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Iron Lords

The 13th Goat

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So I'm gonna start work on the Iron Lords, with the goal of trying to form an IA that is worthy of the lexicanum here. Fleshing out on these points.





Founding Chapter: Iron Hands OR Imperial Fists, based on both insignia and name. Granted they are mentioned as coming to the beck and call of Calgar, but so did the Crimson Fists apparently?

Founding: 8th, making them old, but not in that crucial early bracket. Also its after the Scouring, and contact with outer systems like the Grendl Stars will have been re-established, theoretically.

Specialty: Defense and Counter Offensives, stemming from fighting the anamilistic Barghesi (if they were going to be consumed for bio potential, its likely) and Tyranids. Holding lines and pumping out fire before sweeping in for the kill with speed and precision would prove effective against the wave like attacks of the Tyranids.



Percisely when and why the Iron Lords came to the Grendl Stars is unknown, although Imperial records show appear to place them there around M33, making them at least 7000 years old. What is known is that in the following years the chapter remained in the area, protecting the local population from the "ultra-violent" Barghesi that lived amoungst the stars. Fleet based for much of their early operations, they helped local defenders stave off the foul xeno threat, soon being heralded as the saviour of the stars amoungst the Imperial Worlds under their diligent watch.

In the year 246.M36, an astropathic distress call went out from the world of Sternac. Regiments of the Matary 63rd and 70th were suminarily dispatched to investigate, only to be lost when the entire world went ubruptly silent. The Iron Lords, who had been delayed be warp storms, arrived to a scene of devestation. The Navy fleet had been torn apart in orbit by an undetected enemy, while on the planet black smoke swirled around the many hives that had populated the world. Dispatching all 10 companies, the chapter made for the only viable landing zone; Hive Ios, positioned on a mountain and home to one of the few space ports, it appeared to be the only Hive not seemingly destroyed.

Their arrival came as much suprise to the people of Sternac, who had all but prepared to face heroic death in an act of ultimate defiance. The Barghesi, guided by some unseen forse, had struck hard on the planet which had up until that point had little contact with the xeno menace. The ferocity in which the devestated the local PDF and Imperial Guard was unnrelenting, but far more unsettling was the accuarcy and location of their attacks. Each was targeted at precisely the right place to maximise damage and hinder Imperial efforts, far than the norm for such a barbaric race. Indeed, stories of ghosts and the assination of key officials in the opening days of the conflict had also leant voice to concerns that this was no ordinary invasion.

The Iron Lords quickley went about bolstering the defences of the city, helping prepare the troops still alive and securing placements for what was expected to be a bloody seige. After only a day's preparation, the Barghesi fell upon Ios with murderous intent. Falling like waves upon the Hive's wall, the Iron Lords and their allies rained death down upon the murderous xeno's. Millions had died by the time the Morrain Gate fell three days into the seige. The gate itself lay to the far east of the city, guarded by the 4th and 5th companies respectivly. When the doors were finally blown open the companies quickly rushed to plug the gap. What subsequently occured was the bloodiest battle the world has ever seen. News of the breach ran through the xeno horde, and soon all efforts were directed at the breach. By the time the seperated companies managed to engage and defeat the warband, the nobal warriors of the 4th and 5th were wiped out to the man with the other companies also seriously undermanned.

After suffering such horrendous losses, the Barghesi retreated into the wilderness of Sternac, becoming roaming warbands that blighted the open county. The Chapter, having suffered massive casualties themselves, began to rebuild. They successfully applied for Sternac to become their new base of operations while they rebuilt, and have since come to know Sternac as home. Much of the chapter now come from the world, although occassional recruitment drives happen amougnst the Grendl Stars should Sternac not produce enough viable candidates due to the planets' diminished population.

The world itself has become a bleak place. While the Chapter has since purged their homeworld, the ruined husks of the other Hive's stand testement to the xeno's unstoppable fury. The local populous claim the dead haunt this black places, and almost all citizens now live in Hive Ios, which has been renamed the Mount Ironside in honor of the chapter. The few that do live outside the city walls live the secluded mining plants located around the planet, unearthing metals and chemicals used in the formation of starships. These plants are regularly supplied by air craft and star ships that ferry the workers and materials to and from these plants.

The chapter themself are based on the orbital battlestation far above the planet, but do have some monostaries and forges in Mt. Ironside. The chapter are noted to use the ruins of the other hives as training areas, and as such the Iron Lords have garnered a reputation as excellent city fighters, as well as defense specialists.

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Good, I always thought the Lords were interesting since I first read about them. Hate the red legs, but there is nothing we can do about that.


I like the initial ideas, they make sense and there is room to build on it. I would suggest using Ultra gene-seed, though.

Their name is not a good reason for their genetics, and while I see the Imperial Fists' (and in a way the Iron Hands') stubbornness both works and make sense with the ideas, genetics does not dictate combat doctrine (although it can) and also I feel it's the easy or obvious choice. Going with ultra gives you a clean slate, and you don't have to think about the baggage the other gene-seeds bring with them (unless, that is what you want). The way I see it, their quirks in terms of combat doctrine and stuff is more a product of their mission, not their heritage, and this gives you a more unique angle to go about developing further.


Have you thought about what their mindset is? Has their beliefs affected the way they carry out their mission, or has the mission affected their beliefs?

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  Codex Grey said:
I would suggest using Ultra gene-seed, though. Their name is not a good reason for their genetics, and while I see the Imperial Fists' (and in a way the Iron Hands') stubbornness both works and make sense with the ideas, genetics does not dictate combat doctrine (although it can) and also I feel it's the easy or obvious choice. Going with ultra gives you a clean slate, and you don't have to think about the baggage the other gene-seeds bring with them (unless, that is what you want).


The name and badges weren't the only reasons for the selection. Both their stories and current info makes lends me to fit their personalities with that of stubborn and rugged defenders, constanly fighting to defend the Grendl star system. Duty and stalwart defiance strike me about the chapter.


As for their appearence, it just feels more intuitive to those chapters, at least for me. I understand Ultra= clean slate, but for me the Imperial Fists would fit perfectly (plus they wouldn't be the first "Iron" chapter from Dorns lot, a la Iron Knights). The Hands was a little more obvious, like you say, but it was really just an oppertuinity to explore that primarch's stock, something new to me. Plus the similar stylings are there!


  Codex Grey said:
Have you thought about what their mindset is? Has their beliefs affected the way they carry out their mission, or has the mission affected their beliefs?


Grim defenders, dour after constant battles and little respite from their duties. They despise xenos, to the point off actively executing any cuaght trading with xeno artifacts or xeno traders in the Grendl stars. Stoic and centered, they eschew crusading chapters as having no purpose, unlike thier clear mission. If they were Imperial Fists this would be emphasized more.

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I'll be tackling some of the key points in little asides before edinting the first post. First up, the Barghesi.....


Similar to Kroot, but more muscular and hairer, the Barghesi are a dangerous foe from the Grendl Stars. Whilst technologically inferior to the Imperium, their guerilla like tactics and use of human slaves have enabled them to luanch many effective campaigns against humanity. What marks them aside from other xeno pirates however is a bizarre biological effect they generate when in great numbers. Individually, they have limited psychic potential that builds up over time. Adeptus Biologis have noted that when the adrenal gland is sufficently stimulated, it allows them to subcousiously generate a psychic effect known as the Quickening, where they use their powers to greatly enhance their speed and reactions.

In mass, however, they create a much more deadly effect. Large groups have been known to generate a psychic null field, blocking astropaths, psychic attacks and even distorting navigation of ships. One particular encounter saw enough Benghesi formed to breifly blot out the Astronomican beacon, leading to the loss two battleships of the Imperial Navy. This biological potential has been noted as immensly dangerous, and has subsequently seen the Iron Lords Space Marine Chapter placed to not only monitor their activities and protect the citizens of the Grendl Stars, but to ensure xenos such as the Tau and Tyranids don't gain access to their biological potential.


Any thoughts on my description on them?

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I'd like to throw a monkey wrench... Hell, even the monkey, too.


Similar to Kroot, but more muscular and hairer


I actually don't imagine them as kroot, or 'orky'... More like bi-pedal, insectoids (ala the Predator, or the Alien)... Wielding poorly crafted, slave-worked "Human model" weapons (ala like Ork weapons); When they are not being used as food-stock, of course. Silly humans.


I'd imagine words like 'colony', 'swarm', and 'hive' to be associated with them... Could you imagine the Aliens from the movies swarming down an oozey cave, wielding big guns, rusty cleavers, and crazy weapons. I'd like to see Ripley handle that.


Plus, it'd give the Iron Lords some good, real-world practice in dealing with "Tyranid-like" beings...


I love their Chapter symbol, but red legs... really?... Bah!


Good luck!

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The obvious thing to draw on, to me, is The Barghest. The chances of that not being the source for some of GW's inspiration for the Barghesi is slim to none, and I think you'd be wise to try and adhere a little to some of the aspects of the Barghest - i.e. canine and spectral.


Personally, I always pictured the Barghesi as giant, vulpine, bipedal ape creatures that lived on nasty ice worlds and who were improbably sneaky for their size. Not sure it's quite dangerous, though, and it leaves out the ghostliness. Maybe even something like the Thing (from Carpenter's movie and Campbell's short story), with a preference for being a giant destructive ape creature when cornered. :rolleyes:


The problem with yours is that they don't do anything the Nids don't already do. Some Tyranid breeds are already prenaturally quick, and they already block out the Astronomicon et al.


You seem (to me) to be running into the problem that the Barghesi are sufficiently built up that creating a creature dangerous enough to keep the Nids away from with a full Marine Chapter is pretty hard to conceive of, and furthermore that other players likely will already have conceived of their own ideas of what such a creature is like.

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Thanks for the input. Ideas for the Barghesi were always just tid bits to the story. I only went into detail as i had some ideas and wanted to see how they would work in establishing some of the foundations of the chapter's IA. As it stands, i'll take onboard all your advice, but will for the moment be focusing on other parts, as i think defining the enemy first, while useful, hasn't really helped me generate enough ideas for the chapter and their personality. Gonna try looking into how they got to the Grendl Stars. Whilst ideas will be used from above, so far the bit for the Barghesi is NOT part of the IA.
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I'm not sure about the Tau messing with these people. For one the Tau are trying to slowly expand into Imperial space without bringing the entire house of cards down on their heads, i.e. becoming too large of a threat. Not only that but the Barghesi aren't too close to the Tau Empire, or so my maps tell me. The Tau would like as not be unable to sustain a new arm of the empire being so cut off from reinforcements and support due to what are probably large chunks of the void and Imperial space along the way. Being the least adept space-farers of all the races on the board (Tyranids and Orks excluded for various reasons) they would have a hard time with it, especially given that it would likely bring the aforementioned wrath of the Imperium down upon them. Not that the threat of reprisals has stopped them before and admittedly they've done quite well, even if I do think GW succumbed to it's own fanboyism in this case.


Making the Tau a major threat would probably be bad for them seeing as firstly, their empire is not protected by either a large warp storm or displacement (EoT or Maelstrom) or by being too scattered to bring sufficient force to bear at any one time (Eldar) or simply massive enough to keep up the fight (Orks, Tyranids).


I don't know, I don't like how everyone just blurts out how awesome the Tau are whenever they are challenged simply because they halted an Imperial Crusade and haven't been squashed or mauled badly. Yet. Anyway, that's my own natural problem with the blue skinned fiends and I won't go any further off topic.

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I totally forgot about the wonderous Starmap. Yeah, Tau do seem kinda far away. More reason to do a Barghesi rewrite when i get their. Looking into Enslaver type ideas, but thats just a thought. Thanks for the crit on such a relitively small amount of work!


Anyway, some more work......



Percisely when and why the Iron Lords came to the Grendl Stars is unknown, although Imperial records show appear to place them there around M33, making them at least 7000 years old. What is known is that in the following years the chapter remained in the area, protecting the local population from the "ultra-violent" Barghesi that lived amoungst the stars. Fleet based for much of their early operations, they helped local defenders stave off the foul xeno threat, soon being heralded as the saviour of the stars amoungst the Imperial Worlds under their diligent watch.

In the year 246.M36, an astropathic distress call went out from the world of Sternac. Regiments of the Matary 63rd and 70th were suminarily dispatched to investigate, only to be lost when the entire world went ubruptly silent. The Iron Lords, who had been delayed be warp storms, arrived to a scene of devestation. The Navy fleet had been torn apart in orbit by an undetected enemy, while on the planet black smoke swirled around the many hives that had populated the world. Dispatching all 10 companies, the chapter made for the only viable landing zone; Hive Ios, positioned on a mountain and home to one of the few space ports, it appeared to be the only Hive not seemingly destroyed.

Their arrival came as much suprise to the people of Sternac, who had all but prepared to face heroic death in an act of ultimate defiance. The Barghesi, guided by some unseen forse, had struck hard on the planet which had up until that point had little contact with the xeno menace. The ferocity in which the devestated the local PDF and Imperial Guard was unnrelenting, but far more unsettling was the accuarcy and location of their attacks. Each was targeted at precisely the right place to maximise damage and hinder Imperial efforts, far than the norm for such a barbaric race. Indeed, stories of ghosts and the assination of key officials in the opening days of the conflict had also leant voice to concerns that this was no ordinary invasion.

The Iron Lords quickley went about bolstering the defences of the city, helping prepare the troops still alive and securing placements for what was expected to be a bloody seige. After only a day's preparation, the Barghesi fell upon Ios with murderous intent. Falling like waves upon the Hive's wall, the Iron Lords and their allies rained death down upon the murderous xeno's. Millions had died by the time the Morrain Gate fell three days into the seige. The gate itself lay to the far east of the city, guarded by the 4th and 5th companies respectivly. When the doors were finally blown open the companies quickly rushed to plug the gap. What subsequently occured was the bloodiest battle the world has ever seen. News of the breach ran through the xeno horde, and soon all efforts were directed at the breach. By the time the seperated companies managed to engage and defeat the warband, the nobal warriors of the 4th and 5th were wiped out to the man with the other companies also seriously undermanned.

After suffering such horrendous losses, the Barghesi retreated into the wilderness of Sternac, becoming roaming warbands that blighted the open county. The Chapter, having suffered massive casualties themselves, began to rebuild. They successfully applied for Sternac to become their new base of operations while they rebuilt, and have since come to know Sternac as home. Much of the chapter now come from the world, although occassional recruitment drives happen amougnst the Grendl Stars should Sternac not produce enough viable candidates due to the planets' diminished population.

The world itself has become a bleak place. While the Chapter has since purged their homeworld, the ruined husks of the other Hive's stand testement to the xeno's unstoppable fury. The local populous claim the dead haunt this black places, and almost all citizens now live in Hive Ios, which has been renamed the Mount Ironside in honor of the chapter. The few that do live outside the city walls live the secluded mining plants located around the planet, unearthing metals and chemicals used in the formation of starships. These plants are regularly supplied by air craft and star ships that ferry the workers and materials to and from these plants.

The chapter themself are based on the orbital battlestation far above the planet, but do have some monostaries and forges in Mt. Ironside. The chapter are noted to use the ruins of the other hives as training areas, and as such the Iron Lords have garnered a reputation as excellent city fighters, as well as defense specialists.






Ghosts are infact Eldar Rangers from the Alaitoc, which organised the battle to encourage the Iron Lords to remain their and defend the Grendl Stars from Hive Fleet Kraken, the bulk of which broke over Sternac on the way into the star systems. Will cover more on that later.


Any thoughts?

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Quick idea on the dreads.


Only ten suits in the chapter, many lost after Sternac was first attacked.

One for each company.

Only the greatest are honored with the suits...

Dreadnuaghts named after mythical Titans from Greek history (not obviously the source of THEIR inspiration!).

The marine forgo's his birth name, and takes on the suits. This seems to placeate the Machine Spirit and as a result the Dreadnuaghts are coherent most of the time, at least the chapter thinks so...

Council of Dreadnuaghts consulted on matters of grave urgancy if their is time, and often help swear in a knew Captain who pledes alligence to the hero's of the chapter.




Also, previos fluff has be promoted to Original Post.

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NIce stuff to begin with. The Iron Lords are my chapter, and i was going to look at fluffing them out, but it looks as though you got there first. I will be watching this closely though.


First off, I like the battle style etc you've given them. Was exactly the kind of thing I was sthinnking about, and as a bonus fits in with how I'm modelling them (cityfighting). Any chapter with 'Iron' in their name immediately makes you think of them having that stoic, Iron Hands like stubborness. I like that style, though at the same time I'm thinking, are there too many chapters that have 'Iron' in them and have that nature?


On the issue of the Barghesi, I think it is very likely inspiration came from the 'Barghest.' As someone who likes to stick, losely termed, how something is supposed to be; as close to canon as possible, I would work with that, though there is still a lot of room to make it up. In the article for them on wikipedia, it gives two things that re known as Barghest (both from England). Here is a quote


Barghest, Bargtjest, Bo-guest, Bargest or Barguest is the name often given in the north of England, especially in Yorkshire, to a legendary monstrous black dog with huge teeth and claws, though in other cases the name can refer to a ghost or Household elf,


Later on though they are described as ghostly dogs.


A famous Barghest was said to live near Darlington who was said to take the form of a headless man (who would vanish in flames), a headless lady, a white cat, a dog, rabbit and black dog. Another was said to live in an "uncannie-looking" dale between Darlington and Houghton, near Throstlenest.


So they seem to be anything that is ghostly/ghoulish. Ghosts would be pretty hard to fight against though, for obvious reasons.


There is also a story of a Barghest entering the city of York occasionally, where, according to legend, it preys on lone travellers in the city's narrow Snickelways.


Goes along with the whole city theme.....


Heres the link for the Barghest


Also of interest could be this related article about black dogs




As you said the Barghesi is something to look at later perhaps, so I'll leave that info there for you to think about. Looking forward to see what else you come up with. I am also going to do some thinking, would love to help you out with this a put in some stuff.


On a side note, I quite like the red legs. The colour scheme is one of the things that drew me to them in the first place.

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Just a little rumbling on the Dreadnought idea. Dreadnoughts are supposed to be heroes of the chapter. They are the marines of legend and have made a huge sacrifice for the chapter, and so deemed worthy of entering into a dreadnought. Having the marine take on the dreadnought's name means he would lose his identity and along with it the legend of that particular hero. Just a small rumbling of something to think about, I could be wrong.
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Thanx for the reply, and i would totally love to hear your ideas. This is NOT my own chapter, its every player that wants to play as the Iron Lords, so their input and ideas for the chapter are to me essential. I shouldn't be flying in the face of loyal collecters such as yourself, it would be rude!


On the dreadnaught idea, the inspiration came from a number of sources. First and foremost the Emerald Knights chapter being crafted here on the liber, but also the Death Shroud terminators of the Death Guard Legion, as described in Flight Of Eisientein. They forego their identity and become the silent bodyguards of Mortarion, and i felt that for this chapter, glory is inconsiquential. I mean, they ARE recorded as being in the armour. Its more like a title than a name, but the honour of being in one of the rare legendary suits will be great!


Just a thought.

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Guest Mordray

Regarding the Barghesi what ever they are don't forget that they are a force that the Tryanids could gain greatly from their genetic potential. There for it's important that what ever it is that makes them so dangerous also be linked into that and it would have to be something that the Tyranids would not already have.



Ghoulish spirit dogs... perhaps they are capable of naturally stepping out of phase with reality...


Personally I'm not impressed with the Barghesi in general... the creators of the digital weapon tech now those I'd be concerned about the tyranids gaining access to...

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Personally I'm not impressed with the Barghesi in general... the creators of the digital weapon tech now those I'd be concerned about the tyranids gaining access to...


Where has that information come from?


While this has nothing to do with the IA article, I just thought I'd throw this link in


And another link

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I like whats being done so far here and that spoiler made me smile. It's just so Eldar like :devil: Damned sneaky xenos...clever but soon to be damned :D (as if we haven't been saying that for the last 10000 years) My one problem is that it's almost like the one interesting thing about these guys is what they guard, though this is mostly dealt with by adding the dread flavouring :)
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  Tutteman said:
I like whats being done so far here and that spoiler made me smile. It's just so Eldar like ;) Damned sneaky xenos...clever but soon to be damned ;) (as if we haven't been saying that for the last 10000 years) My one problem is that it's almost like the one interesting thing about these guys is what they guard, though this is mostly dealt with by adding the dread flavouring :)


Are you trying to say Eldar should be involved?


Thing is, from the couple of sentences of official canon fromm GW, we know the barghesi and the Tyranids are the major players in the Iron Lords history.


I keep reading through what you already have to see what can be made better/changed and how to expand upon things. Something struck me though. Are Tyranids that calculative in their attacks.


Their arrival came as much suprise to the people of Sternac, who had all but prepared to face heroic death in an act of ultimate defiance. The Barghesi, guided by some unseen forse, had struck hard on the planet which had up until that point had little contact with the xeno menace. The ferocity in which the devestated the local PDF and Imperial Guard was unnrelenting, but far more unsettling was the accuarcy and location of their attacks. Each was targeted at precisely the right place to maximise damage and hinder Imperial efforts, far than the norm for such a barbaric race.


The unseen force is the Tyranids right? I don't know much about them, but I thought they just used their number to just attack en masse.


Also, been thinking about Sternac as a planet. From what you already have, it seems like it would be a dark rocky world, yes? I think that would be the way to go. I think Caves/caverns could feature somehow. Makes me think of that meteor thing from Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back where the Millennium Falcon goes down the cavern, which turns out to be a monster thing(I don't know all the terms for it lol).

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  Tutteman said:
I like whats being done so far here and that spoiler made me smile. It's just so Eldar like :) Damned sneaky xenos...clever but soon to be damned :) (as if we haven't been saying that for the last 10000 years) My one problem is that it's almost like the one interesting thing about these guys is what they guard, though this is mostly dealt with by adding the dread flavouring :D


Thank you Tutter, and i will indeed try to expand them from a simple one trick pony, although more conventional means will be implied as well as my DreadThoughts (i am so sorry, i couldn't help myself!).



  captain_shrike said:
The unseen force is the Tyranids right? I don't know much about them, but I thought they just used their number to just attack en masse.


Actually my intention was to have the unknown accompacices be Eldar Rangers. Here's why:


  1. The Alaitoc craftworld is nearby.
  2. They produce Rangers more than most.
  3. The Tyranids would greatly benifit from the Bargehsi genes; Everyone else not so much.
  4. Eldar know this would be catastrophic.
  5. Minipulations of other forces begin.
  6. Have the Imperium defend a potential catastrophy exemplafies Eldar thought processes; No Eldar are in immediate danger, and the prize IS guarded, by perhaps the strongest armies in the galaxy.


Well, that was the plan!


  captain_shrike said:
Also, been thinking about Sternac as a planet. From what you already have, it seems like it would be a dark rocky world, yes? I think that would be the way to go. I think Caves/caverns could feature somehow. Makes me think of that meteor thing from Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back where the Millennium Falcon goes down the cavern, which turns out to be a monster thing(I don't know all the terms for it lol).


Rocky and mountainous, yes. But not barren, or desert like. However, the main character for the world is it is one of a huanted nature, with only 5% of its mass now populated, the rest considered cursed. It is to be a sad world, in that respect, but one the Iron Lords can use.

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  The 13th Goat said:
  Tutteman said:
I like whats being done so far here and that spoiler made me smile. It's just so Eldar like ;) Damned sneaky xenos...clever but soon to be damned ;) (as if we haven't been saying that for the last 10000 years) My one problem is that it's almost like the one interesting thing about these guys is what they guard, though this is mostly dealt with by adding the dread flavouring :D


Thank you Tutter, and i will indeed try to expand them from a simple one trick pony, although more conventional means will be implied as well as my DreadThoughts (i am so sorry, i couldn't help myself!).



  captain_shrike said:
The unseen force is the Tyranids right? I don't know much about them, but I thought they just used their number to just attack en masse.


Actually my intention was to have the unknown accompacices be Eldar Rangers. Here's why:


  1. The Alaitoc craftworld is nearby.
  2. They produce Rangers more than most.
  3. The Tyranids would greatly benifit from the Bargehsi genes; Everyone else not so much.
  4. Eldar know this would be catastrophic.
  5. Minipulations of other forces begin.
  6. Have the Imperium defend a potential catastrophy exemplafies Eldar thought processes; No Eldar are in immediate danger, and the prize IS guarded, by perhaps the strongest armies in the galaxy.



Exactly what I mean when i slightly ungrammatically said so eldar like ;) What I said about being careful on "one trick pony" is mostly just a warning note to be annoying. I like whats being done and I know the Bargeshi are a big bit of the fluff. I'm just mindful that the guys need to have more then just one focus to their fluff. But like I said, you've managed to steer away from a chapter thats all about one thing, i.e the Bargeshi.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Also sorry to super necro this thread, but If there's still interest, i've always wanted the iron lords to have a little more fleshing out.

I like where this stuff's gone so far.


I will say that the only GW description i've heard of the bhargesi, other than the "hyper-aggressive" bit, is that they are "bat-like"

I don't think i'd quote me on that, but i feel as though i read it somewhere. I kinda like the idea that they might be capable of some minor flight. swooping and gliding. HUGE eyes and ears, suited to the dark. spooky.


Anyone still interested to explore this further?

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