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Space Wolves

The Immortal

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I just got the Space Wolf Pack (i had to.... so cool!) and i don't even collect them, so i thought i'd just mess around with it and maybe use the models or maybe not in games. i've only made 4 so far, as i'm quite slow, what with school and all. so here they are:


this is the one model i desperately wanted to make. I'm gonna GS his fist to be holding the guardsman clothes.







This model is ok, swapped a bolter and added some silencers. apart from that, from the box:






And here is all 4 together. One is straight from the box with a tactical arm, the other was trying to hold his chainsword two-handed but came out lame:




C&C welcome, as well as suggestions for the other 6.



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I love the idea of the powerfist one, I hope he's a traitor guardsman though!


Also to be pedantic they're not "silencers" they be called "suppressors" but that's just me being myself, he's also an odd wolf if he wants to use suppressed weapons, perhaps he's a confused scout.

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well, im hoping to paint em black, and stick em in a city somewhere, on like a recon mission. and i just really, really, really like suppressors on guns... really.


and yeah traitor guardsman... hence the fact i cut off all his aquilas

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