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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Such a dynamic pose!


And I'm really impressed with the attack bikes and their bases.


Great work with your minis.



where did you get the razorback's Assault cannon from?


Demoulius, he got them from the terminator set. Sweet looking huh? Slim and Sexy I say.



no he dident! unless...the got another terminator set then i did ;) did gw bring out a new terminator box while i was afk? <_<

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Ok guys, as requested some army shots; I was going to put my DC Rhino in with them but, erm, nope, been to busy to paint this week! My 600pt game ended in a draw, Daemon Prince of Khorne wouldn’t lose his last wound, got into combat and killed all my troops, although I now love plasma cannons for killing Plague Marines and my DC had a hearty meal on the Bezerkers.

Anyways, onto the photo’s:-























Starting to look like an army now, certainly need some RAS now though, and I have collected a load of parts for a Furiouso (including the Ultramarine FW Dread I :lol: you not!)


@ Dem – The assault cannons are from the Ravenwing set, although I got them from HERE



@ MaleOpener – Black (along with yellow and white) is a colour I traditionally struggle with, so can turn out a bit ropey lol. We’ll see with my next Rhino!


Cheers :)

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Hey Jorre, bases are pretty simple;

Sand is painted scorched brown, then dry brushed desert yellow, then dry brushed bleached bone. The base rim is painted graveyard earth (in all honesty I think I now prefer black rims, and I know I haven't got many models yet but I ain't repainting 'em!) The static grass is from GW.


Cheers :P

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Thanks man :) the glowing blue on the plasma weapons is Ultramarine Blue highlighted with Skull White (also painted outside the powercell to give the impression of it glowing). The psychic effects on my Libby and Mephy's swords is Ice blue blended up to Skull White, with the white concentrated around where the power eminates from, with some 'lightning' painted on the tips to give the impression of crackling. As for the glowing eyes there is a how too post #143 half way down page 6 (I know this thread is getting unwieldy lol)
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Just looked through the whole thread, these are all excellent. I especially loved the green lightning on the power axe, and the chappy/reclusiarch. The face on your helmetless attack bike driver is nuts! Take a look at it he looks properly unhinged.


As for the kid, your comments on power armour got me thinking you should deffo blue peter up some kind of suit from washing up bottles and sticky back plastic, you know its what the emperor wants you to do.


Great work,



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Thanks very much, too kind again brothers ^_^


@ I am Legion - Tanks are spray undercoated chaos black, airbushed mechrite red then drybrushed blood red followed by a further drybrush of blazing orange.

EDIT Oh yeah I paint watered down scorched brown in the recesses :tu:


@ Mudpuppet - yep to be a biker in the 41st millenium without a helmet = total nutter. Its actually the head from the Rhino kit with a big skar down his right eye. As for the little fella, I have had to baby proof all the kitchen cupboards so it is an idea he has probably already had lol



I should have been painting my DC Rhino but have become sidetracked with my RAS (no photo's sorry) and my Furiouso; which I do have some WIP photo's........











Mark IV/V hibrid; still quite a bit of work to do (please ignore the blu-tacked Storm Bolter and Meltagun!). Both arms are magnatized, and I plan on a Frag Cannon conversion, as well as a magnatized Magna-Grapple and the Storm Bolter will be able to swap out with a Heavy Flamer. Also some more details like lumina/lasersights/auspex under the torso to bulk him out slightly.


C & C welcomed :)

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Ta guys, he is not stuck to his base yet so has a tendancy to lean back under his own weight, so the finished product will be leaning forward slightly. Going for the "Just striding through the ruins, tearing up peeps limb from limb and generally looking menacing" look. He is likely going to be painted red, with a DC brother to follow at a later date.


@ IronDuke - something I hadn't noticed! Because the GW legs don't fit the FW body he does sit high, I filed down the GW join and added the washer to make it sit better (and to hide the join). As a consequence he does stand taller now, but as you say the midsection looks exposed. I am still to come up with some cybernetics just under the torso, I'll try some sort of plating to cover the front at the same time :)

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i love how the dread has a loin cloth :D

lol seems to have rode up a bit ;) :-




A small mod, it does offer a bit more protection to more vunerable midsection, maybe offering less around other 'bits'. Now the question, is the sheild better higher up in its new position or worse?


@ Terrahawk - cheers mate :blink: the libby head is actually from the DC sprue, just looks very different with the addition of the green stuff fangs/grey hair/glowing eyes combo.

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Very, very cool looking Dread Midnight - awesome posing. For the effort involved in getting those things to look dynamic and not like statues, the results really speak for themselves. I've been thinking off and on how to put together my second DC Dread (coming in 2011... :) ), and you've helped solidify a few ideas I had.


Great work mate, keep it up...

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  • 2 months later...

Cheers for the kind comments Crynn/Arne/AM, if my Dread turns out half as good as either of your Flesh Tearer one arne or your Death co one Angelus then I’ll be stoked :D


Well, time for an update me thinks to let you know I have actually been doing something with my BA!! A while back I actually thought about repainting/selling my stuff and starting a Knights of Blood army but decided against it as I’m such a slow painter. I actually had a Astorath conversion to lead it but he has since morphed into a twin lightning claw captain (see later). Any ways onto pictures, combat RAS first:-

Sgt. Raphael






Sgt. Raphael fancies himself as a bit of a swordsman, hence the posh wrist mounted bolt pistol so he has two free hands to show off his skills.


Shaved berserker legs for this brother:-















All the jump packs are magnetized so I will be able to go mech/DoA/hybrid as I see fit, magnets ftw! As you can see my RAS are quite bloody looking (but not as much as my DC) this is because they are inspired by the short story in Angels of Death were Mordian’s see the true fury of the mighty BA in battle.

Oh yeah, pictures.....

The reason I haven’t had too much painting done (apart from that little thing called real life!); yes I have gone ‘grey angel’ ie been playing with unpainted models, shame on me…The rest of squad Raphael:-



Squad Ventro (less meltagunner, he was camera shy):-



Sgt Ventro:-


Where as Sgt. Raphael is all about the joy of fighting pretty (and of course looking pretty) Sgt. Ventro is all about getting the job done ugly (and looking ugly!) :o Although as you can see from both Sgt’s, I have been busy recycling the Corbulo model that I have chopped up for Sanguinary Priest Michaelangelo ;)

And heres my ‘other’ Priest:-


And finally, my take on Captain Galan Machiavi, successor to the late Erasmus Tycho:-


So along with my Dreadnought Brother Belaphon, and 2 Baal’s (currently in build) I have some busy times ahead.


C & C as always most welcome.

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