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The unexpected chaos titan...


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Hi all...to give me some variety from my nurgle army...


let me introduce you to jack (named after my gaming groups resident khorne player)...



I picked this puppy up from the warhound rescue aka ebay...he was in a very sad condition...glue bombed, painted with layers and layers of what looked like latex paint, and then broken into pieces to add insult to injury...



so i cleaned him up (took weeks), put him back together, gave him a much more interesting/dynamic pose, and started to slap paint on him...



it started with a little innocuous drybrushing and before i knew it the Jack's carapace looked like it was bleeding out from its pores... O_O what I thought was an imperial titan may have had a darker past than i had imagined...::shrug:: perhaps Jack's previous princeps had a secret khorne fetish who knows...anyhow here are some picture so u can see for yourself...







this is a commission piece and the owner didnt specify what colors he wanted but did say he liked black on the model...


so i was thinking about keeping his engine housing and his arms black but adding a little blue to make an off black color to make some shading a lil easier


woudl love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

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looks cool, love the deep red!


The black sounds like a good idea, I normally add some codex grey depending on what type of black but for this guy blue sounds like it will look great!


Are you going to keep all the imperial markings? (i assume its a chaos titan)

At first, I thought you meant by bleeding from its pores, that it was in some horrible condition or something...not fantastically red looking =-D

The deep color is really good looking.

I agree with Mr. Replica above me, the black would be a good idea.

IF chaos, maybe you could defile all the eagles?

@ Replica/Shortsonfire79: I guess the topic title is a bit of a misnomer. I still intend for the titan to be "imperial" however ambiguously tainted by chaos...i picture one of the techpriests servicing Jack to be like..."Hmm, whatever happened to that solid cherry red that Jack came out of the Manufactorium with? Its all splotchy and seems to change as each day passes by...hmm...oh well ::shrug::" - haha...so ya he'll keep is imperial markings.


@ Shortsonfire79: haha...yeah i actually meant it looks like the carapace really is bleeding...look below for the recipe for the effect...


@Cedric: Here ya go...


paints: all acrylic paints from the local art store (Utrecht). so any acrylic paint will do...be sure to get standard acrylic paint rather than the pre-diluted kind.

brushes: large drybrush, small drybrush


step1: primer black, 1 coat of diluted black paint


step2: dilute the darker red color (crimson from Utrecht) about 1:1 paint/water and with a large drybrush, drybrush onto the black. At this point you wont really see much of a difference at all. But have patience and let the 1st coat dry and then dry brush the entire surface again. after about the 5th coat you'll start to see that the area drybrushed has a red/brownish hue to it.


step3: now put more of the dark red into the mix so about 2:1 paint/water and dry brush the raised areas a couple times. you should start to see a gradation of redness. keep drybrushing until you're satisfied with the gradation


step4: dip your small drybrush in water and wipe most of it off so that the brush is wet but not holding much water. dip the large drybrush in the lighter red color (red deep from Utrecht) so that the tips of the bristles have some of the red on them. now lightly stipple the lighter red onto the highest red areas of the model either where light should hit or just where you want to show the brightest reds. before the paint dries use your damp small drybrush and feather the edges of the stippled paint into its surrounding areas so you get a gradation from brighter to darker red. Do it as many times as you want to get the red you're looking for...


remember to let each coat of drybrushing dry before you dry brush the next coat of paint...


so as you can see its really really easy to do and you get pretty phenomenal results!

FINISHED!!! as you can see Jack seemed to have found his way back to the fold...the Crimson Fists seemed to have taken him in...hmm sounds like heresy to me...








@Ensis: haha...it does look like red leather...funny how that happened


@shorts: lol it is a FW 40k size titan!! :cuss its mounted on a huge piece of rock to keep it from falling over due to its off centered pose...tried to make it look like its taking a step

I have to agree with Shorts about the size....the photos make it look tiny! Just to clarify could we get a scale shot next to a space marine? because as you said this is a FW warhound titan, but it looks unbelievably tiny!


fantastic btw good job

@ Shortsonfire79 & Cosmic castaway: haha...oh ye of little faith...a scale shot to settle this once and for all!! :lol:




and some other shots while im at it...





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