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Veterans from my unnamed chapter


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Hi there,

I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. These are some shots of some of the veterans from my unnamed chapter.

The fluff behind the chapter is similar to that of the Red Hunters, in that they are linked very closely to the Inquisition. This is all born of the fact that I was too cheap to buy two lots of vehicles, hence all my vehicles have inquisition markings (which I'll post later).

The chapter symbol is identical to the Red Hunters (a white skull with a small black I on the forehead). This was a last minute decision, as such you won't see it on any of the photos.

Sorry about the dodgy quality of the photos. My light kept getting blocked by pesky clouds.

First off, we have the vanguard veteran squad with jump packs;


And a chaplain with jump pack


Space hulk terminators


and again


SS + TH boys


Dead terminator


Chaplain in terminator armour


Librarian in terminator armour


Grey Knight Terminators




Inquisitor Coteaz and crew


A Deathwatch kill team


Thanks for reading, C&C is welcome.

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Good units so far, however just one little thing bugs me: using Gideon as a sergeant for a regular squad is not game-legal, so you should have used the sergeant from the assault termie squad and tooled him up as a regualr termie sergeant.


Annoying as it is, it's genius to use them as termies, if only I had a box-set :mellow:


I'd love to see the rest of this army ;)



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That's very true, the squad is not game legal. Gideon will join a second Assault Terminator Squad as Sergeant as and when they are painted. I've built up another terminator sergeant for that squad from spare bits.


The tabards on the models are achieved using a very simply process.


Chaos black undercoat (spray)

Tausept Ochre (foundation)

Bleached bone

A coat of Ogryn Flesh (wash)

Followed by Devlan Mud (wash) in the deep recesses


I suppose ideally I would go back over and highlight them with bleached bone; maybe that can be a project for another day!


Thanks for all the comments! I'll try and whip together a full army shot tonight <_<

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very nice but quickly before a mod or kurgan notices take Coteaz and his crew off! well they are not in power armour right so i do believe they are not allowed :D shame because they are painted up very nice


We accept those lackeys of the Inquisition, too...


Shame, cuz they've ruined my plans more than once... ^_^



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