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Dead Space Hulk Termie!


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I decided to use the dead termie as my test model obviously because if it came out bad it wouldnt matter too much.

I'v decided to use the ole drybrush for my other termies, but i didn't use that technique here.

not the greatest picture ever but let me know what you think!




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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the compliments everyone!!


@ Legio Draconis - Thanks, yeah, i added a little grey into the red to 'neutralise' the boldness and make it look like it had been sitting in a freezing chamber for hundreds of years.



@ LIONS_SPEAK - Cheers, I think i know what you mean by 'atmospheric', but i think it might just be because of the pictures low quality, i might take some better ones but I think the hall of honour has been flooded with these guys of late and interest in it might be pretty low. PS- Im an Ultrasmurf player too!



@ SquigBait - Thanks, i like the effect, sort of looks like the armour was polished but has dulled over time.



@ Calgar 2.0 - Yeah, i will probably use this as an objective (when im not playing 'hulk that is)



@ Justice for All - Thanks for the compliment! When i was painting this guy (not just this guy, i do white eagles on most characters) i imagined that the feathers might be made from a precious stone, perhaps white onyx or something, and that over time it wouldn’t be dulled in the same way as the armour. Plus i like the proud eagle shining brightly, even in the solitude of an empty room on some forgotten space hulk. His light guides us in all things...



Thanks for the comments; i appreciate all C&C




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