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Dragon Guard


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First pics posted so be gentle

i am in the middle of painting telion and sicarius and making arion, my chapter master.

should Arion be on a dragon/cold one or no?

more pics should be up by the weekend.


got some dreads and did a little work on my rhino, but the rhino will come later.






space marine sorry for blurriness.

space marine



side of dread

VERY CRAPPY chapter symbol

Dragon Guard Emblem

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Hi from what I can see it looks interesting, however, you need a better photo for us to really comment! :)




Hey, a Dragon brother !

As my chapter is a little more under way than yours, may be you can pick ideas on my blog subject, my rhino, my dread or my flying chaplain.


Hope you'll find inspiration or tricks there.

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Hi from what I can see it looks interesting, however, you need a better photo for us to really comment! :D






Hey, a Dragon brother !


Hey, someone else who's insane enough to do dragons :o


with the chapter symbol, is that a shield with wings? O.o



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Hi from what I can see it looks interesting, however, you need a better photo for us to really comment! :o

yup, i have seen your ironclad and im gonna use that method for my cloaks.


And Dragonkin, yeah it is.i need to work on my free hand. for vehicles, im probably gonna use dark angel wings and grey knight shields.

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