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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Is them not just lots of skulls piled up? And guessing ( for the fun;))

jumppack chaplinfor legs + torso with greenstuffbezerker head with wings from the plastick high elf kit, command squad pointing arm, dantes backpack, copy of his shoulder pad, standard crosirus but moved down with a new head which i dont reconise?


Anyway lovely job, whats going to play dante? :(

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Thanks for all the positive comments guys ;) Brother Nathan, you weren't far wrong with the parts. I raided my bits box big time, the official parts list reads like this:-

Head - Filed down Khorne Berzerker w/ Dark Angel Vet helemet wings

Left arm - Space Marine Command sprue, pad is a green stuff press mould from Mr Dante. This was hard work but turned out alright in the end.

Right arm - SM Captain's sprue with crozius from the Jump Chaplain. Although I used Lemartes' crozius head with the coat hanger bits filed off! Pad from command sprue

Body - Standard marine body with the skull aquila. This was filed off and replaced with a green stuff blood drop

Legs - Jump Chappy

Jump Pack - Dante

Rosarius from the Termie pack

Plenty of pins and green stuff and a bit of plasticard. I actually stabbed myself with a pin when doing the crozius head - instead of cleaning it though I just stuck it on as it seems quite apt with a BA Chappy. Will it count as master crafted now? ^_^

Oh and the bolt pistol in pouch was again command sprue coz it looked snazzy, long knife from an Eversor Assassin I had lying around.


@ o3gan, the base is easy:-

Pack of Skulls

He's not very good at hiding behind Rhino's though......


Phew.....thats it I think!



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Wow those are some awesome looking minis! The red is quite vibrant and the white is very crisp. Your Chaplain is simply amazing. ;)


0b :HQ:


Thanks very much Ob, you're Flesh Tearer "Cup of Hate" short story on here inspired me with the DC, hence the name plates on the pauldron, cheers ^_^


Anyways seeing as I have posted him in the DC showcase with his homies, I may as well pict whore my group shot on here too.




Once again thanks for the positive comments about mine as I'm still learning, and this forum really helps with not only the modelling painting side of things but also how I'm shaping my BA and tactics.

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wow, how did i miss this thread? :HQ:


some very nice looking models m8! loving the cloak and halo on Tycho! make him look alot better :)


the blood drop gems are also nice. did it to a few models myself a while back but i couldnt make them look like gems or anything, just painted them red, yours look alot nicer :) could you give away how you painted them?


an the chaplain, i must admit i dident see the zerker head in the first picture, i thought it was a normal marines head. but he looks BRTUAL! very nice job there -_- keep the pictures coming you hear? :P

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That is one sweet looking chaplin, it makes my kit bashed one look poor. I was set on using the LOTD sergeant as a chaplin (when it comes out in Jan), but now I've seen yours I'm back to square one with trying to decide on which one I want to a)kitbash - like yours or b)LOTD sergeant.
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Thanks again dudes, its going to be a slow project though the baby is due this week and its already late....queue sleepless nights and not much time to paint/model/eat/breath lol


@ Demoulius cheers mate, blood drops are easy. I base in black, then scorched brown, followed by mechrite red, blood red then blazing orange working down towards the bottom of the gem. Add a dot of skull white to the highest point and its sorted. Sometimes I blend through the colours if the gem is particularly big, or add some white to the orange as a final highlight.


@ Telliphas I have a soft spot for Chaplains (another reason for choosing BA ^_^ ) and that legion Serg looks plain evil, just change his axe to a crozius and happy days. The berzeker head on mine makes a good chappy head, particularly a death mask but I think it needs something like the wings or a halo to make it stand out. Cheers :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okaaaaay this project is still alive! Although only just.....


WIP attack bike w/sergeant (he will just count as a normal rider but will make it look more shiny when in a squadron ;) )






As you can see not been up to much, the reason being our first little'un was born on the 27/12/09, and I can't help posting up the little fella even though he isn't wearing his power armour :P I present to you Owen; my newest Angel!




Cheers ^_^

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Congrats on the baby boy Midnight. Welcome to father hood. You will notice a decrease in spare time for the hobby, but give it a few months and when the little one is sleeping more in the evenings its then time to crack out the paints and get hobbying again. I'm speaking from experience as my little girl is now 17 months old. She is at the stage of pulling things off the table, you've got all this to come buddy. But its definiatly worth it.


Back on topic - Looking good, I really do like the red you have on them. Bright / dark a well blended mix. As for the LOTD seargent, chaplin I think I will go with the LOTD and make him my counts as Lemartes / High Chaplain Carnarvon for my Flesh Tearer force. I think the seargent has enough bling on him to pull it off.

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As you can see not been up to much, the reason being our first little'un was born on the 27/12/09, and I can't help posting up the little fella even though he isn't wearing his power armour :P I present to you Owen; my newest Angel!


Congratulations. ^_^ We got Shirin, our little Noisemarine, by the end of August. :P Although she's a wonderful girl, my work on my Blood Angels has come to a halt ever since; I hope I will have my assembly line up and running again for the new Codex. ;)

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Congratulations to you and yours on the birth of your child! Kids are a great distraction from the world of painting. Having said that please finish that attack bike. Throwing a grenade while riding a bike is ballsy. Congratulations again!


Obey the Emperor.

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Okaaaaay this project is still alive! Although only just.....


WIP attack bike w/sergeant (he will just count as a normal rider but will make it look more shiny when in a squadron ;) )






As you can see not been up to much, the reason being our first little'un was born on the 27/12/09, and I can't help posting up the little fella even though he isn't wearing his power armour :D I present to you Owen; my newest Angel!




Cheers :lol:

just paint him red, and he'll be ready to smite the enemies of the emperor in no time.

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CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE MIDNIGHT RUNNER! May Owen discover a mass-produceable space propulsion system and make billions of moneys.


See, you're painting your angels the way I plan to do mine as soon as I'm ready to repaint them. And you know they do look great, and clean. I think the deep red works way better then the bright version. I gots to keep painting.

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@ Everyone - thanks very much for the comments on the little man ^_^ his black rage has been hard work over the last few days (*read nights*) but he's soooo worth it! lol at some of the comments guys, made me and the Wifey laugh through our bleary eyes :P


@ Telliphas - this Sgt. would be perfect for Carnarvon with a flashy base, crozius and jump pack :tu: It would be hard pushed to add anything else as I think its an awesome model and out chappys the chappys. Also you get the rest of the squad.


@ Parcival - congrats on you're little lady too my friend, lol @ the noisemarine comment I can certainly empathise!


@ Seva - yep Sgt. needs to have a good throwing arm on him to make it work but I liked the pose. I may come up with some fluff about him being a former baseball pitcher back on Baal before his induction into the BA ^_^


Early happy new year to all :tu::tu::tu:

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Firstly Congrats on becoming a father/


Secondly I really like the way you paint red. How do you get it so dark and then highlighted please tell


The chappy looks scary in a bat like way. All the models are painted really well

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Thanks very much again guys for both the comments on the little man and my BA :) . Apparently Owen looks a lot like his dad, poor kid lol he may get lucky and grow out of it. I actually got a some painting done last night while he was sleeping, but nothing worth posting sorry!


@ Beef take a look at Post #21 for a full red recipe, but mechrite red is your friend. I tend to blend down from blood red (highlighting on the edges), using lots of stages adding in more mechrite as I go; typically 5-6, but sometimes up to 10 like on some large areas such as the attack bike. I do paint some blazing orange on the very edge as a final highlight, though not on everything. Hope that helps.

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Back again brothers :) I have finished my first attack bike (in between changing dirty nappies). For you’re comment and criticism:-
















This attack bike is rode by Sergeant Raphael of 8th squad (assault). He counts as a normal marine for gaming purposes but adds a bit more bling for modelling:-


Sergeant Damaris, 8th Squad 3rd Co

Sgt. Raphael is amongst the foremost tank hunters in the Blood Angels, what he doesn’t know about seek and destroy missions is not worth knowing! He has held the rank of Sergeant for 60years, being in charge of 8th for approx 45 of those after rising to lead 7th squad 8th company early in his Astartes career, mainly due to his blunt manner and unwavering resolution. As an assault squad member he is highly trained in the use of bikes and attack bikes as well as close quarter fighting. Due to his skill he is usually the first to volunteer to be deployed as such on an attack bike.


Enough of my fluff :D last photo is my first attempt at freehanding the chapter badge (the marine riding shotgun) what do you think? And this is also my first attempt at yellow (urrrggh!).


C & C most welcome ;) I struggled with aspects of this one!

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