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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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  • 1 month later...

Greetings guys, I know my forum time has been limited recently but you fancy an update?


Firstly, thanks to everyone asked about the new addition to my family B) I present to you baby Annabelle, my new ‘angelic’ little princess:-



For obvious reasons the hobby is taking a back seat at the minute (again!) however the Baal’s are now finished recently (read:before she was born lol) and I finally had the time to photograph them so I present to you the glorious retribution of “Baal’s Wrath” and the mighty “Baal’s Fury”:-

Baal’s Fury







Baal’s Wrath













Just to prove there is two of them… :down:







And some wip photo’s as to how the red is achieved:-

Mechrite red (Citadel Spray Gun used although we fell out and that is due to be replaced by an airbrush) Delvan Mud in the deeper recesses.



Blood Red dry brush.



Blazing Orange dry brush. This is a much lighter dry brush than the red and only to edges.



Finished! Easy as that, paint the details and weather to taste and you’re done.

And finally…

I was rooting through my Dad’s garage and found this little (big?) gem; my original Mk 1 Land Raider from my yoof! Painted when I was 14 or 15 years old:-




Now some of the paint is a bit thick, not to mention bright but I think it could be saved with a little bit of TLC. I do plan on running a Crusader for my DC but I couldn’t butcher the Mk 1 that much so I’ll repair it and run it as a standard Phobo’s when time allows. :)

As usual C & C most welcome ;)

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Cheers people, I’m fairly happy how the Baal’s turned out but feel I have rushed them a bit here and there. Still they are sealed now!

@Terahawk and Jorre - Thanks very much for the kind words.


@ DarkMark - yup, doting right now she is asleep on my knee ;)


@ vahouth - cheers bud, still prefer your’s though! And nope she is my second; if you take a peek at page two of this very thread you will see a photo of my son when he was born! (I couldn’t help myself then either, I’m a proud Dad lol) He’s 20 months now and looks a little different, and is plenty a handful I can tell you!


@ punkfish - of course, GW all the way for both the sprogs!!! Although it is an expensive hobby so they may have to wait until they get paper rounds......


Had another delivery Friday.....My army is out groing its storage space so I have got me some Battlfoam products. I must say I'm most impressed by the quality and I can understand why the price is as high as it is. I'll post some picts up when I get the chance for anybody interested (tend to be pointing the camera at the other new arrival as she is much prettier :) )


Thanks guys :) :) :)

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Battle Foam!! Got to say it is a bit pricey but the overall quality of both the foam and bag itself are excellent, with the bag seeming particularly robust. I have plumped for the P.A.C.K. 720, with a view to expanding my Angel’s of Death, purchased with the self pluck foam in which you can tailor to your own army, although I did get one pre-cut tray (see below). It has loads of spare pockets for dice/lists/tape etc. My army can now travel in style and safety:-








Pre-cut holds 2x Land Raider, 4x Rhino and 1x Drop Pod. Yes I plan on 2x Land Raiders :tu: a standard red one and an evil black one for my DC.


I got mine from Firestorm Games based here in good old blighty. It’s the first time I have ordered from them and I have got to say that the customer service and delivery times are A1 ;) They cater for all things hobby related and I will certainly be using them again; they even bunged in some magnets for my Crusader/Redeemer variant as it is a tight squeeze in the LR tray the with larger sponsons over the Godhammers.


Next up for my 3rd Company? Aside from some minor repairs to do I have finally glued on some FW brass etch onto my other Rhino/Razorback so I should really paint that next, but I’m starting to get fed up with the boring stuff as I gots limited time in the hobby at the minute so have the itch to make a start on my Dread and Pod (see way back on page 8 of this thread for the Dread lol)

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Midnight! I just noticed you had another Baby! Congratulations to you and your family!

Damn man you're like an Assault 2 weapon :wacko:

lol cheers Legion man! But to correct you I'm actually Assault 2, Rending :blink:


man I really gotta stop carrying my minis around in shoe boxes, that battle foam looks great!

heh, I did have a GW case , but these Battle Foam ones really are something else check

out. I won't be doing that but its nice to know (if its real)
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I only say old since you have kids. I'm 30, I'm old too...

I can see that considering babies are as expensive as this hobby :P

True, this is an expensive hobby, but pales in comparison to kids :D lol!!


not sure if i said this already... so il say it now (or again)


grats on the new neophyte :P


and il have to say this....its possitive though



DAAAAMMNNNNNN!!!! thats a nice paintjob!



:D Cheers for the comments Dem :D I have some more to do on "Baal's Fury" though as it has magnetized sponsons to allow lascannons and an autocannon turret too for some heavy support fun. I plan on adding a third Pred down the line which will also be magnetized ;)

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  • 3 months later...

After months of seeming inactivity......my army rises from the dead (litrally!)


Some of you may have noticed that I have started sporting a new avatar and sig recently, well, yep I have changed allegences from Blood Angels to Flesh Eaters. I blame Chaplain Desmodus and Chaplain Hiltraud for finally leading me further into the red thirst with their awesome stuff. Nomnomnom....blood....flesh.....check out my armies redux



There be vampires around.......


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Just read this thread after being introduced to your work on the Flesh Eaters. Gotta say, these look great! And belated congratulations on your two neophytes. They'll make the scout company in no time!

Hey thanks man, when I look over this thread I think I must be mad! The Flesh Eaters certainly polarize opinion as they are basically space vampires, but hey if evrybody preferred them we would all be playing them instead of Blood Angels. At least I haven't turned tue BA into straight up vamps lol


As for the kids, cheers :D its hard to believe but my son has actually just turned two years and my daughter is nearly five months; meaning I have a little (only a little) more hobby time hence some painting done. They keep us busy enough lol

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