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Kor'sarro Khan


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hey B&C...


the customer who purchased my Pedro Kantor, and my Vulkan He'stan, liked them so much he wanted another...

this is my version of the Khan...

i made a few slight changes from the 'Eavy Metal studio version...

i felt that the topknot should be held up with a red tie, instead of a black one, since the hair was black...

i chose to go up to yellow on the reds as my final highlight, instead of the pale red GW used...

finally, i went with black on the leg straps, since it matched the holster better than goin' with brown...

everything else is stock...


i had fun painting this guy, as it was my first time painting chipped armour...

kind of hard to do on white, as that final little highlight doesn't show up well, and a black shadow line just looks bad...


the only thing i'm not happy about on this guy is the Power Sword...

it didn't want to cooperate, but i've run out of time, so it's gonna have to do...


hope you guys like him...










here's the link if you'd care to vote:



thanks for lookin'...




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The only criticism I have on this piece is that the positioning of the feet on the base make it look like he's taking a jaunty stroll. Leaning him forward on his front foot would make him look like he was charging.


Otherwise, it is an amazing bit of painting. If this is your tabletop quality, I shudder to think what your display pieces look like!

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Great paintjob, although I never was a fan of this sculpt (not a crit on you, on GW). It never made sense to me that Khan would be on foot. But again, the painting is top notch IMHO. A bit better than tabletop quality if you ask me.
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That is not table top quality. That is way too good to just be "Table top" quality. Seriousily, it's a real winner in my opinion. The only negative criticism is something that's been previousily mentioned. His feet.....are oddly positioned. He seems very off balance or like he's just going for a leasure stroll while swinging around his sword. However, I get a feeling this is more of a problem with the sculpt than anything negative on your part as it's still a very lovely model and the person got their money's worth.
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thanks guys...


@Hedwerx:the mini was primed white (my first time startin' from white on a marine) and then basecoated with P3 Trollblood Highlight...

the darkline was then painted in with P3 Idrian Flesh, and a little P3 Battlefield Brown for the darkest spots...

this was cleaned up with Trollblood Highlight again...

the next layer was T.H. mixed 50/50 with pure white...

the main colour is P3 Menoth White Highlight, and a final highlight of pure white...


just a quick note on quality...

this is my basic commission quality...

i know that some people say this is above tabletop quality, but it's really a personal interpretation...

one man's TT is another man's competition level job...

what TT means to me, is that the base is game legal, and the mini is painted with the intention of bein' used as a gaming mini...


all the companies that i've painted for (i work for Dragonblood minis at the moment) have told me the same thing, "just do a basic paintjob, don't go crazy"...

when Mike Mcvey (my boss when i painted for Privateer) tells you to give it a basic paintjob, and then you look at what he considers basic, you'd better step up your game...


if you are gonna pay $150 (my basic starting cost) for a paintjob, wouldn't you want it to rock your socks off...

i will spend the same amount of time painting a mini no matter how much i'm gettin' paid, since i don't see the point in doin' anything but my best...

i want my customers to own a little piece of art, not just a game piece...

this is the reason that i usually only take commissions for single minis meant to lead an army...

if there is one guy in your force that you want to stand out, it's your commander...


the only real difference between this and what i would call display quality is the type of base...

i would charge a bit more, and spend a bit more time with subtle shadows, as well as building an integrated resin display plinth-style base...


thanks for takin' the time to read this ramble...




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