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Video: Grimnars Wolves vs Tyranids


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Well I thought I lost this one however I was informed on responses on Youtube that swarms can not hold objectives and if the Genestealers have a Broodlord then they can not hold an objective either so it is a weird tie but we will give it to Skippy to help his self esteem:cheers1:


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Latter statement is VERY incorrect. Only 4 things in the current Nid codex cannot capture objectives: Ripper Swarms, Lictors, Zoanthropes and Spore Mines


Your buddy was using 3 of those.


Genestealers and Broodlords both count as scoring as retinue or otherwise...



1:1:1 DRAW.

nice battle report, but seriously those are some of the worst army lists i have ever seen :)


I don't want to offend anyone but Grimnar at 1000 pts? and an expensive WG unit? you could have gotten 3 GH squads with that...


And the tyranid guy... only one scoring unit (genestealers) and that is meant for assaulting and can be shot easily with its 5+ armor. And they can't even do that when they are a retinue. so he has no scoring units at all.


And this is wrong:

Only 4 things in the current Nid codex cannot capture objectives: Ripper Swarms, Lictors, Zoanthropes and Spore Mines


Carnifexen, Biovores, Warriors, Raveners, and HQ choices also can't capture objectives. In fact the only things that CAN take objectives are gaunts and genestealers. But if those are taken as retinue for a broodlord they are not a troops choice and can't capture objectives.

I'm with Grimmwulf on this one.


The Space Wolves spent 445 points on 2 characters in a 1000 point game? What were you thinking? And don't even get me started on the Tyranids. Not playing a Nidzilla list and he STILL didn't have a single scoring unit at 1000 points (Swarms can't score, Genestealers as a retinue for the Broodlord count as part of the HQ choice and can't score). Terrible unit choices across the board.


EDIT: Had I played the Wolves, I would have put Grimnar with the Long Fangs and advanced them up with the Wolf Guard. Use Grimnar's Relentless to help the Long Fangs keep constant pressure and push the Tyranids back.


And in terms of target priority, Wolf Guard deal with the Genestealers and Broodlord, Long Fangs deal with the Monstrous Creatures, and Grey Hunters deal with the Rippers. You wasted your firepower having the Long Fangs target the Rippers for as long as you did.




No offense taken GRIMMwulf Bror. Here is a little background information to ease your concern over the worst lists ever. This was the Nid players 2nd game using bugs having been a dedicated Necron junky. I actualy kicked the snot out of a 1K point Dark Eldar army that was very balanced a week earlier using this same list however I would probably have had a problem with a well balanced Chaos Army. But the key factor here is HAVING FUN, we actually like to just put crazy lits together and see what happens. The videos are more for entertainment but I have found that I get feedback on the rules we got wrong which really helps me fine tune my game and also learn the meta-game.



nice battle report, but seriously those are some of the worst army lists i have ever seen :)


I don't want to offend anyone but Grimnar at 1000 pts? and an expensive WG unit? you could have gotten 3 GH squads with that...


And the tyranid guy... only one scoring unit (genestealers) and that is meant for assaulting and can be shot easily with its 5+ armor. And they can't even do that when they are a retinue. so he has no scoring units at all.


And this is wrong:

Only 4 things in the current Nid codex cannot capture objectives: Ripper Swarms, Lictors, Zoanthropes and Spore Mines


Carnifexen, Biovores, Warriors, Raveners, and HQ choices also can't capture objectives. In fact the only things that CAN take objectives are gaunts and genestealers. But if those are taken as retinue for a broodlord they are not a troops choice and can't capture objectives.

Geesh tough crowd seem to be hanging around the fang these days. Mechspacewolf, Cheers for another Vidreport I love watching them.


Well what do you expect when you post a BatRep online? That all people are going to respond with is kudos, good job, hip-hip-hurrah? Why bother posting?


I know it may have sounded harsh (and I apologize if it was), but I'm merely critiquing the lists and the resulting battle. To me, part of the fun is building synergetic lists that work in harmony to support each other and kick the snot out of my opponents. But that's just me.





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