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Njal Stormcaller


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Hey guys, here is my version of Njal Stormcaller that I finished last week. I did a light effect coming from his eyes as if he is casting one of his spells, hopefully it looks right!! Any comments or critiques are welcome!! I didn't put snow on the base because I am auctioning him and I figured it would be easy enough to add snow if the person wanted it but very hard to remove it if they didn't want it.

The base is from Jeff Wilhelm's Dragon Forge Design...they are super nice!!








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Ha ha, auction link removed!!!


Yeah, I did the glowing eyes because I thought it would be kinda fun and also with all the grey....light skin coloring and white hair, there was just nothing that made you focus on the face. The blue fixed that and really only took a few minutes to do. I did one version that was a lot lighter and it really wasn't conviencing so I added more saturation to the color and I think it works better. Hopefully it is believable!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Superb! Although I have to say, if you wanted people to focus on his face, you perhaps shouldn't have done such a fantastic job on the wolf's head above it (twisted logic I know) - that's the bit that really grabs the attention for me, it's absolutely beautiful. ;)
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Thanks for the comments guys...sorry I didn't respond earlier. For some reason it was not allowing me to post so I had to revalidate my account!! Anyways, I have no WIP's, I painted this one two fast! ha ha As for the armor colors, the basecoat was 1 part Space Woves grey, 1 part Kommando Khaki and 1 part Shadow grey. Then I did a general highlight of more Space Woves Grey and some Vallejo Silver Grey (its almost white but not quite). Then I washed the entire armor areas with a mix of Devlund Mud wash and a little bit of Shadow grey. I was carefull to let it go mostly in the cracks. Then I just came back with my original colors and blended up for the highlights and down for the shadows as i saw fit. Except for the addition of the Vallejo Silver Grey, it is the exact same mix as GW uses. It just looks a bit more natural I guess. As for the Metalics, I used true metallics on this one..in many ways though, true metallics are painted in the same was as nnm. I uses standard "flat" colors to shade and metallics to highlight.
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good to have you back...


the colours certainly don't look like 'eavy metal's puppies...

the khaki really tones down the blue-grey...

there is something about different photo set-ups, and editing that really changes the tones though...

i've seen the same minis on different pages of White Dwarf that look completely different...


keep up the good work...




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