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dark angels


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Not too bad, but the paint looks a little thick, both in the literal terms and that the highlights are a bit big. Try thinning your paints down with a little water, works wonders for me. I tend to find a 1:1 ratio of water and paint on a wet pallette does the trick (I haven't tried pouring it straight into a pot, GW paints are too expensive to waste on silly mistakes I may make!)


Generally with Dark Angels, because they're a dark, dark colour, a nice easy technique is base coat with a dark green then dry brush (oh, and use some black wash in the recesses too). Drybrushing brings out the highlights quite nicely on darker chapters I find.

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use a smaller brush, and water down your paints, apply a small amount of paint to the model at a time and most importantly: Take your time!


freehand is something that some exceptionally talented people can speedpaint, for the rest of us mere mortals patience, a steady hand and hours of spare time are a requirement!

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Try this tutorial. It should help.



Hey, no fair linking to my tutorial before I do :rolleyes:



thexmarine, you should really start following people's advice here. Stop using your paints directly from the pot. Take an old CD or something to use as a palette. Put some of your color from the paint pot onto it, then mix with water (paint:water should be about 2:1 or 3:1 for base coats)


Don't use one coat of paint, thin your color and use several until it actually covers the black coat underneath.


Highlighting can be extremely hard for beginners without a good brush and brush-control. Instead of doing every highlight by itself, try drybrushing. This means that you take a little bit of paint on the brush, then wipe it on a paper towel until there's nearly no color left, then paint it over your minis in fast stripes (is this English what I'm writing Oo)


If you google these basic painting techniques, you will find truckloads of tutorials.


Take your time, your minis will not look great over night. And if you do post something up on a board like this, do take the advice of people who take their time to help you.


And be patient, there won't always be replies in a few seconds.

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I like the lighter green that you use. You could use the dark angel transfer if your having trouble painting it.


Anyway onto why I posted:

I LOVE the multi-melta dude. his pose is so cool and the chainblade is awsome! Could we have some othe pics of him please?


Good work :lol:



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Hey there,

They aren't looking too bad. You might want to get some red paint and paint their eye lenses to give them a more finished look. Also, the missile launcher is assembled a bit crooked, so you should fix that. Overall, you should try and paint some of the smaller details and the model will look more finished.

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