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First Black Templar Army


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This is my First 40k army. Black Templar Army it is. I used the Space Wolves Pack and Khorne Bezerkers to make the squads. Still making them.

Gonna be chainsword squad and a chainaxe squad.

Also i got a Sword Brethren Terminator Close Combat Squad.

This is also my first paint job. As you can see on some pics. I hope to get some C+C about how to make them better :P










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First of all, you've done a good job of modeling the models. The poses are all very nice and quite characterful. You've picked some good box sets to create your initiates - think about adding the BT upgrade box to make them a bit more Black Templarish.


With regards to the painting, there are lots of really good tutorial in the tutorial/FAQ section of this site and some good ideas in the black templar section of the forum.


The undercoat doesn't look too thick, but the thinner the better - make sure you shake your can LOTS (at least a full 30 secs) and spray lightly at least 12 inches away. 2 thin coats are bette than 1 thick one to get the job done.


Leave the models overnight to dry completely, you'd be surprised the difference it makes.


Similar with paints, less is more! Thinned paint in a controlled manner is better. This is particularly true for the shoulder pads - it takes several cats to cover the shoulder pad and you're better with lots of thin coats to get a nice smooth surface.


BTs are difficult to highlight, I prefer a few areas of highlights on my templars, rather than highlighting all raised areas.


Finally washes are you're friends. Devlan wash over the golds to deepen the recesses and black wash over reds and highlights. Over red, again darkens recesses and over highlights helps ease the transition from black to grey.


I have no fancy techniques and would by no means class myself as a particularly good painter so look at some of my pics at what can be done with some VERY simple techniques.

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@ Brother Loring:

Thanks. I know the painting. I'm still learning alot. I used the Games Workshop tutorial to paint the Templars.

Gonna check out the ones here also. And indeed the models need some Templar stuff. The upgrade set is the first thing I'm gonna buy + Green Stuff to add some symbols on the belts/bodies from the bezekers B)

I still have a long way to go but i'm up for it :)

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