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Veteran Sargeant


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First post here ;)


Not painted a GW figure up for quite some time. I've been lurking on his forum for a little while and thought I'd see what you guys thought of this.

I'm not a hardcore GW gamer anymore but I've got a few Marine character types to paint between other projects.






Non canon chapter of my own design. The GW decals aren't up to the job of shaping round the complex curves they're supposed to go on, so I painted a stylised Hoplite helm onto the pad and banner.

The 101st Airborne style mohawk was added with greenstuff.

Because the model had a very harsh mouldline across the top of his head, that meant during cleanup the original crewcut texture was lost. :P

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You've painted it well, i really like the colur of his banner. I think some of the yellow armour needs a touch up around the edge of the greaves and powerfist but apart from that i can't comlain! The backpack appears to be a shade darker than the rest of the armour. Was this intentional or just a trick of the camera?


It's a shame his head was deformed - but i think you should have cut the whole head out and added a plastic bare head. Not your fault of course, but whoever sculpted that model originally got the head very wrong IMO.



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Nice work!


The yellow is very vibrant, in contrast with the recesses which is very effective. I think the yellow could use a little highlighting, as stated above. I like the face and the helmet on his hip the most, but not so much the flock basing. But thats just personal preference.


Overall, nicely done!


EDIT: Forgot to say this. I think its interesting that you used an unnatural color for the base. It ties in nicely with the banner and blends softly, I almost didn't notice at first. That might be a good thing when it comes to the base edge color.

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Thanks :lol:


The yellow was tausept ochre with sunburst yellow added to bring it up.


I left it semigloss so IRL (as apposed to the photos) I don't think it needs anymore highlighting as the edges highlight themselves quite well. (in fact the small touch of yellow on the red helmet is reflected light from the shoulderpad)

Also I've been building large scale stuff for a while now and got out of the habit of extreme edge highlights so popular on marines. (a personal thing I guess)


The darker parts of the backpack and the marks on the front edge of the powerfist are purposeful as I wanted them to look dirty in comparison to the rest of the armour.

I was going to add some dark brown chipping to the edges of some parts, as I do with my larger scale sci-fi but decided it would make it look too busy on such a small figure.


I quite like the head, as someone said on the Sci-Fi forum I frequent, it looks kinda like he's letting someone know they're next in line for a bashing.

In my opinion its a lot more characterful than the pinheads supplied in the Chapter Masters boxed set. ;)


I hadn't really thought of a chapter name as none of my other Marines will be from the same chapter but just for fun.. :D


He's Veteran Sargeant Callias Of the Oligarch, 5th Phalanx, Brothers of Corinthia.


A non Codex Chapter it comprises of 9 Phalanx each made up of 120 Marines. Each Phalanx consists of:


The Oligarch containing the Strategos (company commander), and Medicai (Apothecary).

An Honour guard of 8 chosen Hoplites who have proven themselves in battle, plus 10 Hoplites in Terminator Armour


20 Xiphos, trained in close quarters combat.


20 Peltast, armed with heavy support weapons


40 Hoplites, the backbone of the formation


Plus 20 Phalangites, new Initiates to the Phalanx, to act as scouts and be trained by their brothers.


(obviously not been that long since the end of the GW days if I can reel off a backstory just like that :D )


Of course I missed out the really heavy support like Dreads, and Tanks. plus the Chapter Command, we'll just say they form a seperate entity and are issued to Phalanx as tactical considerations allow. :P

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