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Fold Copies Codex Cover


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Earlier this year I embarked on a project to create an Eldar Autarch inspired by the Autarch from the cover of Codex Eldar. If you'll forgive me for corrupting these hallowed halls with the foul Xenos, that model ended up looking like this:




I plogged my progress on that project over at Warseer (a thread that subsequently became my general Eldar log) if you'd like to revisit it.


Now I'm back, and at it again, and I intend to do it better than last time. My subject?




I'm sure there are few among you who'll disagree with me when I say that the Black Templars cover is incredible, the central figure in the painting truly inspiring and a worthy project for any modeller to tackle.


As with the Autarch, I hope and expect that this project will inspire me to create a full Black Templars army, something that has been on the periphary of my various modelling activities for some time. So let's get on with it, shall we?


While I've begun some very early work on the Marshal himself, so far I've mainly been working on some models inspired by the other characters on the cover that surround him, in particular the robed figures carrying what I'm going to call the holy relic. When I first contemplated building a Templars army some of the first miniatures I got my hands on were various Warhammer kits including the Empire Flagellants, who I imagined turning into fanatical retainers of the Templars. It's these that I'm using to carry the holy relic.




A Black Templars crusade is often joined by religious zealots, fanatical adherents to the cult of The Imperium, looking for the opportunity to martyr themselves in the name of the God Emperor. Here, four of them bear the remains of a great Black Templars warrior, a potent holy symbol for the crusading Marines, into battle.


Obviously at this point I'm not copying the cover literally, only taking inspiration. The relic is primarily built from plasticard and the fanatics themselves are almost purely flagellant parts. This will probably not have any game effect as such; I'll either use it to represent the holy relic wargear item, as an objective or simply to look cool.


I've also started putting together a few other characters that can either be used as Cenobyte Servitors or, again, decoration.




Three more zealots. The zealot on the left carries a bundle of sacred scrolls, his eyes removed lest he glance upon their holy contents while carrying out his duties. The second zealot carries a book of names; a tome inscribed with the names of the warriors who have fallen during the course of the crusade (and a bloody big chainsword!). Finally the third devotee carries a fragment of an ancient tapestry recording the passing of some great victory. Don't let their bedraggled appearance deceive you; they are the better of most men in combat and theiir fanaticism and stim collars make them almost as resilient in battle as the Space Marines they serve.


The banner for the third fanatic is made from the Ogre Kingdoms banner (flipped 90 degrees) and a few Templars accoutrements:






Finally we finish with the early concepting for the Marshal himself. Fear not, this will be a much more direct copy of the Marshal on the cover, to wit I've been looking at my options for heads...




These are the only three that are close to being right that I can find in my bits box. On the left, two Marine heads and on the right another bit from the flagellants. None are perfect, but for me it's between the second and third heads, and I'm leaning towards the third, which will look something like:





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To me, the face of the third head looks a little... dumb, more like an Ogre belching than an Astartes reciting a litany of hate and destruction. Head number two, all the way.


I'd wish you good luck, but you appear to be more than talented enough to not require it! I'm sure the finished diorama will be excellent, and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

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I look forward to watching this and judging by the Eldar Autarch, you'll do the cover justice. I prefer your second choice of the heads, personally. It fits better with the Marshal and has particularly identical facial features, such as the nose and eyes.


The Spud has it!


I agree overrall with Darth Potato, really, #2 has my vote!

And that Autarch is fabulous! ^_^



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Someone else who thinks the Empire Flagellant models really suit Black Templar imagery. Personally I prefer the first head however it is overrepresented on Space Marines so I'd suggest the second. The third looks more like the head of a withered away warrior who still has the warrior spirit. Looking forward to progress on this and hoping that you focus your skills into making a complete Black Templar army.


Cheers, Messanger

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