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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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A really good paintjob, Midnight Runner.


As for the chapter badge, I think it is definately acceptable(means its good :D ), if I think of my attempts of freehanding those signs....urrgh.


I really like your yellow, it is not too bright, and not too dark, just the perfect colour. The highlights are well fitting as are the shadows.


Well done mini!





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Oh, those chapter badges are really nice. I'm an expert on rating them because mine so far turned out really really bad. :)

Thanks for the link, though, maybe mine will finally turn out decently as well, those transfers really don't look that good.

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im loving the paintjob on the bike ;) the yellow came out very nicely, specialy if thats your first attempt at it! the freehand also looks very nice from what i can see :P


i like the fluff you made up for your "sargeant" even if he isent a major leading character from your chapter you made some nice fluff to go with a very fluffy character (whhere would sargeant from attack bike units go? heres the anwser :P) love the touch of attaching his helmet to the attached paches and stuff! you see to many bare headed models without them, nice to see that some of them renember to bring it along :)

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Hello Midnight Runner,


Would this painting method using this red formula work on tanks as well? I want to complete a full company of 4th company Blood Angels very soon...probably in the very distant future. By the way your DC look great, I envy you for such a great looking chaplain. I wish I could make one like that. Great job!



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Cheers guys, I am probably going to add a base to it but I'm going to wait until I purity seal it (and with the -10 temperature here at the moment won't be soon!)


@ Brother Captain Cassius - green stuff mould is dead easy, going something like this:-

1) Clean the model you are going to take the mould from (I used Dante's shoulder pad)

2) Apply a small amount of vaseline or something similar

3) Mix some green stuff and press onto the shoulder pad and allow to dry

4) Peel off when dry, the vaseline should mean it won't stick

5) Apply more vaseline into press mould (not too much!)

6) Put more green stuff into the mould (make sure the side to mate with the new shoulder pad is fairly flat) Allow to dry

7) Peel out, trim to size, and stick to a blank shoulder pad


It took me a few attempts but I was suprised the results turned out pretty good. Use to much vaseline though and it distorts the mould, also make sure the mould is not to thick or it will sit off the new shoulder pad too much ^_^


@ bloodseeker - as far as tanks go, we shall see! Next up will be some Rhino's


Thanks once again brothers :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update time!


It may not look like I have been up to much but I have :) With C:BA arriving in April and after some discussions with Sepsis, I have decided to make my BA a bit more ‘gritty’ looking. Also I have free handed all my chapter badges on my first tactical squad, as I wasn’t happy with the transfer’s finish :tu: :D :) They prob look the same in the photo but took me ages lol, anyways, let me know what you think:-







Yay....all got freehand chapter badges (transfers don't agree with me!)




For ‘gritty’ read stippling graveyard earth around there ankles and some battle damage here and there:-







Sgt. Leonardo was a bit jealous of the other guys with fluff so:-

Sgt. Leonardo, 3rd Company, 1st Squad

Leader of first squad, Leonardo he is also happens to be the most decorated Sergeant currently with the third. He is an exceptionally tenacious fighter, excelling at both medium to close range assaults. He has led first squad on two occasions, having been seconded to the late Captain Tycho’s houour Guard for a short space of time. However it was decided due to his exceptional leadership that when his replacement Sergeant succumbed to the black rage, he returned to lead them.



Upcoming projects



Dedicated transport for Leonardo’s crew on the left. The other Rhino is for my next tactical squad, 4th Squad.


I have started work on my next Sergeant:-











As always C&C welcome :)

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You have been busy haven't you mate, all this with a new born. You are spoiling us, especially with that bit of FW etched brass I see there on those Rhino's...mmm...pricey. You must be buying budget nappies for the lad!


The 4th squad sergeant looks cool & that tactical squad looks like they've actually ventured onto a battlefield now pal, bit of dust around their feet looks good. And the freehand BA icon looks far better than those GW transfers with their shiny finish.

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The new Sgt. is a for a tac squad, but I'm going to come up with some sort of fluff with him being "extremely well drilled/quest for martial perfection" etc etc Basically he needs to know everything going on around so has the auspex and a small radar on his rhino. To carry on the theme I'm doing his squad half with running assault legs/half stood covering them or holding ground (stood still) for comabat squading, hence the pose. Martial perfection!


Yup, snook a few DC bodies I had left as any new ones I get I'll wait to see if we get new plastic :ermm: (The new Sgt's bent right leg is a DC one but you can't really tell as it is undercoated)


I do have a question; anybody have any experience of Citidel Spray Gun when using foundation paints (mechrite red)?


Thanks people!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jumping in here, the brass bits are likely from the Forgeworld Brass Etched Sprues. They're a neat bit of detail that is hard to get in a plastic bit, though they ain't cheap.


Just picked up this thread, btw, and I'm a huge fan of your shading and layering, Midnight Runner. You have a certain ability to make shadows naturally on your models, which I've often attempted but never really perfected. Also, your Chaplain is just plain awesome. Chaplains are always my favorite models, and yours does great justice to the BA, especially with the well thought out background.


As far as the spray gun, I'm not sure if you'd get the same level of detail from spray-gunned models, but I can vouch for the efficiency of the technique. Citadel's equipment isn't necessarily the best for spraying, though. I would do some research into other company's products as a quality comparison. Now that you're doing dad stuff it might pay off to be able to get your Mechrite base coat in one fell swoop. :huh: Heck, I'm amazed by how much you're getting done in either case!

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Thanks guys missed the comments :) very much appreciated :)


Indeedy douchie they are FW brass etched symbols found here. As usual great quality stuff, I fancy a termie captain based on the Commander Culln model (CULLEN? lol). Painting for me has been a bit slow recently due to the pressures of real life as my wife has just lost her dad so obviously the project is on the back burner for the moment. Owen gives us loads of smiles though ;)


The Rhinos are in the paint shop and sgt is about 80% done. I have shortened his right thigh though because it looked sooooo long in the above photo's. I only noticed when I posted them up! Vel'Cona thanks for the positive comments dude :P I don't consider myself a particular good painter, I just do things the easy way and take my time while trying to be neat. I went for the citedel spray gun in the end for the APC's, it seems pretty good value for the ££'s but you can judge for yourselves when I post them up.

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The new Sgt. is a for a tac squad, but I'm going to come up with some sort of fluff with him being "extremely well drilled/quest for martial perfection" etc etc Basically he needs to know everything going on around so has the auspex and a small radar on his rhino. To carry on the theme I'm doing his squad half with running assault legs/half stood covering them or holding ground (stood still) for comabat squading, hence the pose. Martial perfection!


Yup, snook a few DC bodies I had left as any new ones I get I'll wait to see if we get new plastic :) (The new Sgt's bent right leg is a DC one but you can't really tell as it is undercoated)


I do have a question; anybody have any experience of Citidel Spray Gun when using foundation paints (mechrite red)?


Thanks people!


follow the instructions! lol


seriously i accidently put a tiny bit more water in than i should and the colour came out pink-ish, which was easily fixed with a baal red wash but i still didnt like it... :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Demoulius :tu:


@ Twisted Rhino's are on there way - spray guns on tanks rule!


Anyways, some more done :) ****Long post alert, but I bring picts this time :P ****


Sgt. Gabriel, as he has now been christened, is now done (bar the base) What do you guys think? I’m thinking that the loincloth needs something? Any ideas? I have shortened his right leg if you compare it to the pre-painted photo’s - look at the size of that bad boy before I re-butchered it! The first brothers in his squad sort of done too, bar the bases.










Note that the battle brother on the right (one of my old DC marines) was my ‘test marine’ for my new BA. He was the first guy I painted since I was a 14 year old (28 now :D ) so had to include him in my new army for sentimentality reasons, even if he looks a bit ‘stumpy’ next to his brothers lol.


Talking of sentimentality and with all of the new threads discussing BAers vs old BAers, black trim vs red trim, old school vs new school, here are some of mine from when I was a nipper, Angels of Death era:-




BTW Mr Tycho is going to be stripped so I can have a DC version :)


One final thing, I have a new camera so I've edited my last post so you can see the changes to 1st squad. Unfortunatly you can now judge my painting better (or worse!)


C&C most welcome

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@ Demoulius :tu:


@ Twisted Rhino's are on there way - spray guns on tanks rule!


Anyways, some more done :) ****Long post alert, but I bring picts this time :P ****


Sgt. Gabriel, as he has now been christened, is now done (bar the base) What do you fellow guys think? I’m thinking that the loincloth needs something? Any ideas? I have shortened his right leg if you compare it to the pre-painted photo’s - look at the size of that bad boy before I re-butchered it! The first brothers in his squad sort of done too, bar the bases.










Note that the battle brother on the right (one of my old DC marines) was my ‘test marine’ for my new BA. He was the first guy I painted since I was a 14 year old (28 now :blink: ) so had to include him in my new army for sentimentality reasons, even if he looks a bit ‘stumpy’ next to his brothers lol.


Talking of sentimentality and with all of the new threads discussing BAers vs old BAers, black trim vs red trim, old school vs new school, here are some of mine from when I was a nipper, Angels of Death era:-




BTW Mr Tycho is going to be stripped so I can have a DC version :)


One final thing, I have a new camera so I've edited my last post so you can see the changes to 1st squad. Unfortunatly you can now judge my painting better (or worse!)


C&C most welcome

id say keep that tycho as a reminder, and just paint up a new one.
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id say keep that tycho as a reminder, and just paint up a new one.

I know what you mean, that is why I bought another Tycho (the one from the first page).....must...resist...the...rage....!

I have a Dante that may be getting a repaint, and Mephy is already stripped :) I can't keep them all!

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^^on re-reading that post...it sounds as if Meph is having some sexytime :cuss


Please, do not take photos! <_<


You know, I really dig your deep red. It really brings the "blood" in "Blood Angels"! B)

Your sergeant is really nice as well, finally a marine with some nicely bent legs!



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Bet Sgt. Gabriel had one hell of a limp previous to his new leg! ;)

Its much more in proportion now. I think he's your best mini yet - a great pose.


As for the loin cloth, maybe just keep it simple with a red trim & chapter icon in the centre? But make it a slightly different shade of red from the armour, to help catch the eye.

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