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Yes, I did just say that.


I'm starting truescales, not just one, or two, but a whole army of them.


I have lots of bits in the post and trades that are almost done which will bring me plenty of bits.


I found enough bits to start work on one already.











I'd filed down the logo on the shin to the skull only, and took the vent off the front of the chest.


I decided on a name for my army: The Apostles of Vengeance,

and also a colour scheme:




Veteran Marine (blood red stripe on helmet and squad number on right knee (roman numberals)):



Comments and critisisms?



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Update 28/10/09.


Hey guys!


Ok, so I did some posing, and have decided on the pose, and which parts I'm going to use for it. The right arm has been sculpted and pinned with a single wire running right through the arm into the torso.


I also filed down the logo on the shin to just the skull, and the vents off the chest to put the chapter logo (my avatar) in its place.


The left arm atm is unpinned and unattatched.


I know the head doesn't fit well, that's due to blu-tac beneath it, and i can always file down the base if need be.


I have decided on the bare head to go with this pose, as it looks as if he is focussed on delivering the swift death to his opponent, whilst also staying in control, i think he'd make a good Tactical squad SGT personally, and am wondering if I should give him a power sword?






I have also sculpted a small loincloth onto a terminator codpiece, which is going to be a permanent addition.






Hope you like!


and the skull is going off the leg as well, im not really a fan of it.




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i couldn't really add a spacer as it would mess up the design on the front of the chest.


I do however feel very accomplished having magnetised it so I can swap out the CCW ofr power sword.


(which ill get a video of when the postal strike ends and i get a cable for my camera :mellow:)





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so I managed to finish the marine :D


I can now post you pics of him in all his glory (minus a backpack thats being painted), and also the wet blend on the powersword :)


No weapon:




(the magnet is 1mm diameter, so you wont see it)


Chainsword: (mid-painting):




Powersword (finished):




The shoulderpads dont have trim, but I'm thinking of adding it?


Let me know what you think!




Ok, so I took some MORE pics, and did some lovely photoshop edits for you guys. Yes the shoulderpads are messy, that's due to the removal of trims i didn't like.











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Ambitious work,great to see.You'v got a big job in front of you so good luck with it.Just on the sholderpads ,from memory you might need to put rivets on them if your getting rid of the trim.I'v used plasticard rod to do mine and was real happy with how it turned out .Good luck .


P.S. are you gonna do termis as well.

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The GS work on the upper legs is very sloppy. I can still see lots of fingerprints and it looks more like goo


You made me quote myself -.-


No amount of paint could cover the GS. It will look this sloppy if you paint it or not.


Unless you make Death Guard or some other Nurgle Chaos Marines, you shouldn't leave the GS like this. Smooth/sand it so it makes an even surface. Don't use your fingers, get yourself some sculpting tools.


If you want to have a nice looking True-Scale force, you'll have to learn how to do this properly. Patience is the key ^^

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like i said in the first (i think) post, i have no sculpting tools, and as i said in a recent post, I have ordered some and they are on their way, this was just a tester to get me up to speed on the techniques and time it takes.


@OXIDE: yes I do intend on doing terminators at some point, most likely once I have done regular marines.





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Ok, so I painted him :)



He's almost finished, I need my bleached bone and flesh wash to arrive so I can do the medals, loincloth and face, but other than that he is done (minus the iconography which I will do at a later date).


Ladies and germs, i give you: Sergeant Sigorn!


With Chainsword:




With Powersword:












And on that note, I bid you farewell! until next time, when I provide photoshop edits of less blurry photographs, and the start of my next works!

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I would give him a bit of wash in the deep crevices to break up the solid mass of white and help define the matalic bits a little better. Deffinately would like to see some done up when you get those sculpting tools and work past the lumpy greenstuff work. Other than that I think you have a very promising start to a "true scale" army.
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