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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Hey guys, newbie here


After generally just lurking, I thought it was about time I said hi & posted up something worthwhile. I started Blood Angels back in my ‘yoof’ during the days of Angels of Death, only recently getting back into the hobby. When I returned it had to be Blood Angels again, as I love the fluff & the colour scheme, not to mention jump packs and cc. Anyways here you go, after a 13 year sabbatical, the beginnings of my BA army. Hope the pic's are clear enough :D


Squad Leonardo:-






Sgt Leo himself:-





A couple of brothers:-













And seeing as I am going for 3rd company, I present Brother Captain Erasmus Tycho (RIP)








Sadly he is not in my list since I was last about he has been hit with the nerf bat (not to mention the fact he is dead!) but its just not right starting 3rd Co without him, and I love the model. He has just been a bit jealous of the codex marines' cloak and iron halo though so had to have a piece of the action.


Finally group shot:-



As said just the very beginnings of the army, currently working on the 2nd tactical squad and the DC :P with a Lemartes conversion to lead them


C & C more than welcome


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Thanks for all the positive comments guys ;)


@ vahouth - cheers, most of the blood drops are sculpted from green stuff. I'm still learning as yet and can only do basic shapes, hence blood drops and not grails yet, lol. I'm hoping for a nice conversion kit when the codex comes out, but until then......


@ Angelus - the red is pretty easy, but a little time consuming. Chaos black undercoat, followed by scorched brown, mechrite red over all but the recesses, blended up to blood red. There are a few further blazing orange highlights on the very edges but they haven't shown up too well, but the red pretty much as is. I was going for a fairly 'rich' red if that makes sense?


@ Brother Tyler & JamesI - I was making the power axe up as I went along; black base coat, then the lightning was built up from snot green to skull white, with a dark angels green glaze over it (I think). I thought it would make a change to blue and match the purity seals, sort of :P


@ Sepsis - no worries mate will do, going to have to get my skates on to get a decent force together and give you a proper game, not enough hours in the day and all that. And I can't bare to put unpainted dudes on the table next to your's lol


Once again cheers for the comments all, very much appreciated

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Good work. I really like the red. Very smooth very clean. The poses look god together and the unit has a good cohesion to it, they all look like a unit so to speak. I also am a big fan of the detail work you have done. Good going man I can't wait to see more of your army.


Obey the Emperor.

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There are a couple of small conversions here and there which hopfully aren't that noticable such as the two marines holding their bolters one handed and the oop death company head, and a couple of other details. My free hand work isn't the best as it takes practice, so the chapter badge is a transfer, but I had a go at the rest of the squad markings with varying results.


Thanks again guys ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, update time, sort of…..


I thought I’d carry on this thread as my army progresses with finished mini’s, wip’s and any fluff I come up with.


Next up I have finished some Death Company dudes:-














I have stole the idea of engraved name plates from Black Orange’s “Cup of Hate” on here because I thought it was a cool idea. I think it could be another way of honouring brothers who fall to the black rage, and could then be collected by the Chaplains or Priests after the battle for a ceremony. A couple more brothers still to add to this unit & I’m also working on a Lemartes counts as, as the original is the nastier looking than a baal scorpion on heat!


Chaplain Vermento


He is going to be my 3rd Co. Chaplain, with a bit of fluff to go with.


And finally here is the list that I am working to. Once done I will strike them out:-



5 x Death Company

Tactical Squad (flamer, heavy bolter, power weapon, rhino)

Tactical Squad (meltagun, missile launcher, powerfist, rhino)

Attack Bike w/multimelta

Attack Bike w/multimelta

Baal Pred w/heavy bolter ss

Which by my reckoning is 1000pts current codex, and certainly something to get my teeth into. Also planning on a DC Furioso Dreadnought which isn’t in this list as I couldn’t find the room but they are sooooo cool & I have come by an AOBR dread to convert :)


Anyways, sorry for the long post C & C on any of the above more than welcome ;)

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@ Mystique - ta very much ^_^ project is ticking along slowly though I'm a busy bloke :D


@ Sep - you know I was scared of doing the black as its something I traditionally struggle with but they turned out alright. Think I went a bit mad with the static grass on the guy on the left though....

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Thanks guys comments guys :(


Gold on Tycho was pretty easy based loosely on the WD guide to painting the space hulk termie; chaos black undercoat, scorched brown base coat and I think it was 50/50 scorched brown/shining gold and blended up to pure shining gold (through lots of stages though) with a little bit of chainmail thown into the mix for the final highlights. I am Legion, I was just looking at you're Salamanders in the hall of honour very nice mate :) I'm using the 'winged helm' look on my Chaplain too, see further up the thread.


Small update, finished the other two lost; another unit bites the dust :) I will add to them once I break the 1000pt barrier but for now its enough me thinks:-


I have posted the whole squad in the DC showcase. I do have some oop white transfers which I am unsure whether or not to use them on the left pauldron. Next up is going to be the chappy, been playing around with green stuff press moulds and the results have been, ahem ‘interesting’. So watch this space, a couple more attempts and I should be golden. Updates could be few and far between at the moment though as we are expecting our first baby in the next couple of weeks so let’s just say real life is a bit hectic at the minute!!

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No worries mate, my red is not to difficult really but I manage to make it take ages:-


1) Chaos Black Undercoat (spray)


2) Scorched Brown base coat


3) Mechrite Red over all but the recesses


4) Highlight with Blood Red in two ways -

On larger areas such as shoulder pads/legs I highlight the highest point then blend back down to mechrite red

On smaller areas such as hands then I highlight with Blood Red no blending


5) Final highlight with Blazing Orange on very edges of certain things such as heads/hands/shoulder trim.


Told you, pretty simple (like me :P )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys, I’m back again with another update…


Due to me hating the original Lemartes, I have converted a proxy. I originally planned to use some of the original parts, but due to the fact he has the good looks of a dung beetle, I haven’t actually used too much! I’m also wary that out of any of our characters then he’ll be most likely to get an update, and I don’t want to be stuck with his ugly mush on any body. I then remembered this….


Blood Angels pdf ‘codex’ page 6

Since his grievous wounding at the battle for Armageddon, Tycho has become increasingly violent of temperament and attitude. It is my strongest recommendation to assign Brother-Captain Tycho to active battle duty permanently.

Chaplain Vermento


….and so here is my take on Chaplain Vermento, counts as Lemartes:-

















And a bit of fluff:-

Chaplain Vermento, The Midnight Angel. Attached to 3rd Co.

Vermento is a veteran of many, many wars, currently serving with 3rd company. At 460 years old, which by Blood Angel standards is not particularly old, he is a great tactician and an awesome close combat fighter. He revels is leading the Death Company in their final battle to meet the peace of their Primarch; flying around on his jump pack chanting his litanies of hate, his death mask creating a fearsome visage with Vermento smiting enemies of the Emperor. He was the Chaplain who first noticed Brother-Captain Tycho’s slide towards the black rage duly notifying the Guardian of the Lost, as befits one of the Blood Angels most revered recent heroes.


Anyways, hope you like, C & C welcome as always :D

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That Chaplain is quite simply superb. Its obvious you ve put a good deal of work into it and it really shows in the end result. It looks perfect for a Lemartes counts as.


I really like the paint scheme on the normal marines as well, the highlighting looks really good, as does the black lining.


Good Job :D

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