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Daemon Princes


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I've recently been on a hiatus from CSM, playing Traitor IG, and am now jonesing for the good ole days. I haven't played them much since the 5th ed. rules came out but its always been my experience that DPs are too easily dealt with by the likes of concentrated fire or a few lascannons. I've been lurking around reading up on current favored tactics and I seem to see a common trend of DPs in almost every list. So it makes me wonder am I playing them wrong, have a missed the true beauty of DPs? I'd like to see pros and cons of them and good tactics for them, because I would love to play one of those beautiful bastards but I'm just not confident in their abilities atm. I dunno maybe my track of thinking on how to play them or what they are capable of is off, help me get back on track.
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Daemon princes are better point for point than any of the other HQ choices, more killy than lords with the added bonus of psychic powers, they rip through infantry and tanks alike, can fly around, and if they are taking lots of fire it means that your other armour / infantry isn't
am having problems with the easy death . true they do die if the whole army shots at them , but they still have to hit and then wound and then its cover . with lash they can assaulting turn 1-2 . and with oblits we can at least try to take out the units that will be shoting them . am not saying they survive a lot of battles , but they tend to be alive for 2-3 turns. considering they draw away fire from rhinos or other transports , they are an auto include for most chaos lists[unlike normal IC who cant do that].
As long as you have proper target saturation, DPs are still less vulnerable to being shot than a lord or sorc is to getting powerfisted by a sergeant. If Lords and Sorcs weren't so vulnerable to getting instant deathed then there would be a point in using them over DPs. Currently though the only reason to take anything other than a DP is if you want to hide a lash sorc in a non-melee squad, or if you are playing landraider rush, but even then not always. If your DPs are dying, make sure you have them in cover behind rhinos, and make sure you to advantage of the fact that your DP is getting shot instead of your other units.


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