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Updated First Chapter Ivory Death


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Edit: New Stuff added at bottom of thread. (21 Nov 09)

Hello all, I've been working on my army for the past 5 months, and wanted to post what I have and also receive any tips and feedback you think could improve my army. (praise is also appreciated)

Complete Painted Army (thus far)


Assault Squad


Tactical Squad




Terminator Captain (ForgeWorld)


Terminator Chaplain


Assault Chaplain


First finished Devastator Squad member


Ironclad Dreadnought




Rhino Angled shot


Rhino close up


My progression in painting I think is evident. While not posted in order of completion, I feel my best work is on the two chaplains, the ironclad and rhino. I also really like the way the devastator members has turned out thus far. Future work includes finishing the devastator squad, painting a land raider, and working on some sniper scouts. (there is still A LOT more to paint after that, but those are just my immediate nexts) Thanks for any feedback!

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Hey, I really like your models! Nothing mind boggling or anything, but their very clean. The paintscheme is very "black & White" :)


But I love how clean your models are.



My favorite is by far the Devastator! He just looks so clean, and awesome!


Good luck and keep at it!

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well i understand aboyt the name it is more of a statement than a name. ivory warriors does have a better ring to it. i will give it some thought if you have any more ideas about a name i would love to hear them. also i need to scan the drawings in to my comp and upload on here. it might take a minute though so please be patient. the design though is a skull in the center with ivory tusks wreathed around it. i still haven't decided what i want to join the tusks with. i was thinking of something more along the lines of an aquila sign or something similiar. if anyone has any ideas i love to hear those as well. the only thing is it is somewhat complicated to fit all that on a shoulder piece. thanks for the complements and advice, and thanks for looking.
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albicant shades? or eburnean something, the first means going white and the second means white/ivory.


i like the sound of The Albicant Shades though, just some ideas for you :)


i really like your models, espeicially the rhino, a very used and apc look rather than the normal thing to praise clean look.



awesome, well done

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I like these the colour scheme contrasts and is striking but I would suggest that you water down the paint a little more when painting white its tricky.

The rhino is fantasic like you pulled a black templar one from the book and changed it abit, the armour chipping is very nicely done too.

I also like the chaplains alot.

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thanks for the suggestions, shades i like that. the reason i picked ivory instead of white. well because white is common. i mean it is used so much in our daily lives. ivory well it is a known name but you never really hear it unless you are talking about it. i mixed white and bleached bone, about a 10: 1 mix. it looks pretty much like ivory just when compared to white. also i know some are not to inclined on the name but you know what it means. albicant shades is good but you had to tell me what it meant. what about ivory shades? if you are looking at the captain he is blotchy, no i did not thin the paint. he was my first figure in about 5 years. i figured it out after him when i did the first five assualt troops. but the primer was white and i purchased a bad can. so it dried way to quickly when i sprayed them. that might be what you see. again thank you for the input.
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I agree with the many comments about the white looking great. I just think it needs to be broken up a bit more. Maybee some kill marks or squad markings (tactical arrows, devestator triangles, assualt crosses, ect, ect). I know your still trying to figure out the company symbol. Red would deffinitly stand out, but I think they would also start to look like White Scars.


Really great job so far.

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so i have been thinking about it and i finally came up with a name that i like. ivory talons, chapter symbol i am thinking will be either three talons on a halo, or an falcons foot with the talons spread out wide. let me know what ya'll think. also i am working on my venerable dread right now. kind of put the devastators on hold until he is finished. i have his legs and base with the knee and hip armour finished. i just finished the gap filling on the torso and primed the arms. i will post them as soon as i finish. thanks everyone for your complimants, input and tips. :)
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my recipe for white is white primer in two thin coats. then i do two thin coats of my ivory main chapter color. this accomplished with about 1 part bleached bone and about six to seven parts white depending. the black hard lining is done with a art pen black of course it is the smallest that i could find in any hobby store such as micheals, ect... the chapter symbol, that makes since about the halo with three talons i was also considering three talons tied to a feather or two. still trying create rough create a rough scetch to see what i would prefer. the dread is coming along all i have left is to complete the upper chasis. hopefully will be posted by friday or sooner hopefully. thanks for the replies and comments.
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