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Midnight's Angels (PIC HEAVY)


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Hey thanks very much guys ;) :) :)


@ Seva I was actually not sure about the green power weapon while painting it but thinking about repainting all of my them in the army like that as it goes well against the red; btw some of the more dynamic poses were ideas copied from your original DC and VAS so no worries about stealing ideas :)

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Always a welcome sight to see some of your new stuff mate. Hat's off with the Power Sword - perfectly "executed". The Asst Squad is looking pretty cool with some very nice posing (which you always seem to pull of well); and I'm really liking the Cpt and 2nd Priest. Where did the heads come from incidentally?


Keep it coming chief... making me itch to get back to my painting but all my stuff is still somewhere in the Atlantic for all I know... :)

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Happy New Year to all you Blood Angels and successors out there! :P


I guess the comments mean that the power weapon turned out alright then? Cheers once again brothers, I honestly wasn't sure when it was mid-paint. I blended it from skull white to scorpion green to chaos black. Lightning effects are just scorpion green and skull white.


@ Angelus - The bellowing priests head is this one with the mohawk shaved off; one of the new Space Wolf heads. I can’t take any credit though, the idea was stolen off here from Fracture and his Flesh Tearer blog.

Captain Machiavi’s head it just the bare head of the DC sprue with green stuff’d long hair (still learning how to do that) :lol:


@ WarpWalker - The lighting claws are from the Chaos Terminator Lord. I chopped them at the elbow and positioned them in the open pose he has, then re-attached the cables. Not quite finished as I will add some more as they have a gap were I chopped the spikes off, and he needs a general tidy up.


Here some slightly better photo’s of them two (the ones I have taken of all the unpainted stuff are pretty fail!)





(The hair is greenstuff just its in black and white so you can see it better)


Thanks again for the comments :)

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Loving Captain Machiavi!!!! I have a pair of Chaos Lord LCs that I'm planning on using in a similar manner. What is his Halo made of?




Also, how did you do the 3rd company wing/drops on his left shoulder? Did you take a wing with one blood drop and GS the drops or something?

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Kind comments keep me motivated, so cheers! :D Machiavi was originally built as an Astorath the Grim/Chapter Master conversion for my Knights of Blood, however when I decided against them I thought I may as well use him as the Master of Sacrifice, and used the Chaos LC 'coz they look so bad ass :tu:


@ Bradley Powers

Yep the 3rd Co broken wing insignia is the left hand one from the DC sprue, with the one blood drop replaced by green stuffed 3 drops. Incidently, I believe that that is Tycho's heraldry, which is then adopted by the company? I'm carrying it on as Machiavi's by inventing fluff that since he took over the Iron Helms 3rd Co they will continue to use the broken wing as the company badge in honour of the chapters greatest strike force commander; hence my Dreadnought has a version of it too, as will Machiavi's HG :)


Machiavi's iron halo came about as an accident. Its off the space hulk termie with the lightning claws, Brother Claudio, who I dropped! This bent the halo so I thought I may as well remove it and put it to good use lol

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Well, first of all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Secondly, great work as usuall Midnight!

My personal favorite is the weathered look of the ASMs and the blood splatter!

At one point I even considered of doing that look for my ASMs but for some reason I paused...Maybe in the future.

Also the effect on the power weapon and Mephiston's sword is great as is Captain Machiavi.

Now lets see him painted! ;)

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@ punkfish - cheers mate, its nice to actually get something done, time is at a premium at the moment ;) Although I have had a couple of games in recently hence the change to unpainted assault marines (too many tacticals!) :D


@ vahouth - ta buddy :lol: not sure weather to paint Captain Machiavi gold or red with gold trim? As for the ASM it was good old Angels of Death that inspired the bloodied look, c'mon I know we spend a lot of time polishing our armour but the rest of it is spent covering it in the blood of His enemies!

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  • 2 weeks later...

tbh because he wears SG armour and I want to make him look different from them, I think it is going to be red :P That way I can justify his 3+ save (booooooo.... :o )


Not much of an update, but a worthy one I think; I actually painted a dude in one sitting from start to finish in one evening! Shock, horror! Well nearly, his base is not done. Not Captain Machiavi sorry, another RAS grunt who took me about 3.5 hours :)






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He looks great! Like really great! Really for a rank and file grunt he has such a bigger look about him...Lets see a whole squad like him! Por favor!


My bad! Missed the squad on the page before...Holy Hellfire Shells! They look awesome! And the Sgt's power sword...If you can be bothered please do some kind of tutorial! That is a special kind of awesome right there!

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Brilliant as usual! B) For a standard trooper he looks excellent. The next time you paint a power weapon could you please, please, pretty please take some step by step pics for us mortals??? ;) I know how time consuming it would be and judging by the replies you'd make a lot of brother marines very happy ;)


Keep the inspiration coming!

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@ Tabgoi - High praise indeed! I am blushing :geek: but it is nothing compared to some of the work on here but I try :(


@ TheHarrower - No worries I'm always stealing ideas off here (like your TLAC Razorback :) ;) ). The gore is dead easy and makes them look gritty, aslong as you don't overdo it.


@ Dem - lol cheeky git, both posting and painting is a bit sporadic at the moment as my Mrs just found out we are having our second child (I'm stoked!) but it means hobby time is at the minimum at the minute, and I spend any tinter'web time trawling for a new car as the Scooby has to go now for an Estate family car now lol


@ VAGABOND - cheers mate, dead easy with the black, chaos black drybrushed with codex grey, then a little fortress grey on the edges. I then touch up any black and add plenty of battle damage to the DC as they are always at the heart of the fighting :) The red crosses are even easier, mechrite red base highlighted with blood red (sometimes a little blazing orange dependant on location)

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