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Prot's Red Corsairs: Finally...


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Unfortunately I took a whole slew of pics of Huron but they are terrible pics due to the suckage level of my camera being about a 9.5 on the crappy scale.

In fact these are the only two pics that turned out at all.

So these are my only complete guys. I have 5 test figs that I didn't like, and I finally settled on this recipe for the reds/highlights, golds, etc. I am really happy with Huron but you can't see any of the skull work or bionic eye stuff. It's too bad really, but at least you get the idea.

This squad is part of my Wolves defector squad. I was basing a squad on Wolves (MoK) and a squad based on defector Ultra (MoS). To those of you who said Ultra would never defect, all I have to say is... yea, it just happened. Muhahahaha. :huh:

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Lookin good! ;)

Always glad to see Corsairs.



I'll debate the Ultramarines thing just because:


In 600 years the Ultramarines have had to punish only 1 guy, and he was just an idiot. At some point or other and Ultra or two might've gone Chaos, but I'm almost certain they'd be Malalite/Khornate 1st, Tzeentch 2nd, Slaanesh 3rd and Nurgle 4th.


If they fall to Chaos to be "better" at what they are (sort of), Khorne because he's the god of martial skill and prowess. Probably the least chaotic god in all aspects except the Khorne Berzerkers who are total crazy and give him a reputation for being a frothing mad man.


If they turn to Chaos because they snapped and couldn't stand being what they were any more, then Malal. As the god of fighting authority, rules, and oppression I could see a Ultramarine who has gotten tired of the Codex Astartes eventually turning to Malal.


Rare is the Ultramarine I could see as Slaaneshish. Maybe Sicarius...


I can't even begin to imagine a Nurgle Ultramarine's reasoning. The Mortifactors drinking blood is distasteful to the Ultramarines. Nurgle is probably ^1000 worse.

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At some point or other and Ultra or two might've gone Chaos, but I'm almost certain they'd be Malalite/Khornate 1st, Tzeentch 2nd, Slaanesh 3rd and Nurgle 4th.

As said in the Grey Knight Dex, they are the only Chapter to never lose a brother to Chaos. That implies that every other Chapter has.


OP. Nice models, any chance of individual close ups, especially the one with the wolf on his chest?

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Thanks a lot guys.


Like I said, it took 5 test figs to get these in the basic shades -I- wanted. I was ready to give up. I do find multi-coloured armour a whole new challenge to paint.


Oddly enough I'm working on a squad of Imperial Fists, but they are looking like yellow crud. A -very- different painting technique than I'm used to. I may have to go back to these guys (Corsairs) because if the Fists don't work out, I think this is the first Marine type chapter I've painted in a while that doesn't make me want to hurl my paints in the garbage.


As far as the pictures... I took about a dozen, and these are the only two that kind of turned out. I am going to take more in a different setting. I tried not to use a flash and I had a ton of light, but it didn't work. Plus the 'macro' feature on my camera just isn't really that good.


I'll take more, but thanks for looking. :P

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Nice job Prot,

Flash photo qualities aside and by the looks of it, the work on the metal (gold in particular) really deserves a proper photo.


Other than that I like the basework, the cyan topknot and the 'mailbox red' armour, I expect them to be much darker in real life. :P

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I've seen these first hand and the pics don't do the figs justice. Huron looks awesome and the squad is very well done.


Traitorous Ultras and Space Wolves look great as Red Corsairs, but when you add a Blood Angel (and I know it's probably only a matter of time) then I hope you use a fancy one for your conversion :P



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I like them, especially Huron - the pallid skin tone on the Wolf is superb


There is a Red Corsair short story in the novel "Into the Maelstrom" (the story is called Into the Maelstrom incidentally...) and Huron's chosen champion of Khorne is Crassus the renegade Ultramarine, so it has been mentioned in previous novels... :)

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I like them, especially Huron - the pallid skin tone on the Wolf is superb


There is a Red Corsair short story in the novel "Into the Maelstrom" (the story is called Into the Maelstrom incidentally...) and Huron's chosen champion of Khorne is Crassus the renegade Ultramarine, so it has been mentioned in previous novels... :lol:

See! Told ya they'd follow Khorne ;)

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Thanks guys.


@Nihm, funny I actually used the gold recipe they laid out the details for in that White Dwarf way back when Huron was coming out. I remember way back that you didn't care for how they did the gold. It could be my mixture is a bit different. But I actually really like that gold recipe because while it's still highlighted, no ink washing! And I like that.



I like them, especially Huron - the pallid skin tone on the Wolf is superb


There is a Red Corsair short story in the novel "Into the Maelstrom" (the story is called Into the Maelstrom incidentally...) and Huron's chosen champion of Khorne is Crassus the renegade Ultramarine, so it has been mentioned in previous novels... :lol:


I just went through all the Black Library books I own from past and present, and I can't find that one. The only real 'Huron' story I've read is in Heroes of the Space Marines. It's supposed to be about Honsou of the Iron Warriors, but to me... Huron totally stole the spotlight. ;) I will look for that book/story somewhere. There's so little on Huron out there.




Thanks buddy. As you know I pained over doing Red Corsairs for months with failed experiment after failed experiment. I discovered multicoloured armour is a total pain in the warp to paint. And I tried to find a happy medium between 'time spent painting a fig' vs. 'acceptable table top quality'.


I will take more pics this weekend. As some of you noted, they're pretty bad. I've discovered my camera's 'Macro' doesn't let me zoom in and I can't get within... 18" of a fig so I'll try again.


I want to do some more Corairs with new wolves bitz, and some Dark Angels bitz... heck I just thought of doing a White Scars Corsair squadron! That would be a cool bike squad!. ;)


Thanks for the kind words guys.

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At some point or other and Ultra or two might've gone Chaos, but I'm almost certain they'd be Malalite/Khornate 1st, Tzeentch 2nd, Slaanesh 3rd and Nurgle 4th.

As said in the Grey Knight Dex, they are the only Chapter to never lose a brother to Chaos. That implies that every other Chapter has.


OP. Nice models, any chance of individual close ups, especially the one with the wolf on his chest?

not every chapter..... Exorcists are all, under the watching eye of the Inquisition, possessed by a daemon, but don't fall to chaos, and no recorded Blood Angels has ever fell.... their Black Rage prevents that

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Very crisp paint jobs you got there. Nice.


Anyways, if you have Ultramarine renegades, I'd have them defect to Slaanesh. After all, their greatest sins are their pride and their arrogance.


Thanks. And actually that's what I'm planning with the Ultra Renegades... Slaanesh. Their arrogance borders on decadence as far as I'm concerned. ;)


The point being I want to find a spot for all that wish to join Huron in 'Ending the Slavery to the False God'. :D


The problem with Ultra is finding 'Ultra' bits that can blend with Chaos bitz. Not much out there I'm afraid.

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Get the metal Ultramarine pad set. Get lots of Commander kits for bling. Horde lots of bling. Smurfs like bling.


Misconception for the fail...


Anyways, it would all depend on the individual. A marine can fall simply because of how his mind is. Not everyone is the same. Though each marine functions in a unit, they are each very different, like normal people. An Ultramarine could fall to Slaanesh because he believes he's better at something than others, and then that pride grows into full blown arrogance and so on. Khorne because the will of the warrior becomes to closely linked to Khorne's ideals and the marine falls deeper and deeper into his madness before finally realizing he fights for mighty Khorne. Nurgle perhaps by just the fact the marine can only see the galaxy ending in death, and wants to live on and on, and never die. That could easily lead down the dark road of father Nurgle. Tzeentch because a marine possibly believes he knows the wills or paths of others, or perhaps he ponders to many things that would make the human mind explode. Anything is possible with the Gods, don't just limit your idea of Marines being "HURP DURP COOKIE CUTTER". They're intelligent, and all equally different.

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Not only are they all different, but the Ultramarines in particular are probably the least likely to be arrogant.

Most of them are fairly humble and reverent warriors trying to uphold the honor of the Chapter and constantly looking up to their legendary heroes (Guilliman, Invictus, Calgar, etc).


The most arrogant Ultramarines I can think of are Sicarius, because he constantly seeks personal glory and is damn sure he can get it, and Ventris, because he thought he knew better than the Codex Astartes. Other than them (and I'd say Ventrs is iffy) there's no examples of arrogant Ultramarines.



Arrogance is more of a Space Wolf/Dark Angel thing.

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Not only are they all different, but the Ultramarines in particular are probably the least likely to be arrogant.

Most of them are fairly humble and reverent warriors trying to uphold the honor of the Chapter and constantly looking up to their legendary heroes (Guilliman, Invictus, Calgar, etc).


The most arrogant Ultramarines I can think of are Sicarius, because he constantly seeks personal glory and is damn sure he can get it, and Ventris, because he thought he knew better than the Codex Astartes. Other than them (and I'd say Ventrs is iffy) there's no examples of arrogant Ultramarines.



Arrogance is more of a Space Wolf/Dark Angel thing.


I agree they aren't the most arrogant (that's defenitely the Emperor's Children), but I would say they're up there on the arrogance scale. Guilliman was known to show much jealousy and resentment towards Horus for being chosen as Warmaster instead of him. He thought he was a much better cantidate than Horus, and was not afraid to express it. The Ultramarines also look down upon most chapters that do not obey the Codex Astartes as religiously as they do (pretty much no-one). They view people that don't as lesser than themselves. I'd say that's pretty arrogant.


However, back on topic. These miniatures are very nice, the paints are nicely thinned, and the red is very stark against the black. However, I would like to see a little more highlighting on the black, but that could just be the pictures. Also, kudos for taking the pictures on a scenic piece of terrain, it adds alot of character to the picture.


Edit: ALSO, I don't know if you noticed but you have an Aquilla on one of those marines, which is a big no-no as far as Chaos goes.



- Darth Bob

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Aquila's are fine for traitors as long as they're defaced, or no longer have the heads of the two headed Aquila attached. They could still represent the Angels of Death theme which is even more disturbing when Renegades and traitors utilize it.


Yes, that was my thinking as I came up with these models. I wanted to show some of the original chapter, or imperial badging, but I didn't want it to be completely unaltered.


Basically if you take the Wolve srg. in the squad, I had the chest Wolf as black, but it just didn't pop enough, so I went back to a tarnished gold. War Wolves I thought... a token name for traitor Wolves that follow Huron...or my Huron anyway. The chest eagle from that Wolves set is perfect, because it kind of looks like the head of the eagle was defaced for a chaos stone or something.


I didn't want to turn this into an off topic thread about why/why not certain chapters would swap allegiances, but I appreciate the feedback. :jaw: Actually I had a big thread going in Chaos Ascendant (I know most of you fine upstanding chaps would never go there!) and it got a little heated but at the end of the day we have live with our own armies. It's a fun modeling concept anyway... it makes Corsairs stand out in my opinion.

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