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Howling Griffons WIP


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I've bought the Assault on Black reach box and decided to paint them up in Howling Griffons colors, so this is a start. (first yellow on them)

Note their could be some moldlines here and there that i might have missed pleas note them if you see them.



The marines of Black Reach with some conversion stuff on them.



Count as Sicarius



Tactical Unit #1








And to make it a legal army:


Landspeeder Storm with 5 Scouts. (just Finished)


BTW: i use WD 309 as a reference, it also got me inspired to make them Howling Griffons.

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Nice choice & what looks to be a great start. Have you thought about the chapter badge yet? if so, do you know of transfers available from someplace or do you plan to freehand them!? surely has to be the trickiest symbol out there. It's for that reason and that reason alone, why i haven't painted up a few models in the colours of the howling griffons before myself. Perhaps one day....


Anyways, hope this project ends well for you <_<

i have a small HG army at the moment ive done them quatered yellow and red rather than the alternate plates of the guys from GW ive got about 15 tactical marines done and a small assault squad plus some Vgaurd vets ill post them up if i can find the case thier in and my camara.


by the way have you thought about how your going to do the yellow and red comparision personally i find it easier on the eye when one colour is bright (in my case the red) and one dull/matt (musterd yellow created by I Darkson, wash, I Darkson) were as they guy in WD and planet strike has done the yellow as his prominant colour with a dark/dull red

I thought the Howling Griffons were a "normal" persons army who won some comp? Can't remember exactly. But I like the look of those scouts!


Yeah he might have been, I can't remember, just that they were in WD



I think he was a staffer at a store based in Bristol.


As for the badges, I've a vague memory of seeing some griffon style badges on the Bretonnian transfers which would work and save having to free hand them. Although doesnt the B&C have any in its chaper transfer thinga ma jig.


Quick Edit -


Yes they do HERE you'll just have to print them off yourself.

I have wanted a HG army since I first saw them in WD way back in the day (I don’t even want to admit how long ago it was). Here is some information that I have acquired over the years.


The Howling Griffons originally appeared in the White Dwarf around issue 98-100 (I don’t have my collection of WDs handy to flip through). They took part in the Badab War protecting shipping from raiders. There were originally 2 color schemes, the alternating yellow red and a cammo scheme for an insurgency. Somewhere between 2nd and 3rd edition the red\yellow scheme was simplified to the quartered pattern that recently appeared in WD (want to say issue 303 but I could be grossly mistaken).


Shoulder Pads: The chapter symbol is a pain to freehand consistently (but can be done). Griffon Games used to make a Griffon Rampart symbol for the HG, but I have not seen it in a long time. Bell of Lost Souls has a decal sheet that they released sometime prior to their Badab War supplement that you print out from your own printers. Chapterhouse Studios just did a shoulder pad out of pewter that has the chapter symbol on it.


This Chapter has always been a favorite, and it is good to see another player joining the cause.

@lorgars Servent: I left the yellow somewhat on the dark side making the red more brighter looking. (if that is what you mean)


Speaking of red here is an update, if made the yellow abit lighter (not to light) and added the red quarters (need some minor reworks here and there), i've also added some blue parts on them.



Count as Sicarius



Scouts + landspeeder storm



Tact. squad #1







Thus far i've used the following.


Skull white basecoat.


For the yellow i used a mix of:

-Iyanden Darksun

-Golden Yellow



Followed by:

-Golden Yellow



For the red i started with foundation paint to outline the the red quarters:

-Mecrite red


Then i followed with a mix of:

-Red gore

-Blood red



The Blue is regal blue.

can we have bigger pics of the scouts? I'm looking to make mine detachable from the speed and would like to see how you have posed yours.


I've just put them on bases and added some bits were they were needed the most, its not that hard. (next time ill add an extra pic of the scouts to show it)


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