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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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wow grats on the awesome news m8 :P youll introduce them into the hobby when they come of age right? ^_^


btw, dident know you already had a first child? :P but then again im not one to keep taps :D

lolz yep he keeps me away from the hobby best he can, but is hiding in here somewhere in this thread with the BA codex so is a future player ;) Put it this way, smurfs will be banned!

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  • 5 months later...

Jeez! This thread has been neglected! I could tell you my excuses of having a really busy real life and that I have also broke my camera but you don’t want to be hearing about that :) Well I have got some painting done but it has vied with playing in the little time I have spent with the hobby over the last few months; so here is what I have been up to (borrowed camera, hopefully they turned out okay)……


Finished my first RAS squad, here are the ‘missing’ brothers:-








Magnets ftw....




To be fair these have been done for a long time, just been lazy with the posting lol. Group shot awaiting pie plate:-




Through playing I have found that I need to focus more on either DOA or Mech; and as I have a lot of tanks and a Dread, Mech seemed to be the best option despite my love of jump packs (but I have the packs magnetized). I have also found that despite having two off Tac squads that I only really need one as I play them quite static, so Squad Leonardo have been re-armed and re-packaged as a RAS without packs, and given a different squad marking. Enter 3rd Squad 3rd Co, Squad Arcula:-






Not very adventurous with the posing due to the legs/torso/head being already built. Why are they still painted as a TAC squad? As I play 3rd Co I don’t really want too many other squads from reserve companies as fluffily(?) they tend to roll as one company in the main; and I plan on adding the other RAS (7th Squad) down the line. These guys aren't magnetized.


I feel they look yellow enough with their chainsword/knee pad combo. Anybody who disagrees can meet my own powerfist :P :devil: ;)

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Still with me? Part 2 - Enough of boring grunts; all these RAS need more Sergeants. Without further adieu I present Brother Sgt. Arcula and Brother Sgt. Ventro (cookie for anybody who can track down the origins of both their names! :) ):-

Sgt Arcula






Magnetized… ;)






Sgt Ventro








…My take on an energized powerfist taking a swing. I still want to do an arm with a basic ccw for Ventro. He also has a j/pack not pictured.





As you can see I have really re-cycled my Corbulo on two Sgt's and the Priest! Some fluff will follow for all my Sergeants when I get some time. Here are some group shots without the j/p for use in some Razorbacks, just for fun :devil: :-











As usual C & C more than welcome :P

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Great looking squads. I like the battle damage and the red. Nice work on the eyes, you added the dot well. Good yellow, bases are solid. Each squad works together well. Honestly I can't say enough good things about these guys. I really like how you do the backpack. I am going to steal it like I steal all the other stuff from you. Great work!
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Hey cheers for the positive comments dudes, keeps the motivation up now that I'm back painting :)


@ Seva - Feel free to stea anything, it is what I do all the time, including from your stuff :ph34r:


@ BO - Thanks mate, I am please how they turned out. Tactically I was eying up your DoA style as I love its aggressive nature, but going down the mech route as I have DC and the Tac squad, as well as lots of tanks (not painted :rolleyes: ) but intend on DoA in the future (yay magnets :D )


@ AustonT - Its actually off a broken clothes peg, I'm a bit unsure as to weather it will stay but I'm looking for other things to add to bases that aren't just rocks 'n' skulls :wacko:


@ The Crimson Cartel - Thanks for the kind comment, I know what you mean about the leg though but I was set on using Corb's (I like to recycle bits if I can y'see)


Anyway, no new models yet, DC Rhino on the way soon hopefully but as promised I have tried my hand at some fluff, 'coz thats what makes an army cool. Although I couldn't resist a group photo. Glory to the 3rd!!!



Left to right:-

Sgt. Raphael

8th Squad (Assault)

Brother Sgt. Raphael has a well deserved reputation of being one of the best swordsman in the 3rd. He practises ceaselessly during the rare occasions that the Company is not in the theatre of war to hone his already superlative skills with his blade. Indeed, when he and recent Company Blood Champion Adonis face off in the practise cage quite a crowd will always gather.

Raphael is more than just exceptional bladesmanship. He is the youngest Sgt. In the 3rd company (although not the youngest with the Strikeforce) and stands for all that is true of a Blood Angel; he is aggressive, tenacious and susceptible to the thirst as much as any brother, but also brings a great humility and commands an air of respect from fellow brothers just by walking into the room in the same way as the young Brother Sergeant Erasmus Tycho. Only time will tell if he becomes as successful as he.


Sgt. Arcula

3th Squad (Tactical)

“Blood calls out to blood, so they say. Let us spill the blood of our enemies with all due haste, that we may hear its cry all the clearer”
Codex:Blood Angels Page 24


If ever there was an aggressive Blood Angel, then Sgt. Arcula is it. He and his squad methods are sometimes questioned as they have been known to be overly brutal in achieving objectives, with Arcula’s brothers often joking that he should have been born a Flesh Tearer, not that it bothers him or indeed his squad. Despite his fiery temperament, Arcula is an excellent tactician with the capacity and speed of thought to change the course of a battle in an instant. Sometimes his squad forgo their bolters for additional close combat weapons as the mission sees fit, acting as an addition ground based Assault Squad.

Arcula lost his left eye taking part in the third war for Armageddon, during a close quarters fight with a particularly large green skin noble. When Captain Machiavi jokingly asked him if he was ok to continue the battle he famously proclaimed that “losing my eye is just a minor wound sir, as the Emperor, in His wisdom, has saw fit to bless me with two”. His eye has since been replaced with a bionic item.


Sgt. Leonardo

1st Squad (Tactical)

Leader of first squad, Leonardo he is also happens to be the most decorated Sergeant currently with the third. He is both an exceptionally tenacious fighter and a charismatic leader, excelling at both medium to close range assaults. He has led first squad on two occasions, having been seconded to the late Captain Tycho’s Honour Guard for a short space of time. However it was decided due to his exceptional leadership that when his replacement Sergeant; Cerbarus who succumbed to the black rage, Leonardo returned to lead them. This should not be thought of as a stain on his honour however as he is the most senior sergeant and ear marked as a future Captain of the 3rd.


Incidently he is returning to my HG when I build them and gaining an infernus pistol.


Sgt Ventro

7th Squad (Assault)

Sgt. Ventro is the Yin to Sgt. Raphael’s Yang – where the younger Sgt. is all about dancing around foes in an exquisite show of bladesmanship, Ventro is all about getting the job done, as blunt and as ugly as needed. This is quite apt given his appearance due to grievous injuries sustained while fighting a Tyranid plinter fleet on the hive world of Hollonan. As part of Chief Librarian Mephiston’s strike force, the Blood Angels were cut off against massive odds and forced to fight on while awaiting aid from the Angels Encarmine and xeno Eldar, as well as their own Chapter. It was a short and particularly bloody war during which even the Lord of Death himself was laid low. Ventro suffered his severe injuries while defending a particularly important manufactorium’s power generators to a large hoard of xeno’s, which left him minus his left arm and half of his face. Only two of his squad and himself were not KIA in that time, with Brother Zargo also losing a limb. Through sheer will and the Emperor’s guidance they held the breach until aid arrived.


Far from covering his bionic implants as a lot of Blood Angel’s do, Ventro appears to revel in his appearance, which complements his no nonsense approach to war and life.


Sgt. Gabriel

4th Squad (Tactical)

Sgt. Gabriel is a quiet and slightly shorter than most of his brothers, yet he is a broad almost bear like astartes who pursues martial perfection in every way. He works his squad ceaselessly to achieve this, as such they have the enviable reputation of being the most well drilled in the company. He is a sergeant who always seems to know everything that is going on in a battle, priding himself on anticipating every feint or trick that an enemy can muster, foiling it before plans can come to fruition; Gabriel’s motto is “Act before React”. With a personality of always choosing his odds, he will always be found equipped with his blessed bolter and powerfist, dependable and always ready to smite His foes, be they xeno or heretic.


Let me know what you think brothers :D

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I was wondering if you use an airbrush? The red on these guys is so smooth. Nice stories as well. May your Blood Angels never leave the table and all your rolls be 6's excepting leadership and morale tests.
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lol cheers Seva, if only :)


I only use an airbrush on vehicles and not my marines, however with my next squad I am going to have a go with it in the hopes of reducing the turn around. I think I will leave the heads separate though and I may even mask off the chainswords to save time.

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Cheers Angelus, much appreciated :D


Next up my DC need their taxi sorted. Still very wip as it needs quite a bit more detailing as well as a load of weathering/damage. I'm happy how the saltires turned out, but not looking forward to doing the skulls on the sides as I struggle with bone and they are quite big! I'm going to start with Charadon Granite and work up through Bleached Bone, and highlight with White. So we'll see......




I do intend on doing a flamerback conversion but have put that on hold for the time being as I have been using a bigger DC recently. In fact, there may even be a black Landraider Crusader on the cards :) .

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Cheers Kobra, I think green looks good as its different to the blue what most people use, and it does stand out against the red :tu:


Update time, DC ride finished:-













Nutters day out of the asylum:-



Well its not quite finished as I want to do a flamerback conversion using the Baal's sponons.


C & C most welcome :)

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lol not used it painted yet but it attracted attention when it was just primed, and now it has had the red targets (sorry I mean crosses, ahem) I'm sure it will atract even more......

Best get these painted then :devil: :-



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Heh, three of my favourite painters to comment on in one night - sweet :D


Excellent work again there mate, and the Rhino came out excellently. Not sure I'll be as proficient with the weathering as some of you guys are, but it's very characterful. Really like the axe over the head DC, awesome pose :devil:

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I really like the DC rhino. As said the weathering is pretty phenomal (sp?). I can't wait to see the Baals when they are painted.
Excellent work again there mate, and the Rhino came out excellently. Not sure I'll be as proficient with the weathering as some of you guys are, but it's very characterful. Really like the axe over the head DC, awesome pose :D
it just gets better and better! damn you!

Thanks guys :) honestly though the weathering isn't that difficult; I try to keep to simple techniques! The chipping on the rhino is just Boltgun Metal highlighted with Chainmail (hopefully in fairly realistic-ish areas). On a red tank I would first paint the chip dark grey or black. The mud/dust round the lower part is Scorched Brown slapped on, stippled over the top with Calthan Brown, finally stippled with Dheneb Stone, each time leaving the original coulor showing.


As for the Baal's I undercoated them last night so they are next on the list (I think) but my Mrs is about to drop sprog #2 so painting time will be rare soon lol if I get a chance I will take some wip photo's (of the tanks that is!)


Cheers guys :)

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I know I have said it before but those power weapons are really cool. I assume sprog is a child? If it is then I am wishing you well! Being a parent is a great thing. (Most times) If it isn't a child on the way, then I hope she can pick the sprog up or get it fixed or whatever you do with sprogs. Those tanks are going to be something to see I am sure of it. For selfish reasons I hope you aren't finished with your army anytime soon.
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Really nice stuff you done here. Have you ever thought of adding a tiny bit of orange litter to your bases? I reckon it'll give a bit of zing to the bases, and work well with the colours you've chosen.


PS. good luck to you and the missus with the little 'un :P

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Amazing work all-around. I especially think your background for your sergeants is fantastic. I do the same thing myself, and try to make them stand out from the rest of their squad as much as possible. Humorously enough my Sergeant Raphael of 6th Squad, 2nd Company is also the youngest sergeant in the unit (though he prefers the "Tycho approved" combi-melta).
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