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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Okay I admit I"m dumb... how does one do a few "electric blue glazes"

Yep basically just thinned down with loads of water (like a wash) don't load the brush too much though as you won't get any control and it will cover the whole face! It will take a few layers though as the paint is so thin :cry:


Also its ice blue, not electric blue - same goes for the force weapon/hand; I confused myself :)

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Nice Libby, Midnight! The paintjob came out really well, exactly how I´d imagined a Librarian. :)

What I like most is the lightnings on force-weapon and his hand, the face also looks great. But yeah, the teeth are a little...big? ;)

Still, great to see more progress in here and I hope that you´ll proceed painting that well!




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hmmmm i get little vibe from tthe liby :P


ahw please invite me in!

i vant to zuck you blood......blah!

what do you mean? OFFCOURSE im from transilvania :)


*shrugs* sorry m8 but the cartoony teeth make me laugh ;) sadly they take away from the rest of the mini which is pure awesome :tu:

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No worries my friends, it is what C & C is for!!


After bowing to the peer pressure, Epistoliary Salem finally filed his humungous gnashers down, well sort of:-









That green stuff is hard to get out without damaging the mini too much so he has some much smaller fangs as I couldn't get rid of them all, and he has some teeth in the middle (if you can make them out but they are there, honest!)


I still expect them to go down like a cup of cold sick....!

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Okay I admit I"m dumb... how does one do a few "electric blue glazes"

Yep basically just thinned down with loads of water (like a wash) don't load the brush too much though as you won't get any control and it will cover the whole face! It will take a few layers though as the paint is so thin :RTBBB:


Also its ice blue, not electric blue - same goes for the force weapon/hand; I confused myself :RTBBB:

Video Tutorial! We need one! :RTBBB:

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Huh, I've just remembered something. :rolleyes:


We have a Drum Instructor at School called 'Mr. MacDonald', and he had his Teeth done, real expensive, so we sing 'Old MacDonald Had A Dentist Appointment' whenever we see him. :P


Reminds me of dear Salem.


And, there's some nice Freehand Work on those Scripts. Torso is Black Templars Upgrade Kit, right? :)

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That is WAY better the teeth are there but they are not a focal point ... and honestly if a dude's eyes and hand are glowing blue... he's carrying a sword that is glowing blue and crackling in the air... the teeth are the last thing people should be focusing on!


And I agree I would love to see some Video Tutorials!!! I love when people do those!

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I take it that the B&C approve then!! I lol'd at some of the comments, poor Salem.


@ Tropicana yes indeedy it is from Black Templar sprue, lots of nice stuff on there.


And as far as a video tut goes, not likely as the only equipment I have is my camera phone!! I'll take a couple of stills when I do Mephy if you want though B)


Cheers for the comments guys, much appreciated.

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when are you planning on having the finished converted mephiston done?

Hey man 1st post welcome to the B & C ;)


I have done a little more greenstuff work on him, undercoated him and he had his first lick of paint Friday. Knowing me it will take a while then! My problem is that I am currently revamping my DC, adding a new foot slogging chappie and have a Rhino on the go at the same time :lol:

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Hey Midnight,


Have just logged back on after two weeks away and am totally in awe of your Libby. The painted psi force and his eyes look fangtastic (sorry couldn't resist) and the overall paint job works really well.


Can't wait to see what you've got cooking for us

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks very much for the kind words matey, and here is the next instalment......... B)


“Clad in his ornate, newly forged black armour,

he stalked the battlefield in search of his next victim

to the sound of weeping angels and tortured daemons.


Baal’s chosen, destroyer of armies, Lord of Death”











C & C most welcome :)


Transfixing Gaze

Ok, bare in mind my painting isn't all that when compared to the talent on here, but seeing as you asked so nicely; glowing eyes 'Midnight Style'. Apologies for the poor camera work mine doesn’t like being so close:-


1) Paint the eyes white as normal. Do not dot the pupil.


2) Apply very watered down Ice Blue. This will take a few coats, and cover each layer less and less area each time (so you have less on the cheek and more around the eye socket) Note how you can still just about see the eye through the blue.



3) Re-apply the skull white to the eye. Sorted Psi-eyes!



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I really like the concept and the execution is pretty much spot on, but (and I hate the thought of being critical) the pose just seems a little bit off to me. I think the top half works really well but the bottom half just doesn't seem to match.


I'm not that great at converting so I feel a bit of a fraud for those comments, but it just seems to me that the legs are far too 'closed' and as such, they make the mini feel top heavy.


The paint job is very nice though and I really like the 'psi' effect on the eyes.

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Cheers guys, I was aiming for a dark and moody look, while still being recognisable to the original model (which I think is sorta cartoony?) I shamelessly robbed the idea from black with red highlighting from the sanguinor's chaplains here :tu:


@ Punkfish - yeah I know what you mean, I think it is because I have 'bulked' him up slightly as I want him to look more imposing when next to a standard marine, but still make use of cover being the loner he is. Also you don't realise just how big his sword is until it is outstretched like that! The idea for the pose was robbed from the old AoD codex, only I changed it to look like he was stalking across the battlefield to open a huge can of whup-ass on a carnifex/daemon prince/avatar/twilight lover. I like it anyways!! (the pose not twilight :lol: )

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