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It has been ages since I last played a game of 40k and the opportunity to get back into it has arisen after bumping into an old mate of mine after many years.

Trouble is that I don't have an army any more, all my completed armies were sold off long ago when the local gaming dried up. So I now need a 1500pts gaming army asap, I started on guard but they have developed into a long term project now because of the complexity of the build. Sorting through my bits boxes I have discovered that I have easily enough spare marines to create an army so that's what I'm going to do here.


I'm only just getting into painting red as I've always tried to avoid it in the past. After looking at the SM Painting guide I came across the Imperial Talons and so have decided to give them a go.


WIP Captain/Chapter Master


Here's the first guy I've nearly finished. He'll be a Pedro Cantor proxy although I am doing a more captain as well.



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Thanks mate. :)


I've currently got a vindicator and two rhinos under coated and awaiting the first coat of paint, under coated the first two tacticals and started two of the marines along with a second captain so the basics are there ready to go.

I really want to get some gaming in now that the opportunity has come up and in the past it's always been a great incentive for getting armies done in the past. I used to complete entire armies back in my gaming days, including WFB armies and even did a fully converted fifteen hundred point marine force in the space of just over a week back in 3rd ed.

I have high hopes as I know that the other three or four people are also working on armies as well which should help. I'm also not doing any converting this time around as I'm using old models that I've already made so it's just painting this time around. :)

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looking forward to seeing it doghouse! Your inspirations for the baneraider and TS stuf has my space wolves project taking a lllooooonnnnnggggg time but ...it is slowly coming together:)

I feel ya on getting it done when you know you will actually get to play sometime though...no better motivator than that:)

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Thanks mate. :)


Update time...


I've been playing around with the Imperial Talons chapter icon and can't really get into painting it so have decided to revamp an old chapter of mine called the Summoners.

To speed things up further I've made the new version of their chapter icon simpler, using the wings from the dark angels and adding a blood drop instead of the sword.

The main reasoning behind this was that back in the day I used to have a large Dark Angel force and found their chapter symbol easy to paint as a result. The blood drop is purely so that I can include my space hulk terminators into the force without having to remove all the blood angels heraldry. It also means that if the blood angels get new models next year I can use them for my force. But as far as I'm concerned these guys are a regular codex chapter and have no ties to the BA.



First up is the WIP Summoners test marine. I'm using all AoBR marines for this force because I have a load lying around basically gathering dust. At the moment I have a ten man scout squad split into two combat teams on the go, a ten man tactical squad, five man terminator squad, the rhinos seen below, a Mk I land raider, Vindicator, two dreds, a second captain model and some sternguard vets.







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I don't know...the wings with the blood drop still scream Blood Angels to me, especially with the red. If it were me, I would put the blood drop inside a circle with radiating spikes, kind of like an iron halo. Blood sacrifice/circle of protection thing for summoning, hence Summoners.


But the painting is top notch so far! Keep it up!

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mmm, i must check my bits box - i might actually have shoulder pads with those blood drops already on - im keen on trading bits - pm me if you are interested.


bear in mind i will only be back home in south africa around the 26th of Nov, as I am currently travelling.


I must agree with ImhotepMagi - they do look very much like blood angels... maybe add a white stripe to them somewhere?


Maybe a stripe on the one leg, arm, shoulder pad and on the helmet??? just to make them look less BA

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