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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Cheers dude :tu:


Parts were:-

Legs - Dark Angel veteran with green stuff trim.

Torso - Sang Guard.

Arms - Both were from the SM commander; the left one was originally the power sword, the right one had a 'pointy' finger from the command squad added. The gloves were greenstuffed.

Left shoulder pad and back pack from the DC box.

Right shoulder pad was from a Khorne berzerker.

The head and force sword were from my original Mephiston mini (14 years old!!).

Cabling is guitar wire.

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Okay not really much of an update, just letting you know what I'm up to at the minute; namely re-doing my DC! Yup jump packs are a no-no for me with the new codex so they have been ripped off, and me being me couldn't resist a few tweaks; blood, guts, battle damage, binned the transfers for free hand and access to new weapons!! First ones:-




^thinking of putting a 'bloody' cross in this dudes forehead^








And the real reason for a DC update - we got new toys :D :-




Tried to be restrained with the bling coz they're supposed to be psycho killing machines, I don't want them jingling around like morris dancers :) Also working on a Forgeworld Rhino/Razorback, Squad Gabriel's Rhino/Razorback (still) then once I have another attack bike painted I will have 1000pts all painted, depending on HQ (Mephy usually saved for bigger games)


EDIT - Oh yeah I forgot to add in a magnatized Priest on my to do list :huh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Judging by the lack of replies my repainted DC are either no different all nastied up or a bit meh without the bling...! :)


Ho-hum, well here is the rest of the squad, again fairly sans bling as I'm saving the pimped out look for my charaters, and I want my DC to look brutal:-


Power weapon dude





Another normal dude







WYSISYG Thunder Hammer/Bolter dude







And brother Nestor, having just mulched a heretic with his powerfist!






Fist is either bloody win or epic fail!! SMASH!


Finaly group shot of the crazy mofo's:-


Left to right , brothers Ventus, Vega, Demos, Nestor, Balenos, Abel and Kaleb all with a name plate on their right pauldron.

Now where has that Chaplain Vermento gone and I think they need a ride.......


Thanks for watching C & C welcomed :P

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Okay not really much of an update, just letting you know what I'm up to at the minute; namely re-doing my DC! Yup jump packs are a no-no for me with the new codex so they have been ripped off, and me being me couldn't resist a few tweaks; blood, guts, battle damage, binned the transfers for free hand and access to new weapons!!



Ok so at the risk of being yet another person asking how you did something in this thread (there have been a few), how do you paint your gore? and what did you use to create the gibbs/mulch on the powerfist? Been meaning to add some "leftovers" to my chainswords etc. for a while now but havent managed to settle on a satisfying techneque.



Awsome work on your stuff btw, just read through the whole thread and I'm impressed. I shall no doubt be stealing some ideas for myself :lol:

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Stuff looks great, Midnight. What pieces or how did you make the plastic librarian's book standard? Also how did you piece together your poweraxe DC?


And since the other guys are ribbing you for your good work, everytime I look at Black Armor Mephiston from the front, I keep think it needs the caption:


Uncle Meph says, "The Blood Angels Want You!" ...do your civic duty and enlist your male child in the Trials of Blood.

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Looking very sweeeet (not as in cute and cuddly in case you were wondering :blush: ). Double Chainsword dude looks very miffed, and you have some very cool posing down.... ++ Save image as... CLICK++ ;)


You have definitely got the brutal, no-messing look, and as ever I'm looking forward to seeing more - back to work!

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Thanks brothers :D No worries about the questions, hopefully answer them all. The B & C is a great resourse which I use all the time and most of my ideas are found somewhere on this site. Queue long reply though sorry..... :)


@ Iron Kobra I suppose it depends where you work!

Butchers – yes could work.

Paramedic – possibly scare the patient!!


@ Chairman_woo and vahouth. Thanks very much guys. The thing you need to get your hands on is:-

Tamiya Clear Red


It makes excellent blood and guts effects, even down to the way it dries (it sort of coagulates; yes really!) check out this tutorial –

Blood and Gore Tutorial

As for the powerfist it was a bit of an experiment. I mixed in some PVA glue with the clear red to make it really gloopy and sort of ‘dragged’ most of the drips out as it was going off, it took quite a few times to get right. I also tried sculpting it with some greenstuff, painted it white with black marks on it then applied the clear red over the top – you can’t really tell the difference between them. What I did do as coat them all in superglue to strengthen them for gaming though.


@ Jux2p0ze

Libby - standard is the old banner pole from the 90’s, the one that came with every Sergeant/Special Character. I chopped off the horizontal parts of the pole and drilled a hole in the back pack so it was nice and strong. The book is from the Dark Angel upgrade sprue (with the sword on the back shaved off)


Power axe DC – right arm and axe is from the assault squad, left is a bolter arm. I just cut and repositioned them above his head and greenstuffed the gaps. The legs are the DC ones only tilted forward for an aggressive ‘charging’ stance. Everything is pinned.


everytime I look at Black Armor Mephiston from the front, I keep think it needs the caption:

Uncle Meph says, "The Blood Angels Want You!" ...do your civic duty and enlist your male child in the Trials of Blood.

Would you argue with him?!?! :)


@ Angelus

Cheers mate, I wanted them to look like they are going to tear my opponents army a new one :) and yes, its going to be messy!


Thanks once again guys, appreciate all the comments :)

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  • 2 months later...

Time for a much needed update, a few different things for you to get your mince pies around.


First up is my old buddy Chaplain Vermento who has been promoted to Reclusiarch and had a slight bling facelift, and now his DC run without jumpacks I decided to add one of the new moulded ones and one of the new shoulder pads as they are better than my own greenstuff attempt seen on page one. Also changed his base so he doesn't sit as high. I actually prefer his look with out the jump pack ^_^





Shame he went out of the first round on Arena of Death lol :rolleyes:


Next up is another Rhino, this time I've kept my options open so I can use it as a TLAC Razorback. Idea ‘borrowed’ from the Harrowers blog DED’ARD:-









Sorry crappy pict I will change it when I get a chance, damn these nights drawing in. Anyway there is an excellent how to assault cannon a RZB here. I intend using magnets to hold it all together but haven’t decided how I will do it yet. Anybody have any ideas?


I’ve also painted another attack bike:-



Note how they are now 8th company. This is because the new fluff of bikes not being common in BA made me think that they would probably come from the reserve companies, not a battle company. That and I want to run both assault squads from the 3rd for cc :devil:


And finally, I have added a Sanguiniary Priest, Brother Michaelangelol; Angelo to his friends ;) :-











He has been magnetized so possibilities include jump priest, foot slogger, counts as Corbulo and ‘coz I’ve armed him with a chainsword, I can use him as a Sanguiniary Noviate for when I get round to doing my honour guard.


Thanks for watching, as always C & C most welcome

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These guys are looking good. I know how you feel when you talk about AoD, (I was in the first battle, lost.) I agree with the Normish, the exhaust is looking a little wild. Maybe if you bring the stain in front of the pipe back so it looks like only a little bit of staining happened (as I assume these monsters will always be going forward, meaning the smoke will trail.) The Bikes look amazing and the priest is breath taking.
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Thanks Brothers, some very (very) kind comments there :lol:


The priest was inspired by the honour guard artwork in the codex, as I quite like pose as it looks inspiring enough to cause his squad to furious charge lol


@ The Normish and Leardinal I know what you mean about the exhausts on my rhino’s, it does look a bit overkill but I want the exhausts to look make the overcharged engines look like true technologies of the 41st millennium – i.e. overstrained and over pollutant! Don’t worry though; my next rhino is a black DC one so won’t look as afflicted I s’pose :P

Precision parking:-



@ Legion – you mean this little fella?


*disclaimer this photograph is not staged, shortly after it was taken Owen carried on reading the

codex and told me that I need more RAS in my army……


He certainly keeps us busy; and he is the reason why it has taken me so long to get anything like an army painted. He’s doing great though, teething at the moment so sleep is at a premium!

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He certainly keeps us busy; and he is the reason why it has taken me so long to get anything like an army painted. He’s doing great though, teething at the moment so sleep is at a premium!


This sounds awfully familiar to me. ;) I am currently painting a Warmachine army because that game system has only a few models that need to be painted. <_< I love you DC and I can't wait to get back to mine and assemble and paint all the boxes I bought with the rerelease. :D

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Thanks again guys :)


@ Parcival - sometimes I wish I had gone for an even smaller elite army like Deathwing (yes, even smaller than BA) so I would probably have more of an army, but my heart will always be with BA. Anyways, I have around about 1k points painted now so have a few 'painted' games under my belt (I try not to field unpainted stuff!)


@ Brother-Chaplain Apock chest eagles were just aesthetics, I tried Black, Bone and Yellow but the silver just appealled, and I haven't seen it done to often. As an aside, has anybody else noticed that of all the new kits only the Baal crewman has a chest eagle?


@ bloodancient I'll round 'em up as soon as I have finished my DC taxi and get it sorted :) I'm playing a small game later today after work at my LGS but its on 600pts so I only have half my stuff with me :(


Once again, cheers brothers ^_^

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Such a dynamic pose!


And I'm really impressed with the attack bikes and their bases.


Great work with your minis.



where did you get the razorback's Assault cannon from?


Demoulius, he got them from the terminator set. Sweet looking huh? Slim and Sexy I say.

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