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Dead Blood Angels Terminator

Justice for All

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Heya all,


Just wanted to know what you all thought of my effort in painting the Dead Terminator from the SH set.


Thanks in advance.





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Looks very very nice mate. Not a criticism at all, but perhaps a drop of flesh wash around the recesses of the red to make it pop a little more. And a few more layers of highlight on the chest wings (the next lighter yellow,mixed with the current yellow, then neat and so on with the other lighter shades then bleached bone, smaller and smaller on the feathers. sorry if that is gibberish :S ) I really do think it is a well painted model :)
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Looks very very nice mate. Not a criticism at all, but perhaps a drop of flesh wash around the recesses of the red to make it pop a little more. And a few more layers of highlight on the chest wings (the next lighter yellow,mixed with the current yellow, then neat and so on with the other lighter shades then bleached bone, smaller and smaller on the feathers. sorry if that is gibberish :S ) I really do think it is a well painted model :)

Thanks for that. Now you point it out I do see what you mean. The chest 'wings' could do with just that bit more highlight.


I'll definatly have a look at depening the recesses too.


Cheers. ;-)

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Hi there :P I can see you've put a lot of effort into that!! looks really bright, and a a good choice of basing too!!!


2 small points (that you may well be aware of) are washes and glazes. A watered down wash of your original base cloth colour, and devlan mud would help meld those colours together, plus a red glaze would blend in those orange highlights.


Finally, as the focal point of the model the Skull has really got to 'pop' out at you, I would perhaps go back and add another highlight (in white) to make it stand out.


But to finish on a positive, that looks awesome mate!

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Thanks for that info. I'm not as 'up' on some of the needed ainting skills as maybe I would like. I am a proffessional artist but in canvass sense not minitures. Thanks for your input.


Re: skull. I know just waht you mean about getting it to stand aout but I really like the aged textural look of it at the moment. Just the slightest over working of it could ruin the effect. Might just leave it as is. Unless lot sof people think it needs it of course. ;-)


As it stands at the mo' here is the model having tweeked a few bits and aged it just a little. I haven't gone to town on the aging as I want the model to stand out on the board.





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Wow, very nicely painted! I justt have one suggestion: Model a small but prominent bullet/puncture hole in his chest to the bottom right of the chest eagle, in the little triangle of red between the purity seals and chest eagle. If he was shot in the head as his helmet presents, he wouldn't have had time to sit down, and his skull wouldn't be so perfect!
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