should be silver or the rest of the gks should have gold helms. gks are very uniform, unlike other space marine chapters. the rhinos could use to have some more black on the sides, the doors maybe? the models are a lot better than my undercoated gks and crappy ISTs.


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