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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Thanks guys :) I like to make a bit of an effort with characters with a nice bit of fluff with and I'm sure Sgt. Gabriel will get some another of my dodgy efforts! I did struggle with his face as I wanted to get a paler complection, but not tooooo pasty lol. I don't go mad with gold as I'm saving that for vets.


Been busy today with some shiny new stuff that is on pre-order, namely the new DC and Sanguary Guard as well as the 'dex. The mini's are awesome but I'm still not sure on the wings on the SG, time will tell if they grow on me when I get them in my grubby mits. The main reason I have got them though is for the bitz as I may not even use them as SG, depends on their points cost I think thay will be pricey :D


Anyways, thanks for all the comments :P

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Gabriel came out looking amazing brother :sweat:


i love the models youve got there, i always repainted my old "***damn those are fugly!" models that i had lying around...simply because i couldnt stand them myself :D it is nice to hold some around and keep them for reference though i guess, show how much youve progressed as a painter :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very much appreciated guys :D & lol'd at Dem, I have got rid of most of my oldies but keep a few around, and I also steal the odd head from them here and there (I'm looking at you; attack bike Sgt. Raphael).


More progress, overcharged transport for Squad Leonardo:-








3rd Company FTW!



Not purity sealed yet so C&C most welcome, its my first Rhino in a very loooooooong time :)

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Probably the best thing about the excitement over the new codex is the huge uptick in people buffing up their army and sharing their pics. Very nice looking BA force and that Rhino is very, very nice. Now paint a few more and a couple of razorbacks too! :lol: Also one of the better looking Tychos I have seen.
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Really nice Rhino dude and I really like the use of the etched brass parts.


I've always struggled with the mud/soot effects on my vehicles, would you mind sharing how you did it?


OT - Nice Scooby too. Have always been a fan of Jap cars but never took the step of buying one (have always stayed with hot Renaults and now have an Octavia Vrs.)

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Thanks very much for the positive comments on the Rhino :) and the scooby lol


@ Angelus and punkfish - It seems us BA fanatics also have a penchant for fast cars. I s'pose overcharged engines was just another reason for us to fall in love with the red side B) Angelus,at the risk of derailing my own thread, I did have a black wrx before my STi, I loved the it (they have kind of a gold metal flake in it) definitley the best colour with its dark alloys, but when it came to change it (WRX to STi is night and day imho) I couldn't face another black one even though I loved it - far to much of an ass-pain to keep clean lol! Right, I'll shut up about it now before mod lockdown, I think I need to get back over to scoobynet......


Back to the Rhino ;)


@ shinigami - Thanks :tu: red recipe on page one but here you go again, I may post a tute up if I get the time. I really do use only basic techniques and take my time, it is dead easy:-

1) Chaos Black Undercoat (spray)

2) Scorched Brown base coat

3) Mechrite Red over all but the recesses

4) Highlight with Blood Red in two ways -

On larger areas such as shoulder pads/legs I highlight the highest point then blend back down to mechrite red

On smaller areas such as hands then I highlight with Blood Red no blending

5) Final highlight with Blazing Orange on very edges of certain things such as heads/hands/shoulder trim.


For the tank I used the same colours (although without the scorched brown base coat - I lined this into the shaded areas). I used a spray gun for the mechrite red coat, then dry brushed the other colours with a large brush :)


@ punkfish again - the weathering is easy too. The soot was applied firstly badab black wash, then chaos black over this. The mud was strppled on as follows:-

1. Scorched Brown over the lower hull and tracks.

2. Calthan Brown.

3. Dheneb Stone.

Hopefully makes it look like it faster than the codex variants, carriering over the battle field at breakneck speads (100% of the time :) ) Remember kids, red wunz go fasta!

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oh...you mean....its brass?




well nicely painted either way B)


lol cheers mate :tu:


"...and my other car is a Mitsubishi Evo..."

Funnily enough, not far off the mark, I drive an Impreza STi!! Any excuse to show her off take a look :)

-activate off topic mode-

lol im picturing a marine arriving in that car:


*honk honk*

Marine 1: hey brother Fred whats this? your new dedicated transport?

Marine 2: thats right brother, sadly the overcharged engine hasent arrived yet, its been stalled alongside the red paint job.

Marine 1: The techmarine's hogging the parts again?

Marine 2: Yea, i think its because they like to mock me and my car telling me to bring back the vehicle that i loaned from the Ultramarines.

Marine 1: The nerve!

Marine 2: I know! This machine is such an upgrade compared to a rhino! Its got 4 acces points, its fast, it has TWO searchlights instead of just 1, is a smaller target then a rhino and has a transport capacity of 4.

Marine 1: Uhm dude, doesent the razorback have a transport capacity of 6 and have a big shiney heavy bolter on top?

Marine 2: It does, but when your picking up some sisters of battle do you really want the extra 2 company?



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^^^^ :) :D :) lol!


Back on topic; I have received some shiny new magnets for my DC's jump packs as they don't look to viable with the new 'dex. The most gutting thing is my Chaplain though! He doesn't look right without a jp so his is staying on, just have to roll with a RAS. I have also got a few bits for a Librarian and some Dreadnought bits so I can finally start my AOBR conversion. I have a new list but I'm going to wait until I have the new 'dex before posting it, and get busy at my usual snail like pace :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, new 1000pt list with the new 'dex. It's based on the models I own so I don't have to go out and buy much more at the moment. Take a look and let me know what you think, maybe I could improve it?



Librarian Salem



Tactical Squad Leonardo (p/w, plasmagun, heavy bolter, rhino)

Tactical Squad Gabriel (p/f, meltagun, missile launcher, rhino)

Death Company x5 (thunder hammer, razorback)


Fast Attack

Attack bike squadron Raphael (2x w/multimeltas)



Dreadnought Belaphon

(assault cannon/multimelta/furioso will be magnatized)

Total 985/995/1005 with the furioso


I am still working on Squad Gabriel, but seeing as:-

a ) I have had some shiny new Sang Guard and the DC kit

b ) I love a good kit-bash/convesion

c ) I need a new HQ

d ) Everybody else is busy with their new kits.......


........I present my WIP Librarian, Salem :sweat:







Sorry, its dark so bad lighting. The idea is he is firing his 'Blood Lance', still need some greenstuff here and there.


C & C welcome (especially on my list :rolleyes: )

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Librarian Salem



Tactical Squad Leonardo (p/w, plasmagun, heavy bolter, rhino)

Tactical Squad Gabriel (p/f, meltagun, missile launcher, rhino)

Death Company x5 (thunder hammer, razorback)


Fast Attack

Attack bike squadron Raphael (2x w/multimeltas)



Dreadnought Belaphon

(assault cannon/multimelta/furioso will be magnatized)

Total 985/995/1005 with the furioso

liby looks nice, what powers will he run with? will he run with a squad? (DC by the looks of it?) not to sure on your tactical squads, what nich are they filling? atm they are equiped for fire support but they got a rhino? if youve got the spare fast attack slots i suggest you take 2 single attack bikes over 1 squad of 2. that way their survivability increases as your opponent can only kill 1 per squad :) more squads=more wasted fire as well ;)

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Good thinking on the fast attack slots Dem ;)


Squad Gabriel will be combat squaded with the libby running with the fist/meltagun perhaps changing their Rhino to the Razorback. Squad Leonardo will be an objective sitter. The DC will do what they do best with ccw's (I'm thinking I may even use a H/flamer if they take the Razorback). Also the missile launcher may be chopped for a lascannon for more support if I can find the points. Alas no room for a priest as yet any ideas? Perhaps chopping an attack bike (only one is painted thus far) but are they any good on there own?


As far as libby powers go I am planning to try the lot out lol

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Midnight Runner Posted Yesterday, 10:54 PM

Good thinking on the fast attack slots Dem thumbsup.gif


Squad Gabriel will be combat squaded with the libby running with the fist/meltagun perhaps changing their Rhino to the Razorback. Squad Leonardo will be an objective sitter. The DC will do what they do best with ccw's (I'm thinking I may even use a H/flamer if they take the Razorback). Also the missile launcher may be chopped for a lascannon for more support if I can find the points. Alas no room for a priest as yet any ideas? Perhaps chopping an attack bike (only one is painted thus far) but are they any good on there own?


As far as libby powers go I am planning to try the lot out lol

if you intend to run the squad with a fist and melta why not turn them into a 5 man assault squad? give them a lascannon razorback (part otherwise taken up by 5 marines with a heavy weapon) it can move 12 inches and fire so its mobile. meaning you can do flank shots more easily for example. only downside would b e that you dont have anyone on a home objective then, should you have any.


on the liby powers, ive tried the blood sword and prefered enemy combo and it is brutal! assault squad with attached liby and sang priest simply ploughs through the oposition! however it also leaves you open to shooting as not that many opponents can take such a beating. as for the other powers, i have yet to try those but im looking forward to it :Troops:


sang priest arent intended on their own btw, they are a force multiplier, and let me tell you they are worth their points 3 times over. yesterday i was facing a thousand sons army, andi had to weather 2-3 rounds of shooting before i could get into combat safely and the priest was brutal! the unit was in cover so got a 4+ save against the AP 3 bolters and then another 4+ fnp to stop it further! the first 2 turns i had lost 3 models from about 20 wounds. DEFENITLY worth their points. when mounted in a vehicle their bubble only gets bigger however since you measure from the hull :Elite:



i am however not sure on your dreadnought. everything else in your army can move 12 inches a turn, whilsts the dread is footslogging. he has no sure way to keep up (running is to random) perhaps some food for thought? also your army will be pretty weak against horde lists as it stands. perhaps replace the dread with a baal or vindi or somesuch?

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Cheers snorri! I know what you mean, I'm going to be getting another set in the future too :huh: still need some greenstuff here and guitar wire for the hood and force weopon but getting there


@ Dem - I know what you mean with the Baal, it was on my original list but I don't own one yet and couldn't justify the spending the readies on one just yet, but it is for sure my next purchase (with a FW front though 'coz I hate the new Baal one lol). The Dreadnought is a dicey one as I don't think it is particulary effective without a pod but I can't squeeze one in, and again I don't own one yet anyway (unless I use a shoe box counts as....hmmm.... ;) ) I'll be making up a priest as they seem just to good to be true in any situation. As far as the two tac squads go it is for the simple fact I have one finshed and the other is getting there so counts as again methinks :P

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I thought about buying one of the "official" Librarians, but checking yours I have the impression one can get really nice results by scratch building him. I am currently busy figuring out the bits you used - do I perceive it correctly that you used one of the preheresy stile shoulderpads as his psychic hood? :)

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Nice Librarian mate. You've inspired me to have a go a doing my own when my pre-ordered BA stuff arrives.


Can't wait to see some paint on it, will be a nice addition to your force. Quick Q if I may, what are the FW brass etched symbols like to model with/paint over?

I'm thinking of ordering some on my next round of FW spending.

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