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Golden Bolter (apparently) first WIP SQUAD thread

Rune Priest

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So, I've taken a sabbatical from my Wolf Lord you've all seen to work on my squad entry. I'm not going for a 'crisp' feel with these guys. It's my first attempt at battle scratches; since they will be based on a city theme, I wanted their legs to be scratched as if they're striding through piles of junk. Please let me know your thoughts.





























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You whipped those two up in less than a week? I'm glad I'm too busy to even try to enter, I think putting "Golden" in the title of the contest will make this the biggest one yet, though the Dakka VS B&C one was the funnest. Err We Go!
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I don't know exactly why, but this is the first post I'd suspect too much of Photoshop involved. Be it for the the reason to highlight the OP's quality of painting skills on the model or on stretching these skills by Photshop. I really don't know if it's the latter or not (in reality I think it's the former), but the picture doesn't seem to be an appropriate reflection of the painter's skills. Sorry for sounding like an unpatronising fellow, but it has to much Photoshop influence for my taste. Either way, the source material seem's to be very good and far above my skill level, but the (for my eye as graphic designer) recognizable Photoshop editing leaves it with an ambivalent taste. And to further explain this, I don't think, that that Rune Priest tried to cheat or something like that, but my expierience tells me, that not all equal or better painters seem to match his skill in portraying their skills via a digital image.


And a suggestion would be, to trim moldlines and drill out bolter holes. But keep them coming, the work is very good and the rest of the community should learn how th present their work on the best possible level.



Sorry for sounding too negative in the first chapter, but the intention behind that statement was, to let other readers be aware of a different skill level not only in painting, but also in presenting. The sourcematerial seems to be very good, and well deserves all these positive comments.


And if my English doesn't make sense at all, forgive me please, because it's not my first language.

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What "recognizable evidence"? I happen to know Rune Priest personally, he's one of my best friends, as a matter of fact.


And he would never do such a thing!


You, sir, come across as an ill-informed buffoon who seems to merely be sore that someone paints better than you.


EDIT-When he called me to tell me that someone was accusing him of this...I spent about 10 minutes calming down before I posted.

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As a friend of Rune Priest's, I can assure that those photos are NOT Photoshopped. He happens to be a very good painter (much better than me... :P ). risK, just because someone paints well (better than you?) does not mean that you have to accuse him of using Photoshop. He also happens to care very much about his 40k models, and actually takes time trying to get a good shot of them instead of just snapping away.
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I don't know exactly why, but this is the first post I'd suspect too much of Photoshop involved.


Really? My first reaction upon seeing these pictures is that the strange background colors were evidence of the lack of any post-processing, rather than because of Photoshopping. This is what happens when no color balance is applied.


Anyways. I'd be more skeptical of anyone who's photos were crisp and clear. The photography rules for Golden Bolter are really... puzzling to me.

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nothing wrong with editing in photoshop(i dont care what the competition says, its pointless having an online competition where people cant edit their photos)....that being said, this isnt "painted" in photoshop


why would someone would go to the trouble and time of doing that for some wip shots?


that being said, dont turn this into a fight or name calling...its a mans opinion on the matter, and theres no need to blow it out of proportion just because its (for once) not uber positive


see it as it is, take what you can(if anything) and move on....that goes for everyone


if anything, take it as a compliment that you are beyond the level he thinks, and paint well enough that it looks like you cheated



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Sorry, my post wasn't meant to be insulting or accusing.


Although when I read it now, I understand that it would be read that way by most people who don't know me (and that's mostly the case on the internet, that I've should have known). And even I would think of a moron, when I reread it.


The painting on the models is absolutely fantastic, but so is lighting and photography. What I meant by photoshopping wasn't something like adding details or effects (like cheating). But rather a well done image enhancement in term's of gradation, contrast, hue, saturation, etc. I know that most modern cameras do that kind of postprocessing themselves and also most image importing programs have this kind of option as well. But I have never seen such good results with them, so for me it's obvious to use photoshop for that. In my job photoshop isn't only a tool to manipulate or alter reality, but in most cases to improve the image of reality. My point was rather, that these pictures present the models in a such better light than most other pictures on this board do and that I find it difficult to compare them to each other.


When I saw those pics, I was stumbled by the quality. After looking at them for a while and trying to realize, what stumbles me, I came to the conclusion that it's also their presentation. I first took the yellowish gleam for a painted effect, then I realized, that it was a reflection. I tried to find out, why it took me so long to realize that. The lighting was so regular, to not suspect such reflections. So my thoughts started to turn around the lighting setup. A kind of lightbox seems to be obvious, but even with a lightbox I'd expect more shadow depth on the model. My final conclusion was, that the gadationcurve and contrast are set to an optimum, something I use photoshop for (but can be done in other ways as well). So I started to share my thoughts. But in a very unlucky manner.


My wording was inappropriate and sounded much more accusing, than I meant them to be. This may be a result from me being tired, not a native English speaker (I had to look up so many words in an online dictionary, as with this post as well) and being puzzled by these pics for so long time. So I focussed only on my conclusion of photoshop. A big mistake, that I apologize for.


And I really went the wrong route. Instead of what I've written I could have asked about lightbox, camera, programs, etc. to raise the overall standards in photography on this board.

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No worries, man,


What I used: Homemade lightbox (nothing beats a cardboard box with toilet paper rapped around it! http://www.wikihow.com/Create-an-Inexpensi...graphy-Lightbox), my friend's $1,600 Nikkon crazy good camera (I,actually, don't know the make, though I can ask when I see him next...), a $10 natural white light (the one i use to paint by and get non-yellow influenced light on pics, and (regrettably because I hate yellow glows) two random desk lamps I lifted from two of my roommates in my quad in my dorm. Those two lights were shined through the left and right sides of the lightbox while the white light was shown through/past the top, so that it would be partially diffused as well as 3/4 of the light falling directly, undiffused, onto the model. That would probably account for lack of greater shadows in these pictures. If I left the white light to be diffused, the photos would be *very* dark (so i literally just pulled the light closer to the opening of the lightbox so that it shines into it).


I highly recommend light boxes, btw, to anybody who wants to take good quality pics for Golden Bolter. Just make sure you have at least 3 lights or a boatload of natural light.

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Looks good so far, Rune Priest. Your highlights are great, and really make the figs "glow".

I know you're not done your metallics yet, but before you do those, consider drilling the bolter barrels, or finish them by painting a black dot on them for the barrel aperture. Knowing the temper of the viewing public here at B&C, you'll lose HUGE points for not giving those barrels some treatment.

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Never a dull moment online. The ability to take a good photo definitely contributes to winning online painting contests and I guess extreme photoshop skills too. However there is honor among theives err I mean painters. And some people do see these things in real life. One of the admins of this board is my somewhat irregular opponent, so anything I paint he can see eventually in the flesh err the plastic.


Not everyone lives in a large metro area though, so the honor system will prevail online. There are some pretty smart judges they'll be the final decision makers, until then best get painting the other three eh?


Good luck!

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What I used: Homemade lightbox (nothing beats a cardboard box with toilet paper rapped around it! http://www.wikihow.com/Create-an-Inexpensi...graphy-Lightbox)



What a great idea! Thanks for that ;) seems like a very quick and inexpensive solution rather than to keep arranging sheets of printing paper against my pillow :P (my white lights are at my bedlamp)

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Matt is a great painter. He paints up some of my Primarch minis.


Here is sangi with out his wings.






I think his work speaks for itself - but hey, it's the internet, feel free to question his integrity and be completely wrong.

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Matt is a great painter. He paints up some of my Primarch minis.


Here is sangi with out his wings.






I think his work speaks for itself - but hey, it's the internet, feel free to question his integrity and be completely wrong.


way beat a dead horse! You get the golden donkey award Jac.....

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Dude, Jack's the most battle-hardened, badass 4th grade Space Marine ever!!!! Don't let his usually laid back appearance fool you. He's got skills. Yes, Jack, you are made of pure win. I actually kind of wanted to submit that Sanguinius for single mini, but...
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