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Captain of the Iron Ghosts


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Greetings B&C'ers.


As my first model to post on here I choose my Captain that I've 'modified' from a tactical marine Sgt.

Paint scheme is just Red Gore, Tin Biz, and Chaos black.

The Iron Ghosts use the Iron Hands gene seed hence the bionics, but I'm still filling out the fluff before posting in the Liber Astartes.

As he is hes armed with whats suppose to be a relic blade and a bolter with hellfire rounds. Background is he was a Sternguard Sgt before he became a captain, that also explaining the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, cause more firepower is always better.






Any comments, questions, criticisms are of course welcome, indeed they are wanted as they could only improve my painting and modeling skills.

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loving the conversion chum!


must say though, even just one highlight on that red gore would bring the model out more. and try a wash of Badab black or devlan mud over the boltgun model for shading.


and please finish the fluff!


nice model

this has nothing to do w/ the topic, just had to say you sir are now my bestie <_< first person to ever sig quote me <3

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Well I took The Immortals advice and washed the bolter and added some highlights.




I especially liked the way the wash on the Bolter worked out. Though i think I need a new colour for my highlights, right now I've mixed some Bleached Bone in with an old bottle of Red Gore, It looks a little hard to see unless in almost perfect light.

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a few pointers:


1, Thin your paints


2, paint many thin layers instead of one well covering one


3, usage of other paints than, say, metal on optics, etc. makes great details


4, highlight with a more reddish orange color for that red


5, regarding fluff: a normal marine captain would never wear adeptus mechanicus iconography.


6, a quick thinned down wash on the servo skull would make it look 20 times better..



And a little personal observation; it looks like his gripping claw would lose the grip of the axe's shaft the very second he'd start swinging it, i suggest moving the bolter onto the bionic arm (removing the grip and just attaching it like the bolter is a replacement for his hand) and moving the axe to the hand he still have left.

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I think he looks more like a master of the forge type, but still the conversion is top notch.


The paint job is... average. I've seen worse, I've seen better. The second attempt is much better. But I'd say leave it as that. Yes, it can be improved, but any mroe paint will damage the overall look of the model. Maybe just a little attention to the lenses.

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