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Golden Bolter (apparently) first WIP thread

Rune Priest

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I tend to say regular, but side is also pretty good. Darkened is a no-no.


Really lovely mini. Haven't seen that many power-armoured dudes with such shading/blending, nice to see it done good, and the outcome is a eye candy!

The gem ontop of the armor is cool, good effect, atleast I see what you wanted to create, and you did a good job.


The sword is still wip I guess? Must say I like the side that faces towards the mini. But the other side ('outside') is looking kind of strange to me, guess the pattern is IMO less well excecuted than the other side, but that's just my $0,02.


Anyways, looking forward to see this mini finished!

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Yes, he should. This guys is a wolf lord though... :)


Yeah, so i know the closeup shot of his head is kind of blurry, but, are you guys a fan of the one eye being milky-white and glossed over (and a scar running over it) to lend to the aged and weathered look?


BTW, did I screw up the gem or not? I'm really good at traditional gems (as seen here http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs004.snc3/11162_168032573643_558573643_3004120_4347838_n.jpg), but this one was damn hard to anticipate where light would go...



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