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Prot's Red Corsairs: Finally...


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Pardon my ignorance, but do renegades necessarily have to be devotees of any particular Chaos god? I would have thought that there is plenty of scope to become a renegade marine for other reasons. In the Heroes of the Space Marine anthology I particularly liked the short story where a group of Avenging Sons (?) packed up and left because they couldn't see the point of fighting a losing battle. The story left with them choosing to head to the Eye because "where else is there?" It was really interesting that they didn't consider going somewhere else, or even of not being space marines anymore. It showed how limited their thinking was to black-and-white absolutes.


I can envisage marines, Ultras included, turning renegade for a variety of personal reasons. I also figure that they'd still tend to band together or join other groups of renegades both for practical support and because it would be hard to give up their mindset of being one of a warrior brotherhood. I think that the indoctrination they receive would make them seek out some way of replacing their sense of self as Space Marines. By the same token, though, I can see how this might drive them towards Chaos: it can be easy to maintain a sense of self by defining yourself in opposition to what you were.


Back to the minis, I like the variation in equipment but the unification of the overall colour scheme, as it helps to keep the force unified. Incorporating more loyalist or space wolf parts sounds like a good idea, but I wonder about incorporating some individual variations within the colour scheme, such as alternating whether squads paint their lower arms/elbows red or black?


EDIT: After a second look at your pictures I can see that you're already doing exactly that sort of variation in terms of shoulder/greave/trim colours. Very nice! I'd like to see pictures of a larger force but I can imagine the time taken to paint it all.


Has anyone ever seen/done a renegade force of a mismatch of different colours? I can see why some renegades would adopt a new scheme, but I can also see why others would just give up caring anymore and would be cobbling their armour together out of whatever space parts they could get their hands on, colour and heraldry be damned.


That's my 2 cents

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