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Golden Bolter (apparently) first WIP thread

Rune Priest

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Well, I've been spending the past 3 days painting this guy like nonstop. I don't have a good camera on me now... just an average 150 dollar one. I'll try and put the next ones up w/ my friend's pro camera for you guys. Please: be honest! I really would like to have a shot at winning this thing.











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Thank you. You're right, those aren't done. I have to finish the front pelt, wolf tooth necklace, wolf head on the rear pelt, skin on the pelt, bolter, base, and a few smaller details. I'm glad you like it. If you have any suggestions please let me hear them.
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Thanks, again, for the praise. If you get WD magazine, check out the space hulk issue (3 months ago). They explain how to do it pretty well. I feel like my friends would chuckle at your last comment (after they picture me in their heads): I'm 6' 3" and weight like 270... In fact, I chuckle to, to picture my Ogryn-like self googling over some little shiny thing. ;)
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That power sword, the flesh, and the finished armor look fantastic. The cloak needs work, to say the least. I'm not sure if it is unfinished or you are getting lazy with it. It has no depth or contrast, which cloth really needs because of the folds and the light hitting them. Even bright lights create dark shadows in cloth. Its a fickle thing, truly.


Also, if you quickly dry brush the base and fur it is going to kill the model. Take your time with it, you have two months.

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Guess I wasn't the only one to choose that cloak for my lone wolf I am entering. You've set the bar pretty high for me, and I'm intimidated, but still plan to enter just the same. I love the blending work you've done and I think with the better camera we'll see the cloak part better. I can tell you've done good work on that but it's not showing up with that cam. The face is brilliant and I love the chapter symbol you did. I would suggest also doing more with the wolf fur. Also, I note the wolf head atop the termi body...is that completed? Because it does not currently stand out enough from the wolf pelt behind it. Lovely sword, just adore the work you've put in already. And that face...would love to see a close-up of that. It's amazing!
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Thanks, agai, guys! I love the feedback; it really helps me to think critically about my pant jobs. I'll work on getting a closeup of the face, probably will have another host of pics for you guys on tuesday when i get a hold of the better camera. The cloak does look better in person, much better, as does the fur. I agree that it looks drybrushed with only one or two layers in the pics, but the fur was actually drybrushed with 7, they just don't show up with this sub-optimal camera. I do plan to touch up the last highlight on the fur, however, as handling the model can rub off the top highlights, especially on such prominent areas.


The pelt head is incomplete; I'm not sure how I want it to look just yet. Same deal with the storm bolter. Let me know if you guys think any particular colours would look good for these.




Thanks, again, guys! I love the feedback; it really helps me to think critically about my pant jobs. I'll work on getting a closeup of the face, probably will have another host of pics for you guys on tuesday when i get a hold of the better camera. The cloak does look better in person, much better, as does the fur. I agree that it looks drybrushed with only one or two layers in the pics, but the fur was actually drybrushed with 7, they just don't show up with this sub-optimal camera. I do plan to touch up the last highlight on the fur, however, as handling the model can rub off the top highlights, especially on such prominent areas.


The pelt head is incomplete; I'm not sure how I want it to look just yet. Same deal with the storm bolter. Let me know if you guys think any particular colours would look good for these.



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exactly what Alpha PTP said, you have months!! MONTHS!!! dont rush it


i think the thing that needs the biggest change is the skin, its all one flat colour, with a bit of highlights, theres no variation in tone so it looks more like a plastic head than an actual skin tone


check out some photos on the net, you will notice that skin variates in tone, yellows, oranges, reds, ivory, greens, purples, blues, and so on, depending on skin tone and position...all you do is apply a couple thin glazes to build up some tones over your skin colour...so you are tinting rather than colouring


as for the rest, its well executed technique, but the overall finish is a bit boring or bland because theres not much to look at...i dont mean this as an insult or anything like that, but the reason is everything is flat one tone colour, theres no colours mixed in to shade, or brighten, and make things more interesting, and thats where the model loses some points and ends up looking more like a clean tabletop level piece


the blending could use work as well, as right now its mostly just layering towards edges...but edge highlighting is what screws with your colours and makes them seem brighter, and removes a lot of depth, because you have the same brightnes highlight around all edges, even those in and out of "light"


the last thing i find problematic is you have three "primary" colours, blue, red and yellow...and it doesnt flow well, especially with a dark sword



now ive made an edit of yours in photoshop, to show some of the things im talking about, im hoping you dont take offence to this(as some people do for some reason)


this should illustrate what i mean by using some colour in places, getting more depth from parts using different highlights, and more "levels" of colour...i didnt do anythign to the skin but highlight a bit more...the red cape i used some brighter reds to help define the shape, but its hard for me to do it without having the actual model here in front of me.....i played wiht the armour a bucnh and added shades and highlights to the yelow...once you finish everything thats still black, you will find this method to deliver a much more concise idea of the model


i didnt have my tablet hooked up so this is done with my mouse, so its not perfect and you can take it farther, but its for ideas...please feel free to ask questions


it may help to have both pictures open, and especially to switch between the two of them to see the difference








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Thank you Alex, I see your points. I most definitely see your changes you've made. I especially like what you've done with the armour and the yellow shoulder pad. I'll try to represent those changes on the actual model by tomorrow. I think glazes will be my best bet.
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I'm 6' 3" and weight like 270... In fact, I chuckle to, to picture my Ogryn-like self googling over some little shiny thing. :(


SAME!!! almost exact! people think thats odd for a 17 year old, i think of it as unique :D


back to the point, fantastic model!!! i love the sword it really stands out as a power weapon.


a good mix of calm and feral power which looks great ina wolf lord!

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Well neat, you can answer my question then! Is that cape/pelt separate from the Terminator torso? Or how is it attached?



Lookin good so far!

I'd not slow down even if you do have a lot of time. A lot of people get side tracked when people convince them they have too much time to work with and they never finish or have to rush at the last minute. ;)

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The cape is, in fact, separate from the body. It comes in three parts: the lower cape, upper pelt, and wolf pelt arm (if you look at his back, it's the pelt arm hanging on the right side). I believe it fits over all of the wolves terminator torsos. I agree with you on the painting tempo: if I don't keep going, I'll never finish. I am in the process of my squad entry and vehicle entry, so the more I can do efficiently and well the better.
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Great piece of painting so far. I really like the way you painted the armour, and the chest eagle is very well done.


The rear of the mini looks a bit too plain in my opinion: the fur could have some more variation in color (refer to the space wolves painting article in the latest white dwarf) and the cloak could use some more highlighting or maybe some freehand?


Today I made the decision to start working on a project for the competition as well, and you really kick-started my motivation with this piece, so thanks for showing your work :eek


Is this going to be a single mini entry or is it part of a unit?

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Thanks for the complements, guys. I really appreciate them. As for the cape, the lower half of it is the only part w/o fur on it; it is glued to the fur on the shoulders to make a complete cape. I wish they were separate, because man, homemade grey knight grand master here I come!


On painting the cape, I may do a tad more highlighting but, trust me, it looks different in person. I'm taking better pics today, so we'll see what happens. Light diffuses much more on cloth, so you won't really be seeing as great a highlight-shade variation as with the armour. Also, I was planning on having a grey freehand line around the inside and poss. outside hem of the cape. I don't feel confident enough in my freehand skills to attempt like an NMM golden aquila or anything, though that would be fantastic. I mean, I could try... you never know, but I'd really rather have had practice on like 2-3 models first.


As for him being single or part of a squad, that depends on what other models I feel like painting next. I was planning on him being a single mini, and I was planning on painting a Grey Hunter squad of the same quality and a dreadnought for the vehicle category... but I have the rest of this guy's termie squad lying on the desk in my dorm, so.... I could make it a squad.


Right now, I plan on making the small wolf head on the top of the armour a gem of the same colour as the sword, as well as a small wolf head trinket on the model's right leg. Let me know if you guys like this; you'll be seeing pictures of him later on today, at like 2:00-3:00 EST.




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I had originally tried to use that torso with wolf head with that cloak but it would not fit...you must have cut the pelt a little for it, yes? If so, kudos! That's some tiny detail right there. Sidenote...will there be battle damage? I'm loving your entry so far. I should post mine for critiques too when I get to a better point with mine other than one layer of color, lol. Also, can't wait to see the cape with freehanding.
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Thanks for the complements, guys. I really appreciate them. As for the cape, the lower half of it is the only part w/o fur on it; it is glued to the fur on the shoulders to make a complete cape. I wish they were separate, because man, homemade grey knight grand master here I come!


On painting the cape, I may do a tad more highlighting but, trust me, it looks different in person. I'm taking better pics today, so we'll see what happens. Light diffuses much more on cloth, so you won't really be seeing as great a highlight-shade variation as with the armour. Also, I was planning on having a grey freehand line around the inside and poss. outside hem of the cape. I don't feel confident enough in my freehand skills to attempt like an NMM golden aquila or anything, though that would be fantastic. I mean, I could try... you never know, but I'd really rather have had practice on like 2-3 models first.


As for him being single or part of a squad, that depends on what other models I feel like painting next. I was planning on him being a single mini, and I was planning on painting a Grey Hunter squad of the same quality and a dreadnought for the vehicle category... but I have the rest of this guy's termie squad lying on the desk in my dorm, so.... I could make it a squad.


Right now, I plan on making the small wolf head on the top of the armour a gem of the same colour as the sword, as well as a small wolf head trinket on the model's right leg. Let me know if you guys like this; you'll be seeing pictures of him later on today, at like 2:00-3:00 EST.






dont be a sissy, seriously, jump in and go with it....everyone is afraid to try things on competition models with fear of "screwing them up" yet competition is where you should be taking risks and pushing yourself!!


this was my first attempt, i spent between 25 and 30 hours on it... never won me a thing, some parts sucked, some parts went well....regardless it was a successful first attempt




as for the cape, should try for either blued or yellowed highights depending on whether its in shadow or light that will increase contrast without increasing light dark contrast tooooo much





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Thanks for the complements, guys. I really appreciate them. As for the cape, the lower half of it is the only part w/o fur on it; it is glued to the fur on the shoulders to make a complete cape. I wish they were separate, because man, homemade grey knight grand master here I come!


On painting the cape, I may do a tad more highlighting but, trust me, it looks different in person. I'm taking better pics today, so we'll see what happens. Light diffuses much more on cloth, so you won't really be seeing as great a highlight-shade variation as with the armour. Also, I was planning on having a grey freehand line around the inside and poss. outside hem of the cape. I don't feel confident enough in my freehand skills to attempt like an NMM golden aquila or anything, though that would be fantastic. I mean, I could try... you never know, but I'd really rather have had practice on like 2-3 models first.


As for him being single or part of a squad, that depends on what other models I feel like painting next. I was planning on him being a single mini, and I was planning on painting a Grey Hunter squad of the same quality and a dreadnought for the vehicle category... but I have the rest of this guy's termie squad lying on the desk in my dorm, so.... I could make it a squad.


Right now, I plan on making the small wolf head on the top of the armour a gem of the same colour as the sword, as well as a small wolf head trinket on the model's right leg. Let me know if you guys like this; you'll be seeing pictures of him later on today, at like 2:00-3:00 EST.






dont be a sissy, seriously, jump in and go with it....everyone is afraid to try things on competition models with fear of "screwing them up" yet competition is where you should be taking risks and pushing yourself!!


this was my first attempt, i spent between 25 and 30 hours on it... never won me a thing, some parts sucked, some parts went well....regardless it was a successful first attempt




as for the cape, should try for either blued or yellowed highights depending on whether its in shadow or light that will increase contrast without increasing light dark contrast tooooo much







I love the free hand on ur banner, PM any tips of that nature pls :teehee: also to OP Well done looking good so far, looking forward to competing

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Personally, I think he looks too 'shiny and new'. He does not have the look of a grizzled veteran that has been through hell and back. I.E., I think that the armor should be scarred and paint scraped away in areas. It looks like he freshly painted his armor and I just do not see a space wolf in clean pristine armor. Other than that the other criticisms pretty well cover it.
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OK, so here are the pictures taken with an actual camera. I've labeled them and some of them I've adjusted the light levels shining through my lightbox and played around with light angles and whatnot. Let me know which styles of lighting you like best (i've put numbers next to each picture to make it easier for you to identify them).


Thanks in advance,


























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