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Mk II Angel Pattern Power Armour

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A while back I created my first version of a new Mark of the power armour worn by the Sisters of Battle (thread). It was designed because I didn't like the current Sister power armour. I realise that it was Vandire's intention for the suits to look like something out of a BDSM movie, but I wanted a new suit that was built for warfare, and perhaps as an attempt to show my sisters breaking away from their past under Vandire's service. Ironically the design was originally based on the Sisters of Battle as they appeared in Rouge Trader, which pre-dates the current Sister of Battle design.


Anyways, due to popular demand, I have started work on my second incarnation of Mk II Angel Pattern Power Armour. It will be sculpted completely from scratch. Even the bolter will be scratch built, as a revamp of the smaller bolter carried by the current models. It's in the early stages now, but I intend to slowly progress with this whilst I work on my guard.


The starting of the torso.




The beginnings of the bolter.




Torso compared to a WIP Colonel. I figured that with all artificial organic augmentations used in the Imperium it is likely that Battle Sisters are larger then the average human female, and perhaps even male. The fluff tends to point towards the Sisters being obviously very strong, so I think the model should reflect this. Though the torso is not quite as big as it appears in this picture...



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The neck guard is in place. It will be filed down when it is solid and then hollowed out with my dremel tool. I also added a single cable embedded into the waist armour, to pay homage to the original armour's corset zipper. The waist still needs fixing, but it should just be a quick tinkering job. Then I can add the belt on.




I also decided to convert up a hasselfree head for this model. The hair needs fixing here and there, and I might add a eye patch or bionic eye, but so far it looks quite nice.



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Would like to shoot down the belief that Sisters are bigger than average before you go too far. They're unaugmented women. Crazy hardcore bad ass women, but unaugmented (unless they lose and eye or arm or whatever).

They're no more beyond human than an Imperial Guardsman. Without their wargear and miracles they're probably complete equals to Death Korps, Cadians and Catachans (being rated in my brain as the hardest of the hardcore regiments) and possibly not as badass as Storm Troopers and Kasrkin (since they're regarded as the most amazing of human warriors and kick ass while having to use crappy IG weapons.




Without gear and miracles:

Kasrkin chick > Storm Trooper chick > Sororita/Catachan/Cadian|/DK chicks > Other IG chicks

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The fluff as stated in the codex states quite clearly that Sister of Battle power armour does not enhance their strength in any way, which means that they are taking the weight of heavy weapons by themselves. Only Space Marines and powerful individuals can carry weapons like Heavy Bolters without additional support. Gunnery Sergeant Harker, another human user of a Heavy Bolter without additional support, is a giant of a man. And if we want to bring in other sources, we have Daemonifuge, where Ephrael Stern rips a demon beast out of the chest cavity of a Chaos-corrupted Adepta guard, with her bare hands, no power armour involved. In The novel, Grey Knights, the Space Marine Alaric punches a sister in the face, sending her tumbling backwards. She survives to fight again shortly afterwards with no more then a bloody mouth. A sister also punches a marine in the face, which proved to be enough force to barge him back. A sister was also strong enough to pin a Space Marine with her jump pack and keep his storm bolter arm down with a knee.


There is also nothing in the Codex that says Sisters have no augments. It only says that they use power armour unaugmented, because they do not have the Black Carapace. Also, in Grey Knights again, the sisters without helmets do not choke on the dust and ash from the battleship wreckage because of filtration implants in their throats.


I think there is easily enough evidence from GW and BL fluff to point towards Sisters being very strong amongst humans.

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I recently came across this model...




I automatically purchased it of course. I was thinking of using the head for my second Mk II prototype. I am worried about the size, but Reaper miniatures are supposed to be pretty oversized. A reaper head from a model of a similar size was used on Raja Khandar Madu, on the Fighting Tigers of Veda website, and it was easily a good size.


As for the sculpt itself, I have had to mod the neck guard quite a bit. I also raise the question; what should the chest armour design be? I am thinking a winged fleur-de-lis, but I am not 100% on this.

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You are correct that a Sister or Guard couldn't lift an Astartes Bolter, but then they don't. Both factions use human sized Bolters because of this. Sororitas Power Armor DOES enhance strength, just not up to being on par with the Astartes.

Marines are more dexterous, flexible and have even more augmented strength because their neural links allow them to safely use it.


As for surviving a Space Marine punch, well, there's luck, idiot authors, Acts Of Faith and Marines pulling punches to consider, but no, Sororitas are in no way augmented(normally).

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Going by what black library stuff I've read, there are vast swathes of criminal gangs, general populace and non-servitor labourers who are augmented in some way, either mechanically or biologically, to better suit their tasks. It smacks of silly to say, with no real evidence to back it up, that the sororitas haven't undergone -some- form of process to make them tougher/stronger than the average bear. I'm not saying astartes tough/strong, but certainly tougher/stronger than josephine bloggs off the street shoved in power armour.
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Sisters of Battle probably can lift an astartes bolter if they can wave a heavy bolter about in battle, but they are such big and bulky weapons, it would obviously be unwieldy in their hands. You'd have to redesign the grip and make it a under-slung weapon, which would also be unwieldy for something you can strip down into a smaller model.


And as I said,




That power armour description is the only mention in the entire codex that covers power armour capabilities and augmentation. The whole codex. If their armour gives them no strength and there is no mention of them not having augmentation then they must have some kind of augmentation in order to use some of the various weapons they use. You just can't magically be able to pick up a heavy bolter. Imperial Guard would not need heavy weapon teams if that were the case. They'd just be carrying them around and firing them without setting them up.


There is also another statement that says that Sisters lack genetic enhancement, on GW's site. Genetic enhancement and organic/bionic augmentation are two totally different things. Augmenting something is raising the potential or ability of something (in 40k this would be life span or strength normally), genetic enhancement is pertaining to, or produced by genes, this referring to the Gene-Seed.

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Everything is on hold until I work this out; I need to figure out what cable junction I will use. By junction I mean the point where the cables meet in between the neck armour and chest plate. I have decided upon four options...


A: Plate Option

B: Standard Option

C: Ordo Hereticus symbol and Standard Option hybrid. (Ordo Hereticus symbol would go onto chest plate and likely get aquila wings)

D: Ordo Hereticus symbol


All options except C would have a winged fleur-de-lis on the chest plate.



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my personal preference would be option B. i just like the look of the chunkier cables over the shoulders. from the pic you have posted it seems as if the cables are sitting higher that the shoulder pads on that sister, however it may just be a trick of perspective.


hope my pinion is of some value :)

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I would opt for option B as well.



regarding giant sized sisters of battle:

they don't get pumped full of growth hormone and have organ implants to make them bigger and stronger than normal humans. At least not according to anything I've ever seen or read. Even if they had strength enhancing stims or muscle replacers, that wouldn't make them taller. It would still have to fit inside there normal sized body, just be more efficient than there original parts.


The way I read the bit about the power armor is not saying it gives NO enhancement, just not on the same lvl as an astartes, hence str/init 3 instead of 4 base stat line for sororitas. In reguards to a single IG/normal human not being able to weild a heavy bolter, in the ig codex it states that the second guy is only there to carry ammo and reload the gun, the first carries and fires the weapon on his own (much like real world gun teams). Unaugmented necromunda gang heavies can lug arround a heavy bolter just fine, why wouldn't a highly trained warrior nun in power armor be able to do it without implants?


Ephrael Stern does not in any way count as an average sister, she is a comic book hero who has mysterious powers and escapes the grave, and is hunted by the inquisition. A far cry from your average sister lugging a round a hvy bolter.

A battle sister being punched in the face and surviving to continue fighting? sure why not. It doesn't say she was punched in the face by a power fist does it?



All that said, make them whatever size makes you happy.

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My sisters will not be giants. They will be much like Catachans or other Death World people size wise. Also; NO THEY WILL NOT HAVE MEAT ARMS.


Anyways, I have decided to get the helmet done so I can finish adjusting the collar in accordance to it's size. It will be like the current sister helmet but the white plate will not go up the top of the helmet. Instead it will just cover the area around the eyes. On top of the helmet I will have a vent in the style of older Space Marine models.




I might also add other techy bits to the helmet. This is a upgrade of the original power armour suit, so I wanted it to look like it might have an upgraded rebreather system and optics system for the visor.

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Test fit for the helmet. I think I need to adjust the shape a little more before I can move onto the lenses, face plate and techy bits. I also want to file the neck guard to invert the angle of where the guard meets torso armour. This will make room for the cable work.



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The neck guard got modded and the shoulder pads have been started (still curing). A little work was done to the helmet, but you probably won't notice that. Anyways, I know it is a little early to be sending WIP pics out, but the shoulder pads and pose really give a good image of things to come.



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