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New Riekrusse

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Hi all

I wanted to share my latest terrain project and would welcome feedback and comments.

I worked the photos into a movie format to show how models scale and inteact with the environment. (Please bear with the dramatic flair...I just love the drama of 40K )


A couple of things. The table is a 120 * 180 modular city that is meant to be paired with an equally sized jungle outpost table for an upcoming Apoc game. So far its assembled and primed. Now I'm faced with a hard decision...

Do I paint it as a burnt out shell of a city or a recently ruined (with colors of the buildings more or less intact)?

I opted for wide streets as my opponent and I have 6 Super heavies between us which will be slugging it out in a 20,000 point game.


Anyway, I'd really just like to pick up any critique, hints and comments you guys can throw my way.


Heres the link:







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