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WIP - Grey Hunter Squad


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Hi all!


After sifting through my bits box, I managed to scrape enought bits together to make up some more space marines so I can get a squad done :) I've tried to get them to 'match' a little with the first one I did (to test the coloyr scheme). I think they look 'wolfy' enough, but more restrained than blood claws :) Please let me know what you think!!




Damage, bolter straps, bits of fur etc.


The first one (posted previously):




Thanks all!

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Cheers :) yes waiting now impatiently for green stuff to dry so I can get painting!!


So throught my bis box, I also have enought stuff to make up a squad of grey hunters, and some old first ed assault marines to make up a unity of sky claws :) then I have a dreadnought left over, and then (finally) I might buy some new models!

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