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Black Templar Chapter House


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I want them to look pretty good though, not like sticks stuck into half a foam circle. I built 2000 Hirst Art bricks and glued them all together to make this thing. I want the finishing work to be good quality. Do you have any links for good ways to make them?
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looks amazing and must have been time consuming. You should post more detailed pics and say how you made it more so others can get a better idea of how much time and effort this musta taken! I'd suggest looking at forgeworlds website for turrets, they do some nice ones (I think mostly in the imperial guard range) but they will be a lot more expensive. Nice job!
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I want them to look pretty good though, not like sticks stuck into half a foam circle. I built 2000 Hirst Art bricks and glued them all together to make this thing. I want the finishing work to be good quality. Do you have any links for good ways to make them?


Hey robnik, I must say that the Castle is very nice, so well done. However, at the moment nothing about it really suggests that it's part of the Warhammer 40,000 future. It looks like an English fort or castle on the Welsh frontier. I think that some extra detail or gun emplacements would add a sci-fi feel to it. I know that Hirst Arts also do a sci-fi set now, maybe all it would take would be a few of those moulds to incorporate modern and sci-fi detail onto some of the parts. I've added some links below that will show you how good a scratch-built weapon emplacement can look. The first example even has a How-To page so you can really study the process used.


These are from Sean Patten's website, ironhands.com






One thing I'd have to add is that with several diameters of plastic rod (the white stuff you get from model railway shops), a razor saw and a mitre you can easily scratchbuild a lascannon as the barrel is almost exclusively made of tubes. So if you really want with a little perseverance you can make guns that look more Imperial. Have a look at Baneblade and Titan weapons for more inspiration on Imperial big guns.


Of course despite all of the above, on some Feral Worlds the BT might simply not want to advertise their presence so your current piece has the advantage of being both versatile (can be used for WH40K and WHFB) and understated.

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A way to stick on some Imperial and Templar decorations would be to stick magnets onto the inside of the turrets. Then using smaller magnets or sheets of metal stick them onto the decorations so they stick to the wall during 40K games but can be removed during others.


Another thing I have found is that the statues in the ruin sets for LotR are great for 40K as well. So could also find a way to place them in appropriate places like at entrances (think of them as silent guards). You could also consider is using hanging banners on the walls. Can have several different styles that can be changed out depending if it is 40K or LotR.


Hope those ideas helps and your effort has really paid off. Any chance you will be adding an inner keep as well? That could give the opportunity to go over board with Imperial technology and Templar imagery.



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Thanks for the tips guys, I'll be trying to put a few of those into play in the near future. Right now I'm trying to put some 28mm buildings together using some textured brick sheeting and scale windows from a railroad building supply place. I want to get a city together, with a lot of buildings in various stages of repair. If this idea pans out I should be able to roll out a large amount of scenery in pretty short order. That'll make for some good city fights...
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Here's a few more pics of it. I think I'll go the quick and easy route for turrets and see what happens. I plan on getting some plastic dowling, and attatching them to a piece of balsa, which I will then insert into a half sphere foam piece. Paint it up and see what happens. If I change the texture of the tower floors to a checkerplate look, that should work out ok. We'll see.



As you can see, the castle is currently occupied by a Ranger from Gondor...

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the banners are a good idea, I think I'll get hold of some. I also like that central tower concept. I could use sci-fi bricks to make a very 40K themed structure, which I think would look great in contrast to the Gothic look of the outer walls.

I'll post when I'm done...

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Some ideas for making 40K keeps could be taken from these two amazing buildings made by Games Workshop staff... building one and building two. Incase you missed it there is also a picture of a Black Templar Chapter Keep on page 62 and 63 of Codex: Black Templars. Hope these help in giving some visual inspiration.


Cheers, Messanger

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I think the above two examples are awesome. If you have access to it there is a good part at the beginning of 'Crusade for Armageddon', by Jonathan Green which talks about a chapter keep on the planet Solemnus.


I do like yours as a base, it just needs a bit of a gothic influence and a few (not too many) futuristic elements, perhaps control panels, or something that looks like a generator and guns always look good. BIG doors are a must.

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Maybe I'll just do some conversions and make it look like that diorama scene with the Chapter Fortress...

That is an amazing piece of work, those guys do some great stuff. I really like the work they do with the miniaures in particular, those battle scenes are terrific.

I agree, I should get some accessories to give it a Templar feel. I have the pieces to make a nice futuristic central keep, I'm just working on 4 differnet other prjects right now. I'm finishing up a new Pillbox and trench scene that some guys on the forum gave me some tips on. I think its an improvement, tactically and visually. Check out the old one if you want, its posted here under that name I believe.

The other big one is sa series of modular 28mm buildings made from architechtural design parts I've gotten hold of. The concept is pretty solid I think, and the materials look great, but its tricky designing it all from scratch. I'll post those up when I've got something worth showing.

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I agree, the next step will be to create a very 40K looking inner keep. I like that idea a lot as I think it will be a nice contrast of old Gothic on the outside and futuristic inside. I`ll be using mostly Hirst Art sci-fi bricks to build it, but I`ll probably add some 40K bits as well to really fit it into that genre.
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