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Black Templar Land Raider WIP


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FINISHED!!! HoH thread here!

Couple of quick shots of the interior of a Land Raider I'm working on for my UKGT army, apologies for the photos, camera phones are definitely not awesome.

Should be posting pics of the exterior over the next couple of days (have set myself a deadline of wednesday to have the whole tank finished and varnished).




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Managed to complete the metallics on the engine this afternoon before going out this evening, looks a little brighter under a lamp than it does under normal conditions, but the photo is good enough to give an impression at least of the rusting on the pipes/exhausts etc, next up, detailing on the assault ramp!


yet more double post fun!

started work on the assault ramp detail, still got a couple of shields and the purity seal 'wax' to do, but we're nearing completion on this part!


++++ EDIT ++++

Finished the assault ramp upper bit now, done the smoke launchers a rather fetching red and made a good start on the headlights too! pictures below.


okay, so I've made plenty of progress the last few hours, the main body of the LR is now as far as I'm concerned finished, just the doors (sprayed white separately) are still to be done, as are the lascannon sponsons and heavy bolter turret (weapon covers also sprayed white). Though the weapons have now been base coated and are waiting for a little bit more attention.





Bobbin484, the scrolls are really very easy, you just need patience!

1. Scorched Brown basecoat

2. Two thin layers of Graveyard Earth over this, leaving the recesses dark

3. 2:1 mix of Graveyard Earth and Bleached Bone, leaving a little of the original Graveyard Earth behind

4. 1:1 mix leaving a little more

5. Two thin layers of Bleached Bone keeping a little more of the previous colour showing

6. Add Skull White to the Bleached Bone and work up the highlights til you get to pure Skull White on the very edges.

The scrolls on the ramp there probably took about an hour or so, so it's not a quick method, but the results are worth it in my opinion.


Quick update before I hit the sack!

Weapons are now essentially complete, the bands on the lascannon power cords still need a bit of boltgun metal on them.

All that's left to do is the doors (BT upgrade set ones, a lot more detailed than I'd expected!), the white weapon armour and the tracks. I'll probably paint the tracks on the sprue as they're kinda fiddly and there's a lot of drybrushing to be done.

Anyway, on to the pictures!




Finally finished the 'white' sections of the tank. Took some time to get the white as clean as it is, though I'm really happy with the result so it's all worth it!

Only the tracks left to do now, they'll get polished off tomorrow afternoon and then it's just a case of some matte varnish and a bit of gloss on the lenses!

Thinking of doing some white 'script' on the sides of the tank, kinda like the litanies that some people put on their templars, anyone have any thoughts on that? I think it might break up the large areas of black pretty well?










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